Marburg State School Newsletter

Principal : Kirrily Newton Ph: (07) 5464 4218 or Mobile 0477 749 447


Week 3 Term 1

Friday 12th February 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,


Information for New Parents/Caregivers

Priorities for 2016

Our school priorities are as follows-:

·  Continued implementation of the Australian Curriculum

·  Improved student performance in Reading

·  Improved student performance in Numeracy

·  Strong Community Partnerships

·  Embed our whole school Pedagogical Framework in all that we do.



Assembly occurs on a Friday morning at 9.00am in the school Hall. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend. Weekly encouragement awards, reading at home awards and class awards are presented during assembly as well as announcements and occasionally special guests or presentations.

Bookclub- Scholastic Booksellers operate Bookclub at Marburg State School. Bookclub forms are issued to students on a regular basis and orders can be placed before the closing date of the order. The first lot of bookclub forms have been sent home, and orders and monies need to be returned by Monday 15th February. We recommend this service as the books are good quality and fairly priced.

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Superstars- For our students we promote a behavioural standard which congratulates consistent high quality behaviour and provides targeted processes for supporting students who have difficulties managing their own behaviour and meeting our high standards. This system is based on positive reinforcement for desired behaviours . Students work towards awards known as “Superstars” for classroom and playground conduct related to our schoolwide expectations. Information and updates regarding behaviour and wellbeing in our school is reported back to the parent community on a regular basis. An overview of the schools Responsible Behaviour Plan is in the Parent Handbook. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries regarding the rewards system.

Our first couple of weeks will be focusing on “Being an Active Listener” and starting our year as “Organised Learners”

Sporting Schools-

This semester we are participating in the government funded sporting schools program and students will take part in athletics training on a Friday afternoon in school time. This is a great opportunity for us to prepare for all of our athletics events throughout the year. Sessions will be provided by a trained Little Athletics coach.

Parent Handbook

Just a reminder that most general information regarding day to day operation of the school is located in the Parent Handbook.


Please note that in 2016 all students will participate in swimming lessons in Term 4. Only Year 3-6 will participate in swimming lessons from week 5 this term and then participate in the interschool Carnival with other small schools in week 8 of this term. Notes have already gone home, and payment is to be made prior to commencement of swimming lessons. Thank you.

Enrolment Details

If at any time your details or your child’s details change (eg. phone numbers, address, emergency contact details etc) please notify the office straight away. This ensures clear communication between school and home. Thanks in advance.

Dance Fever

This term all students will participate in a dance program. Dance Fever Company will work with upper and lower school to teach basic skills such as co-ordination, rhythm, movement to music and enjoyment of dance. This program will run in class time during smart moves and is of no cost to the students as it is paid for by the school. Thank you.

Chaplaincy at Marburg

Marburg State School has a Chaplain - Chappy Krystal will be at our school every Wednesday from 8.30 until 3pm. Krystal will be providing activities regarding our Social and Emotional Learning Program- “You Can Do It”. Krystal will spend time in each classroom and will run lunch time programs as well. Krystal is also available to parents for a chat or a cuppa. Please contact the school if you would like to make an appointment to meet with her. Thank you.

Canberra Excursion

Students in year 5 and 6 will travel to Canberra for the biannual trip this year from July 11th to July 15th.

The trip is organised with help from Un-Earth Ed who are responsible for our itinerary, accomodation and travel arrangements. This year we will be travelling with GlamorganVale State School and Grandchester State School and there will be 4 adults accompanying. A note outlining a draft itinerary and costing will accompany this newsletter.

PREP-1 News

How time flies when you are so busy. The students have really settled into focussed work mode and as a group, they work and play together beautifully.

To keep you informed as to what is happening in class, I will over the next few newsletters, tell you about the main focus areas in our curriculum, starting this week with Literacy.

My main focus for literacy in Prep is initially working on our letter shape and sound. I will be using a fantastic phonics programme called Letterland. Each week we will meet new Letterland characters who have their own special song, story and activities. You will find the list of characters for this term below. Reading is also a big part of my literacy programme and when the students have learned enough sounds to decode words and have been introduced to enough high frequency words, they will take readers home that they will have been guided through during the week at school. Writing this term will consist of pencil grip, sight words and writing short statements; ie; I like to.... we will also be focussing on recount this term. This will include writing recount information ie: On the weekend I... They will be shown how to form the letters correctly and practise them regularly in class.


Week 2: Short/Long a (Annie Apple/Mr A)

: s, s…zzz (Sammy Snake)

Week 3: t (Talking Tess)

: m (Munching Mike)

Week 4: d (Dippy Duck)

: Short/Long I (Impy Ink/Mr I)

Week 5: n (Noisy Nick)

: p (Peter Puppy)

Week 6: g (Golden Girl)

: Short/Long O (Oscar Orange)

Week 7: b (Bouncy Ben)

: f (Firefighter Fred)

Week 8: hard/Soft c (Clever Cat) k (Kicking King)

In Year One we will be working on knowing one grapheme for each of the 43 phonemes. We will revise all the letters, short vowels, some consonant digraphs (ch, sh, th, ng) and double letters. The long vowel phonemes (ai, ay, ar, er, or, ur, ear, air, ure, ow, oi, ee, igh, oa and oo) will be introduced. The students will be required to know how to spell the words set for homework. In reading, the students are grouped according to their ability, so ensuring they feel success when completing oral and written reading activities. Writing, will see us focus on the recount genre, as well as to increase the student’s ability to spell words correctly.

