Presidential Candidate for Transitional Federal Government of the Somalirepublic

Presidential Candidate for Transitional Federal Government of the Somalirepublic

Cismaan Jaamac Cali (Kalluun)

Presidential Candidate for Transitional Federal Government of the SomaliRepublic

U-halganka Diimuqraadiyada, Midnimada iyo Nabadda Gobolka

Striving for Democracy, Unity & Regional Stability

النضال من أجل تحقيق الديمقراطية والوحدة والاستقرار الإقليمي


Before colonialism the Somalis never had a unified central authority and they were divided by boundaries marked by foreign powers. They used to live administratively in decentralized entities. The colonial powers created a central authority, but the entities did not participate in the creation of the central institutions: legislative, executive, judiciary, and other organs of the central government. Every clan had its own local administration, and owned limited unwritten conventions and customs (Xeer). Few people understood how the central institutions functioned as everything was written in foreign languages, Italian or English and were run by foreigners. Formal schooling started after the World War Two, and then only in cities (whereas 90% of the population lived in rural areas), and the number of schools and students was very limited. Those decentralized Somali run administrations had been taken over by the colonial powers, and the new system of government was very alien to the occupied people contradicting their values and ways of life. The new system of government of central administration was not sufficiently understood by the local people. The colonial powers recruited police, military forces, clerks, mechanics etc to maintain law and order and to serve obediently the colonial officers and their policies.When the independence was got in 1960, there were no sufficient cadres to run the newly born republic, e.g. there wereonly two or three graduates in the 1960 parliament. The realties were that the civilians who took over the state affairs from the colonial powers could not manage the situation properly, and they resorted to clannism,corruption and nepotism. In 1969 the army took over the power, as elsewhere in Africa, promising to restore order and rectify the situation. But they too,due to certain circumstance which can not be detailed here, eventually fell into nepotism, corruption and human rights violations, and an armed struggle started against them. It was a case of action and re-action. These armed groups were not organized nationally, but along clan lines. So there was mistrust and suspicion amongst Somalis. We Somalis are very homogeneous, one tribe or one nation state, but there was unjust distribution of political power, national resources, social opportunities such as employment, health, education facilities etc. In those days access to power meant access to national resources. What divided us was injustice, what we need now is justice then peace, prosperity, confidence and unity will follow.

Moving from a system based on Clan to a System based on Political parties

In general, societies organize themselves according to different approaches based on clan, geography, profession, faith or political ideas. Now the Somalis are using the most primitive level, clan-based. We have to move from a system that is clan-based to geography based which is superior; then to profession-based which is again superior, and finally to political idea-based which is the highest form of organizing a society or state. After forming a government based on the clan system, we have to prepare ourselves to move to a higher stage of organization, in order to play our full part in the community of nations.

A New Federal Constitution for Somalia

after the end of the 5-year Transitional Period

However, during this first administration, we have to move away from tribalism by creating civil society & political organizations of different kinds: regional, professional, political, trade union, women’s, students etc. By the end of the transitional period there should be a new constitution allowing for free and fair elections through political parties, no longer based on the clan system.

Local Government

Formation of autonomous regional administrations

Immediately after returning to Somaliafinishing this ongoing Somali Peace and reconciliation Conference in Kenya, regional peace conferences should be initiated in the regions of Somalia. Such conferences are not needed in the Northwest regions (Awdal, Northwest, Sahil, Togedher and Sanaag) which have to be congratulated for having gone beyond this stage to local government elections. After the regional conferences produce regional legislative, executive and judicial organs, similar conferences maybe held at district levels to create district legislative, executive and judicial organs.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Considering the huge destruction of property and loss of life, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission along South African lines should be constituted, and the same procedure of confession and forgiveness can be followed. It is true that we have suffered a lot but we cannot build our society on revenge and looking back, we have to forgive each other. We must not be “Ciil-kama-koreyaal” (stunted by anger).

External Relations

A Declaration of good neighbourly relations

The Political Programme of the Transitional Federal Government of National Unity must include one issue very clearly; the signing of A PLEDGE OF PEACE AMONG NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES, especially Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti.

In it, a declaration of non-aggression has to be made. We need to strengthen our bonds of brotherhood, co-operation and friendship, and to work for a region that is free of terror, extremism and backwardness. Each country must enjoy security, stability, prosperity, territorial integrity, democracy and human rights after so many years of conflict, mistrust, suffering and deprivation. A gesture of support and goodwill from the neighbouring countries has to be felt and declared. Somalia is entering a new phase that could benefit the whole region, and at this crucial stage of its history, for Somalia, such a pledge from its neighbours is vitally important. The Security Council has repeatedly sent a strong signal to all the members of the United Nations that they should respect Somalia’s independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity.

