Prof. Dr. Wim de Boer, born 11.2.1948 in Steenwijk,Netherlands

Address: Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1 D-76131 Karlsruhe

Tel: +49 721 6083593

Fax: +49 721 6087930

Scientific career:

UniversityStudy Technical Physics, University of Delft (NL)...... 1966-1971

Ph.D.Graduate StudyPhysics, University of Delft (NL)...... 1971-1974

Previous positionsCERN Fellowship...... 1971-1974

Postdoc Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA...... 1974-1975

Research Associate MPI für Physik, München...... 1975-1989

Sabbatical, SLAC, Stanford, USA...... 1987-1988

Current positionProfessor of Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology...... since 1989

FunctionsData Acquisition Coordinator in CELLO Experiment...... 1978-1982

Physics Analysis Coordinator in CELLO Experiment...... 1982-1986

Group Leader DELPHI Group in Karlsruhe...... 1989-2002

Group Leader AMS Group in Karlsruhe...... since 2001

Convenor QCD Team in DELPHI...... 1989- 1995

Convenor SUSY Team in DELPHI...... 1995- 1999

Convenor Working Group Cosmological Connections for ILC.....2005-2007

Convenor Working Group Physics Beyond the SM for LHC-D since 2006

HEPCCC representative for Germany...... 2000- 2004

Leader for the CMS Diamond Beam Monitor BCM2...... since 2006

Member Advisory Committee IMAPP, University of Nijmegensince 2009

Referee Phys. Rev. D, PRL, NIM-B, EPJ-C, APJ

Research profile

Background in solid state physics (Ph.D)

Experience in particle physics...... Experiments DASP, CELLO, MARK II, DELPH, CMS

Experience in astrophysics...... Experiment AMS-02

Experience in radiation hard particle detector development...... (SUCIMA,RD39,RD42, RD50)

Selected publications

  1. Dynamic orientation of nuclei at low temperatures: A study of the mechanisms of dynamic polarization in polarized targets.W. de Boer, CERN Yellow Report 74-11, Ph.D. Thesis TH Delft, 1974
  1. Comparison between Argon / Methane and Argon / Ethane gas mixtures in cylindrical drift chambers operating in a high transverse magnetic field, U. Binder, W. de Boer, G. Grindhammer, R. Kotthaus, H. Lierl, B. Sack (MPI, Munich),Nucl.Instrum.Meth.217(1983)285
  1. Dynamic orientation of nucleiat low temperatures,

W. de Boer (CERN) ,37pp. J.Low.Temp.Phys.22(1976)185

  1. Determination of alpha-s and the Z0 mass from measurements of the total hadronic cross section in e+ e- annihilation, G. D’Agostini (Rome U.), W. de Boer (MPI, Munich), G. Grindhammer (MPI, Munich), Phys.Lett.B229: (1989)160
  1. Comparison of grandunified theories with electroweak and strong coupling constants measured at LEP,Ugo Amaldi (CERN) , Wim de Boer, Hermann Fürstenau (Karlsruhe U., IEKP), Phys.Lett.B260(1991)447.
  1. Grandunifiedtheories and supersymmetry in particle physics and cosmology.
    W. de Boer (Karlsruhe U., EKP) ,Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1994) 201
  1. Global electroweak fits and gauge coupling unification.
    W. de Boer, C. Sander(Karlsruhe U., EKP)Phys.Lett.B585 (2004)2004.
  1. Egret excess of diffuse galactic gamma rays as tracer of dark matter.
    W. de Boer, C. Sander, V. Zhukov (Karlsruhe U., EKP) , A.V. Gladyshev, D.I. Kazakov (Dubna, JINRMoscow, ITEP) , Astron.Astrophys.444 (2005) 51.
  1. The radiation hardness of silicon and diamond sensors compared, W. de Boer, J. Bol, A. Furgeri, S. Müller, C.Sander, E. Berderman, M. Pomorski, H. Huhtinen, Phys.Status Solidi 204 (2007) 3009
  1. Where is SUSY?C. Beskidt,W. de Boer,D.I. Kazakov,F. Ratnikov, JHEP 1205 (2012) 094
  1. A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider,CMS Collaboration (Chatrchyan, al.),Science 338 (2012) 1569-1575
  1. First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station: Precision Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–350 GeV,AMSCollaboration (M. Aguilaret al.). 2013.Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 14, 141102

Further: 331 publications with the DELPHI collaboration

66 publications with the CELLO collaboration

14 publications with the DASP collaboration

293 publications with the CMS collaboration

200 publications on various topics