The Preps have been sent home a sheet showing all the characters in Letterland. The sheet is to stay at home so you can get to know the characters also.

The dental form went home on Thursday. Please make sure that it is returned this Monday.

Until next time,


Gail Ducci

2-3 NEWS

Hello again Everyone,

Well what a frantic start to the year we have had already! Every day sees us working hard learning concepts and skills across a variety of subjects. Thankfully the students have readily accepted any new procedures and processes for the year and things are running smoothly. Some minor assessments have been completed, however these are more for my planning information than any formal requirements.

This week we have been exploring comparative and superlative extensions of basic descriptive words, looking at blends and refining the ‘ou’ ‘ow’ sounds within our focus words. Expanding our vocabulary has become a main task within the classroom and we have been using word slides to track down “more grown up” ways of expressing thoughts. Writing more interesting and accurate descriptions will benefit greatly from this ability. I do hope that when you asked, “How was school?” that the answer was more interesting than, “Good”.

We will shortly be beginning our oral language program for the term. Please be on the lookout for the class speaking and listening timetable over the next week. This document will be explained to the students before it arrives on your doorstep. Over the last few years there has been a disturbing trend to be disorganised and fail to present on the day (approximately 35% of students). Students who attend on the day however lack their allocated production will be marked down and will finish the work within their play time. These items are assessable and form part of the overall literacy marks within the semester report card. Parent teacher interviews will occur in week 8-9 of this term with reports issued at the end of semester one.

So far homework is going well with students completing and returning the work on a Friday. Thank you. Please be aware that a new dark blue cardboard folder will arrive home next week with the normal work. These folders contain a double sided sheet covered in sight words. Two columns of words will be tested each week and progress recorded. Each sheet is worth a month due to the fact that there are 8 columns on each side. Students have labelled these for your convenience. These words are in addition to the unit based sight words already embedded with the homework sheet.

There has been a lot of paperwork sent home in the last couple of weeks. Should you believe you are missing something please contact the school, or myself, and we will assist you.

Until next fortnight

Marina K

4-5-6 NEWS

Hi again and we hope you have had an excellent fortnight. I am delighted to report we had 100% attendance in week 2 this term which is a fantastic start to the year.

Over the last two weeks we have spent time setting up rules and routines in our room and are getting to know each other. Students have discovered what type of learners they are and how they can apply this to everyday class work. We are focusing on the language features in short stories with an emphasis on humour this term and they have already written and edited a number of short pieces of writing.

Mathematics has been focusing on number study including place value, prime and composite numbers and factors and multiples. Students also complete a mental computation every day to build up their own accuracy and speed from Monday to Wednesday. Homework is given out on a Monday and is due back on Friday. Homework consists of maths/reading and spelling every week. If you need clarification on any issues/questions concerning your child’s learning please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me. Our first parent teacher interviews will be held in week 8 this term.

A Canberra information note will go home with this newsletter and is for the students in year 5/6.

Until next time

Mrs N.

Mrs B.

We have been having a great time learning on Thursdays and Fridays. Our dictionary skills are improving every week and we are also working on our mathematical problem solving skills.

In History, we have learned about some of the early European explorers including Christopher Columbus. We are learning all about maps in Geography - we are legends with our legends. In Science, we have started our mealworm observations and we are investigating their life cycles in different environments. Watch this space for more details of these cute critters as they grow and develop!

The end of the week is a marvellous time!

Mrs Bryant.

P & C News

February is already here – 1/12 of 2016 gone already!

Our first fundraiser for 2016 was last Sunday when we hosted approximately 82 members of the BRISHOG – Harley Owners Group and their pillion passengers at the Marburg State School. Thank you to those families and staff that contributed towards the morning tea. A huge thank-you to those that helped out. We raised $1067 and they have booked to come back the first Sunday in February next year. This funding will help subsidise school excursions, swimming and educational expenses for every Marburg State School student this year.

Today we held our annual “Carpark Meet and Greet” afternoon tea for all families - old and new. Hoping to see a few new faces along with the old ones!

Thank you to those that have returned your Senior Shirt notes. They are all necessary so that the orders can be filled ASAP. Any queries or if you need more uniforms please contact Rebecca Perkins on 0407 649 346 or email .

Planning is underway for an official opening of “The Hub” within the next few weeks. Watch this space!

Our Marburg Community Calendar for 2016 is almost complete and will be distributed by the end of the month.

Attached please find your Pizza Order Forms to be returned with money by next Tuesday 16th February 2016 to the P & C Box outside the office. So no need to pack 1st break lunch on Thursday!

Please find attached flyers from Laura Jean for our $20 Family Portrait Fundraiser on Election Day Saturday 19th March. Please book early to avoid disappointment. This is a good opportunity to purchase your Mother’s Day gift as delivery will be prior to Mother’s Day.

Thank you to those that have returned your P & C Membership for 2016 forms. Please return it to the School Office ASAP if you haven’t as the membership details are needed for funding and grant application submissions. Under the Parents and Citizens’ Association Constitution every family must submit their application each year.