Somalia must pledge

Never to initiate, nor be used to initiate, nor enter into relations with other nations or organizations with the intention of initiating, aggression against any neighbouring country. We have to learn from our past mistakes and follow the right course from now on.

In return Somalia expects the same from its neighbours.

In a declaration of good neighborly relations we (the neighbors) have to commit ourselves to the principles of:

Territorial integrity, mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.

A shared determination to defeat terrorism, extremism and drug-trafficking.

A warning to the Somalis in general and

Selected MPs in particular

The eyes of the world in general, and the Somalis in particular, are on this Peace and Reconciliation Conference. It is expected and hoped from the Somalis and MPs in particular that differences will be bridged and the political will found to create Transitional Federal Government of National Unity. The Somali participants must be realistic and understand that their home is burning, their people are dying, their image is fading and the Somali identify is disappearing. The international Community is fed up and not ready to continue facilitating similar conferences if this one fails. Everyone ought to understand that this conference in Kenya is unique and different from all the previous peace and reconciliation conferences, as it has the support, morally and materially, of the whole international community: the UN, the USA, the EU, the AU, the AL etc, and especially the involvement of the IGAD states on whom, first and foremost, our problems over-spill.

The Somalis should also realize that it is a moment of opportunity when, at a time of deepening divisions in the world, they could make a powerful demonstration of the capacity to rise above differences and past wounds.

Words of Gratitude

In conclusion, the Somalis must be very grateful to the international community: North America (USA and Canada), the EU countries, Australia, New Zealand, the frontline states – Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti (to mention but a few), for generously granting asylum to Somalis, accepting them as genuine refugees since the 1980s. Of all the Third World Countries that suffered from civil wars and anarchy, the Somalis were the luckiest as they were given a lot of assistance and attention by the International community. Those who have been granted asylum since 1980s are the backbone of the present Somali economy through their remittance of a large amount of money back home, so every Somali whether outside or inside Somalia must be grateful to the international community.

Lastly we thank the IGAD countries, especially Kenya: Kenyan people and government for the success they achieved in reinstituting the Somali state. IGAD countries has set a good example for the African Continent for solving their regional problem, the long Somali clan-based conflict.

We wish the Somali MPs and the representatives of the international community who are facilitating the conference every success.

God bless you all.


  1. Dowlad-la’aani waa talo-la’aan, dowlad la’aantana (statelessness) waxa keenay WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. Dowlad-La’aani, waa xeer La’aan , xeer la’aanina waa xaasilooni – la’aan iyo jab iyo halaag.
  1. Cadaaladarada waxa keena WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. Tuhunka iyo is’aamin-la’aanta Soomaaliyeed waxa keenay WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. Eexda, boobka iyo musuqmaasuga , waxa keenay WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. Dagaallada sokeeye iyo kuwii jabhadaha hubaysan ee ka hor-yimid nidaamkii militariga ahaa waxa sababay WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. Kalsoonidii ummaddu isku qabtay waxa halleyey WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. MIDNIMADA ummadda waxa xoojin kar WADATASHI waxaana, burburin kara KELITALISNIMO iyo WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.
  1. Wadajirka waxa weynayn kara WADA-TASHI (Democracy).
  1. Walaalnimada Soomaaliyeed waxa sal u noqon kara iyada oo qof kasta iyo qayb kasta oo bulshada ka mid ah loo sugo xuquuqdooda siyaasadeed, dhaqaale, bulsho iyo dhaqan.
  1. Cadaalada-la’aan iyo WADA-TASHI LA’AAN ma la helaayo nabad, deganaansho, horumar iyo MIDNIMO.
  1. Sida Quraanka kariimka ahi farayo ( arrimahood ha ku maamulaan WADA-TASHI)( وأمـــرهــم شــــورى بـــينــهم )
  1. Madaxweynaha iyo dhammaan xubnaha golaha baarlamaanka golaha xukuumada, golaha garsoorka, shaqaalaha dowladda iyo ciidamada kala duwan waa in ay ogaadaan in ay yihiin adeegayaasha ummadda iyana la siiyo abaalmarin daryeeli karta noloshooda si aanay ugu hanqal taagin hantida ummadda.

