INSTRUCTIONS: To be completed by the teacher
Samples available in Teacher Toolbox located at:
Employee: George W. Bush School/Location: MacArthur
Highly Qualified: X YES (In what Area(s): Elementary Education _____ NO
Year Summative Evaluation Due: 2008 Number of Years Experience: 20
Level II
Goals address areas associated with more experienced teachers:
·  collection and application of longitudinal classroom data action research to improve the learning of all students;
·  progress toward an advanced degree;
·  enriching or extending the curriculum;
·  development of classroom or teaching materials; and
·  enhance instructional strategies and student assessments.
Goals: Strand and Competencies To Be Addressed / Connection to Education Plan for Student Success
(Check the Strand(s) to be focused on and circle the competencies to be addressed. All three Strands must be addressed over a three (3) year period.)
£ Strand A Competencies: 1 2 5
£ Strand B Competencies: 3 4 6 7
£ Strand C Competencies: 8 9 / How does the implementation of the district/school EPSS support student learning?
The strategies that support SMART Goal 2 of the EPSS include teaching numerical concepts based on NM Standards and teaching critical thinking and problem solving.
SMART Goal 3 will increase parental involvement through parent classes and support student learning.
GOAL(S) (1 ,2, or 3 measurable objectives):
1. I will work collaboratively with the Special Education Inclusion teacher and teachers at 3rd and 4th grade to integrate age and developmentally appropriate higher level thinking skills in math problem solving, and assess instruction from multiple sources.
2. I will combine resources with Title I Reading and the School Social Worker to provide classes for parents of the children attending both the After School Academic and Enrichment programs .
Strategies/Actions to attain goal / TIMELINE / PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE / RESOURCES
Goal 1.
Align the math standards from Kinder to Fifth Grade to track the progression of performance objectives from grade to grade.
Research pre and post assessments for grade level standards.
Seek further training in Math Investigations.
Model appropriate hands-on math lessons, and assess student learning.
Goal 2.
I will collaborate with Title I and the School Social Worker to provide parent classes focusing on topics such as strategies parents can use when they read aloud to their children. / Sept.-June
Sept.-June / Math Facilitator
District Trainer
District Trainer
Math Facilitator
Title I building and district staff, School Social Worker / State Standards
Common Assessments
Math Manipulatives
Books for parents
Trainers for parents
Child Care
What formative evidence/measures will I use to determine my progress?
Goal 1.
Students pre and post assessments
Student math journals
Anecdotal records of student learning
Goal 2.
Planning logs
Logs of parent participation
Interviews with parent participants
Desired Results: (How will my PDP impact instruction, student learning or professional learning?)
Goal 1.
A horizontal alignment of the Kinder through Fifth Grade Math Standards will give the teachers and Math Facilitator a better understanding the progression of skills across the grade levels.
Common assessments of the standards with a rubric for scoring will serve both formative and summative purposes. Information gained from assessments will allow adjustment of instruction.
An integration of age and developmentally appropriate higher level thinking skills through the implementation of hands-on Math Investigations lessons will deepen understanding for students at risk, as well as for students who need a challenge.
Goal 2.
Since parents are the child’s first teachers, providing parent classes focusing on strategies for reading aloud to their children will impact children in their earliest years.

The PED regulation requires that the teacher and administrator create the plan collaboratively no later than forty (40) days after the first day of each school year or forty (40) days after hire date. (Initial signatures)


Principal / Supervisor Date Teacher Date

Teacher Reflection: Provide a written comment on your PDP, including a description of instruction, student learning, and professional learning.
·  What were the observable results of your action plan in terms meeting your goals?
·  What worked well?
·  What would you do differently if you had the opportunity to do the PDP again?
Principal Feedback:

Professional Development Plan Completed ______YES _____ NO ___ Continued (if multi-year plan)


Principal / Supervisor Signature Date Teacher Date

Copies to: Staff Member, Personnel File, Supervisor