Canadian Pop Culture Assignment

Assigned: Wednesday, Dec 9, 2015

Due: Friday, Dec 11, 2015

Create a multimedia presentation or pictorial montage of Canadian pop culture. For example:

  • Musicians
  • Singers
  • Actors
  • Dancers
  • Fashion designers
  • Writers
  • Inventors
  • Sports figures
  • Politicians

You will have two class days to work on this project. It is due on Friday, Dec 11 and presentations will be made during Friday’s class. Each presentation should be between 3-5 minutes long and explain why individuals’ accomplishmentshave benefitted Canada.

Your finished presentation should include:

  1. Title (page or section of your montage) – tell about the focus of your presentation, your name, the date and the class (SOS10F A or B)
  2. Pictures/representations of famous Canadians who have had an impact on the world and are recognizably Canadian. You should include between 10 – 15 individuals. You must identify their:
  3. Name
  4. Place of birth/residence
  5. What the individual does (or did) that is praise-worthy and notable for Canada
  6. Sources – Include a bibliography of the sources of your information.(Google is NOT a source.)

Rubric / 1
Just Starting, Insufficient / 2
Yes, but… Minimal / 3
Yes, Proficient / 4
Wow! Excellent
Title / Missing two or more title page elements; hard to read / Missing a title page element;
Or hard to read / All elements are present / All elements are present, looks great!
Pictures / Less than 10 individuals are noted; information on individuals is incomplete / 10 individuals are noted; informationon individuals is minimal / 10-15 individuals are noted; informationon individuals is complete / 15 or more individuals are noted; more informationon individuals is included than is required
Sources / Only one source used/listed; bibliography has many errors or is mostly incomplete / One or two sources used/listed; bibliography has many errors / Evidence of using a few sources; bibliography is mostly correct / Evidence of using multiple sources; Bibliography is correct

MLA Bibliography Format -A few examples below.

Internet Site

Author."Title of Page."Title of Web Site.Date of Publication.Institution or Publisher.Date of Access.<Complete Internet Address>.


Summers, Robert S. "James Abram Garfield." POTUS: Presidents of the United States. 22 Aug. 2000. Internet Public Library. 10 Nov. 2000 <

Internet Site (Anonymous/Unsigned)


"Lord of the Flies: Theme Analysis."NovelGuide: Novel Analysis. 2000. IDG Solutions. 10 Nov. 2000. <

Magazine or Newspaper Article (From an Online Database)
Author. "Title of Article."Title of Magazine or Newspaper.Date of Original Publication.Title of Database. Date Accessed. <Internet Address of Database>.


McCain, John. "The Scandal in Our Midst."Newsweek. 17 Aug. 1998. InfoTrac. 14 Nov. 2000. <

Magazine or Newspaper Article (From a GALILEO Database)

Stewart, Ian. "A Fractal Guide to Tic-Tac-Toe."Scientific American. Aug. 2000. ProQuest.GALILEO. 14 Nov. 2000. <

Magazine or Newspaper Article (Print)

Author."Title of Article."Title of Magazine or Newspaper. Date: Pages.


Laman, Tim. "Wild Gliders: The Creatures of Borneo's Rain Forest Go Airborne." National Geographic. Oct. 2000: 68-85.

Book (Single Author)

Author. Title of book: Subtitle. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.


Arnold, Francis.Greece. Texas: Steck-Vaughn, 1992.

Book (Two Authors)


Hoobler, Thomas, and Dorothy Hoobler.Confucianism. New York: Facts on File, 1993.

Article in a Multi-Volume Reference Book

Author."Title of Article."Title of Book.Editor. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.


Lampard, Eric Edwin. "Industrial Revolution."World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 2000.

Article in a Multi-Volume Reference Book (Anonymous/Unsigned)


"Tuberculosis"Human Diseases and Conditions.Ed. Neil Izenberg. New York: Scribner's, 2000.

Article in a Multi-Volume Reference Book Online

Author."Title of Article."Title of Book.Publisher, Year.Site title. Library where accessed. Access date. Complete URL.


"Elephants."Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.Grolier, 2002.Grolier Encyclopedias.Brunswick High School. 11 Jan. 2002 . <

Lampard, Eric Edwin. "Industrial Revolution."World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 2000.