Shirkan dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed, iyada oo ay kaalmeeyeen dowladaha IGAD iyo bulshoweynta caalamku, waxa wadatashi lagu dhisay golihii xeerarka u samaynayey bulshada Soomaaliyeed, isla golahan sharcidajinta ayaa dooranaya golihii loo xilsaari lahaa fulinta xeerarka uu Golaha Baarlamaanku dejiyo; labada gole ee sharci-dajinta iyo sharci-fulinta ayaa gole kale oo ilaalinaya ama wax ka qabanaya ama ciqaabaya cid kasta oo gala dambi ama jebisa sharciga ka soo baxa golaha sharci dejinta iyo golaha fulinta.

Maxay noqon karaan afarta qodob ee ugu muhiimsan si WADA-TASHI (DEMOCRACY) loo sugo:-

  1. Doorasho xor ah oo caadil ah in madaxda ugu saraysa maamulka Qaranka (kuwa gobollada iyo degmooyinka) lagu kala saaro si madaxbannaan.
  1. La-xisaabtan Baarlamaanku ku sameeyo xukuumadda si cad dhinacyada siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha iyo bulshada isaga oo ka wakiil ah bulshoweyntii soo dooratay.
  1. Dhowrista xuquuqda siyaasiga ah iyo kuwa madniga ah. Waa in qofku xor u yahay cabiri karo ra’aygiisa, odhaah iyo qoraalba, xubina ka noqon karo ururro siyaasi ah iyo kuwo bulshoba.
  1. Ururrada bulshadu waa in ay noqdaan kuwo ku dhisan WADA-TASHI (Democratic). Waa in ururrada bulshadu ka madax-bannaanaadaan xukuumadda iyo faraglin lagu sameeyo.

Ballanqaad: Dhammaan hawlaha qaranka fulintooda in loo adeegsado loo maro WADA-TASHI, xeerar iyo anshaxyo aan ka hor-imanayn distoorka ummaddu dejisatay. Maamulka howlaha qarankuna u kala qeybsanaadaan sida uu dhigayo Axdi Qarameedka KMG ah ee uu ansixiyey Golaha Baarlamaanka Federaaliga ah ee KMG ah.

Digniin iyo Ka-Foojignaan.: Waxa laga dig toonaan doona dhammaan waxyaabihii dumiyey maamulladii Soomaalida soo-maray muddooyinki isticmaarka(1884-1960), muddadii xukuumadihii madaniga ahaa (1961-1969), muddadii xukuumaddi militarig-ga ahayd (1969-1991), iyo muddadii jabhadaha hubaysani beddeleen maamulkii ugu danbeeye (1991-2004): Waxaabaha dumiyeyna waxa ka mid ah: isbahaysiyo iyo danaysiyo ku salaysan abtirsiino, talo-maroorsi, madax aan ku iman talo dadweyne iyo doorasho, hal kelmad hadii lagu soo koobo ceebaha maamuladaas waxay noqonaysa WADA-TASHI-LA’AAN.

Dib u heshisiin Bulshada

Si loo soo celiyo kalsoonida luntay waxa lagama maarmaan ah in laga abaabulo dhammaan gobollada iyo degmooyinka Soomaaliyeed shirar dib-u-heshisiineed oo doodo loo furo ay kaga wadatashadaan dhammaan danahooda iyo waxyaabihii sababay xasiloonidarrada iyo khalkhalka ku yimi bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyaga oo is-hor-dhigaya su’aalaha ay ka mid yihiin:

  1. Maxaa ka Qaldamay Soomaali ?
  1. Maxaa hadda qaladaad ah ee ka jira degaannada Soomaaliyeed ama bulshada Soomaaliyeed ?
  1. Maxaa xal ah dhinacyada siyaasadda iyo maamulka, dhinacyada dhaqaalaha, dhinacyada bulshada iyo dhinacyada dhaqanka ?
  1. Sidee lagu gaadhi xalkaas?

Jawaabaha loo helo su’aalahan kor ku qoran waxay barayaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed xaqaa’iqa iyo runta wixii dhacay iyo sida loo xallin karo.

CADDAYN:Barnaamijka dawladda cusub waxaa la siin doonaa muudnaanta koowaad hawlaha ay ka mid yihiin:-

Nabadgelyada, gudaha iyo debedda (internal security & external security).

Hubka-dhigista dalka oo dhan.

Dhismaha maamuladda gobollada iyo degmooyinka.

