Publications articles

Gustafsson, C. (2015). Utveckling och implementeringavvälfärdsteknologiinomdemensvård (In Swedish: Development and implementation of welfare technology in dementia care. Palliativ Omsorg. 4(32) 26-30.

Munir, D., Svanelöv, E. & Gustafsson, C (2015) Experiences of using Bestic, an eating aid for people with intellectual disabilities Journal of Intellectual DisabilityDOI: 10.1177/1744629515623167

Darbyshire, P., Gustafsson, C. & Müllersdorf (2015) External scrutiny, research culture and the changing university Journal of Advanced Nursing.8 OCT 2015 DOI:10.1111/jan.12827

Müllersdorf, M. & Gustafsson, C. (2015) Towards a shared knowledge base in health and social welfare Submitted

Gustafsson, C., Svanberg, C. & Müllersdorf, M. (2015) Using a robotic act in dementia care -a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 41(10). 46-56

Gustafsson, C. , Gustafsson, L-K. & Snellman, I. (2013) Trust leading to hope - the signification of meaningful encounters in Swedish healthcare. The narratives of patients, relatives and health care staff. International Practice Development Journal (3)1, 1-13

Isovic, D., Wallin, F. & Gustafsson, C. (2013) THE COPRODUCTIVE UNIVERSITY: Education and research in coproduction with the wider community. UIIC, The University-Industry Interaction Conference 2013-

Runkawatt,V., Gustafsson, C. & Engström, G (2013) Different Cultures but Similar

PositiveAttitudes: A Comparison between Thai and Swedish Nursing Students' Attitudestoward Older People. Educational gerontology. 39(2): 92–102.

Gustafsson, L-K., Snellman, I. & Gustafsson C. (2012) The meaningful encounter: Patient

andnext of kin stories about their experience of meaningful encounters in health careNursing Inquiry. 20(4):363-71.

Snellman, I., Gustafsson, C., Gustafsson, L-K. (2012) Patients' and Caregivers' Attributes

in aMeaningful Care Encounter: Similarities and Notable Differences," ISRN

Nursing, vol.2012, Article ID 320145, 9 pages, 2012. doi:10.5402/2012/320145.

Gustafsson, C., Fagerberg, I., & Asp, M., (2010) Supportive Leadership in Swedish

Community Night Nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 7(18), 821-833

Gustafsson, C., Fagerberg, I., & Asp, M., (2009). Dependency in autonomus caring, -night

nurses’ working conditions for caring in nursing Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 24(2), 312-321.

Gustafsson, C., Asp, M., & Fagerberg, I. ( 2009). Municipal Night Nurses’ Experience of the

Meaning of Caring. Nursing Ethics, 16 (5), 599-612.

Gustafsson, C., Asp, M., & Fagerberg, I. (2008). Reflection in night nursing: a

phenomengraphic study of municipal night duty registered nurses' conceptions of

reflection. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18 (10), 1460-1469.

Gustafsson, C., Asp, M., & Fagerberg, I. (2007). Reflective Practice in Nursing Care:

Embedded Assumptions in Qualitative Studies. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 13(3), 151-160.

Gustafsson, C. & Fagerberg, I. (2004) Reflection, the way to professional development?

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 133), 271-208.

Publications books

Gustafsson, C., Gustafsson, L-K. & Snellman, I. (2015) Betydelsefulla möten i vården, du kan göra skillnad(In Swedish:Significantencounters – youcan make difference). Eskilstuna: Betydelsefulla Möten 2act.

Gustafsson, C., Lindström, A & Löwenborg, K (2015) Pedagogiskt Förhållnings- och arbetssätt i omsorg för personer som har intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. (In Swedish Pedagogical attitude and way of work in care for individuals with intellectual disability). Eskilstuna: Eskilstuna kommun.

Gustafsson, C (2015) En forskare berättar- nattsjuksköterskors vårdande i kommunal äldreomsorg. In Swedish municipal night nurses caring; in Elderly care and elderly nursing; A-M Hedman & W Jansson, W). Harlow, UK: Pearson educationlimited.

Gustafsson, C., Lindström, A & Löwenborg, K (2013) PFA- pedagogiskt- arbets- och förhållningsätt i omsorg av vuxna med måttlig till grav utvecklingsstörning. (In Swedish Pedagogical attitude and way of work in care of adults with moderate and severe intellectual disability) Eskilstuna: Eskilstuna kommun.

Thesis – dissertation

Gustafsson, C. (2009) Närhet på distans… -Nattsjuksköterskors vårdande i kommunal äldreomsorg (Registerednightnurses’ caring in municipal elderlycare). Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institutet (Akademisk doktorsavhandling)