The Methodist Church In Ireland, Local Preachers


Full name......


Tel. No......

E Mail Address......

Date of birth......


When and where were you received into the Full Membership of the Methodist Church in Ireland?

Details of education - school(s), college, qualifications, etc......

Name of Circuit/Society of which you are a member......

Do you or have you previously held office in a church? Yes/No

Please give details......

How long have you been thinking about becoming a Local Preacher?......

Please state briefly your reasons for desiring to become a Local Preacher in MCI.

  1. Please give a brief account of your personal journey of faith to date.
  1. Please describe briefly your view of the Methodist Church in Ireland, its mission and role in society and its relationship to other Christian traditions.
  1. Do you wish that existing study/training/experience be taken into consideration as ‘credit for prior learning’? Yes/No

If yes please provide copies of Transcripts, Subjects, Marks and Accrediting College/University together with a 300 word statement outlining the learning experience, demonstrating its relevance to Local Preacher training and provide evidence of any other relevant experience to support this application.

  1. Please supply details of two people who are willing to submit references.

Both referees should know you, but should not be a relative, and are in a position to comment on your competence, character and suitability for training for the office of Local Preacher within the Methodist Church in Ireland.

Please ask their permission before submitting their names.

The Methodist Church In Ireland, Local Preachers











The Methodist Church In Ireland, Local Preachers

Applicant’s signature...... Date…………...

Superintendent Minister’s Signature…………………………………………Date…………...

Please return to: Ministerial Secretary, Connexional Local Preachers Committee: -
Rev Mervyn G Ewing, 35 Mount Royal, Lisburn Co Antrim BT27 5BF

TheConnexional Local Preachers’ Committeewishes to affirm that preaching in the context of Christian worship is a serious undertaking. Therefore, when the Church authorises someone to undertake this ministry it does so on the basis of evidence that the person concerned has the call, competence and character to serve God’s people in this way.

The characteristics of a Local Preacher:

Local Preachers are people who lead worship and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Many of them are lay people whose employment, paid or unpaid is not directly with the Methodist Church in Ireland. Some are employed by the church e.g. as lay pastoral assistants, youth pastors etc.

A Local Preacher is someone who has heard a call to preach and responds to that call. They set an example of a consistent Christian lifestyle through growing in their Christian life and faith by developing their own walk with God, including Biblical knowledge, communications skills, competence in the use of technology and are committed to life-long learning/training.

A Local Preacher is someone who is in good standing as a member of the Methodist Church in Ireland, worships regularly (as preaching appointments permit) in their Local Church, receives Holy Communion regularly and will affirm annually that they believe and preach Methodist doctrines. [Manual of Laws 4G.09 (b) (2008)].

A Local Preacher is someone who submits to the discipline of the Methodist Church in Ireland, is accountable to the Circuit Superintendent, ministers, Church Council and Circuit Executive (See Appendix 2) and is a committed member of the Circuit Local Preachers Meeting where one exists for fellowship and discipleship. Fully Accredited Local Preachers are people who have completed training/learning that equips them for that role.

The role of a Local Preacher:

The primary task of Local Preachers is to present the Bible in a way that is instructive, challenging and relevant to people today. Much of their time will be spent in preparation and study seeking to understand the Bible in its original context and, drawing on their experience in the workplace, applying it in a way that makes sense to people today. In unpacking the Bible they seek to bring inspiration, encouragement, challenge and sometimes rebuke. Local preachers are willing to give generously of their time which may mean from time to time taking services at short notice.

Local preachers do more than preach. They conduct worship in ways that will inspire, move and draw people closer to God. This will involve careful planning and preparation so that all the components (i.e. hymns/songs, children’s talk, prayers, Bible readings etc.) of a worship service dovetail and complement each another. They will work in collaboration with others such as readers, musicians and technicians to ensure that a meaningful worship experience where the whole congregation engages with God is achieved.

In the wider devotional life of the church Local Preachers may be called upon to lead house groups, take Bible studies and prayer meetings. Their ministry is one of a supporting role to the local minister.

The above criteria describe what Local Preachers aspire to while recognising that nobody achieves all of them equally well. As such they help to explain why there is a requirement for rigorous study to prepare people for the role and why there is a need for all preachers to engage in lifelong learning.