Dib-u-dhiska dhammaan adeegyada qaranka sida

  • Biyaha, Nalka, Isgaadhsiinta.
  • Howlaha siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha, bulshada iwm.

Dhammaan qodobada waxa soo diyaarin doona xukuumadda la dhisi doono iyada oo dejinta qorshayaashooda lagu salayn doono aqoon iyo WADATASHI iyadoo la tixgelinayo duruufaha dalka ka jira iyo awoodaha la hayo ama la heli karo.Sidaas darted halkan kuma kuma muujisna barnaamijka xukuumeedka dalka laga hirgelin doono.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal History & Political Background

A) Personal Information :

  • Name: Osman Jama Ali
  • Date of Birth: 1941
  • Marital Status: Married with six children
  • Family status: Nomadic Family / until 8 years

B) Educational Background :

1948 – 1952 : QuranicSchool/Hargeisa/ Borame

1952 – 1955 : Elementary/ Hargeisa

1955 – 1961: Intermediate/Secondary Sheikh

1961 – 1968 : M.Sc. of Electronic Engineering

University of Leningrand

C) Work & Practical Experience :

1968 – 1973 : Chief Engineer/ Ministry of information

1973 – 1976: Minister of Fisheries & Marine Transport

1976 – 1984: Minister of Fisheries

D) Achievements as Minister of Fisheries :

Having recognized that the Somali Society is made up of predominantly pastoralists and farmers and the need to tap the abundant marine resources in Somalia’s rich 3300 km coastline I worked hard to set the policy agenda for the sector and as a result the following activities and achievements were realized:

  1. 1975 Initiated the integrating project of the nomads seriously affectedby the Dabadheer drought to the fisheries at Eyl, Adale & Bravetowns.
  1. The ministry established 22 fishing cooperatives along the 3300 km coastline
  1. The Ministry supported a chain of cold storage facilities at Mogadishu, Kismayo & Berbera and also fish canneries capacitiesat major fishing grounds.
  1. The Ministry strengthened marine education and secured training and scholarship for Somalis for this sector.

E) International Economic Cooperation :

Established economic cooperation and got assistance from donors such the world Bank, FAO, ODA-UK, Italian Aid Fund, SIDA, DANIDA, GTZ, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, JICA and the Soviet Union. Projects initiated and implemented by the Ministry from 1973 to 1984 are :-

North East Fishery Project.

Zeila Fishing Project

Las Qoray Fish Cannery

Bosaaso Cold Storage

Bilmog Cold Storage

Eyl, Adale, and Barawe fishers projects for the nomads who became fishermen.

Coastal area Development project.

Fish gear plant.

Off Shore Fisheries.

Salt Projects.

Kismayo Cold Storage.

Mugadishu Fisheries Development Project.

Marine Research Stations.

Fibre Glass Boat Factory.

Wooden fishing boat project

2 days exclusive fish marketing in Mogadishu (no meat)

1984 – 1988: Chairman of the Bureau for Science &

Technology of the political party & Member of

Central Committee

June 1989: Minister of Public works & Housing

After two months as the Minister of Public Works I defected in protest against cases of injustices, corruption & nepotism, which brought much oppression & suffering to the Somali People.

Sept. 1989: Joined the opposition groups & tried to unite them

against the dictatorial military rule which was considered by nearly all the Somalis as a regime, which lost credibility and the trust of the Somalis.

There was great destruction of the northern towns especially the second & third towns of Hargeysa & Burao. A lot of civilian killings took place at the time in the north of the country. Nearly all the Somalis who were against what was happening in the north expressed grief & disgust.

1989: Became Member of Central Committee (C.C.) of SNM

Somali National Movement, & assigned as Head of Special

Committee for coordinating the efforts & the struggle of

the opposition groups until the dictatorial regime collapsed.

1994: Was among the first SNM Members who openly stood

against secession and declared their support for the National

Unity in Addis Ababa together with late president of SNM Mr.

Abdirahman Ahmed Ali (Tur). This move ignited the division

of the (Northers” into Unionist & Secessionists.

2000: Participated in most Somali Reconciliation Conferences

Somali Peace Conference in ARTA, Rep. of Djibouti.

Since 1991 I opposed secession & supported Unity of the

Country based on democratic legal frame that can protect

individual & groups rights, and stood against & criticized

the misleading and erroneous statements that some of the

leaders of the Somali National Movement (SNM) were

propagating: The “Northerns” suffered actions and atrocities