August 17, 2010



  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. President’s Remarks
  3. Provost Matters
  4. College Membership in National Organizations
  5. Budget and Budget Communications ( Gabriel Eszterhas & Christina Latouf)
  6. Format and Content for Town Hall Meeting (Christina Latouf)
  7. Bernard Baruch Dinner (Mark Gibbel)
  8. Changes to Printing Services in the Computer Lab (Arthur Downing)
  9. Other Old Business
  10. New Business


Mitchel B. Wallerstein, President

David Birdsell, Dean, School of Public Affairs

John Choonoo, Director of the Office of Institutional Research

Ben Corpus, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management

Arthur Downing, Chief Librarian and Chief Information Officer

John Elliott, Dean, Zicklin School of Business

Gabriel Eszterhas, Vice President for Administration and Finance

Mark Gibbel, Vice President for College Advancement

Mary Gorman, Chief of Staff

Lenore Kreitman, Acting Counsel to the President

Christina Latouf, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Terry Martell, Chair, Faculty Senate

James McCarthy, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jeffrey Peck, Dean, Weissman School of Arts & Sciences

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2010 meeting as amended and the minutes were approved.

President’s Remarks

President Wallerstein opened the meeting and briefly discussed the difficult budget outlook ahead.

Provost Matters

US News and World Report Ranking

Provost McCarthy reported Baruch College has been listed as one of the top 25 regional colleges and universities in the country by US News and World Report. A discussion of our academic and diversity rankings followed. Ms. Latouf noted a press release on the subject will go out this week and the ranking will also be announced on the web page.

College Membership in National Organizations

Provost McCarthy noted that because of the budgetary limitations that lie before the College, it is necessary to determine what national organizations it is strategically beneficial for the College to belong to. It was noted that while The City University of New York is listed as a member of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, each of the individual senior colleges are listed as members as well. A discussion followed.

Budget and Budget Communications

Members of Cabinet discussed the College community’s concern regarding budget cuts. President Wallerstein noted it will be necessary to deliver a message of hope and tough times ahead for the next couple of years.

Vice President Eszterhas distributed the updated draft of the FY11 budget plan. Vice President Eszterhas noted the College must submit a financial plan to Matthew Sapienza, Associate Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance, in September.

President Wallerstein opened the floor for discussion. A discussion followed.

Vice President Corpus noted the budget plan needs to accurately reflect the actual enrollment for Fall 2010, which would reduce revenue. He additionally noted the need to maintain the goal of a quality student body and a quality student life.

Dr. Martell and Dean Birdsell expressed the need for short term and long term plans for the budget. It was noted that the change of gubernatorial leadership in January 2011 will affect the state budget allocations to CUNY.

Members of Cabinet discussed the suspension of searches and the possible outcomes of such.

Vice President Eszterhas noted the College currently has a budget deficit in the millions.

Members of Cabinet discussed FY11 budgetary cuts needed to reduce the deficit.

Dean Peck suggested members of Cabinet be mindful of the maximum revenue generating areas of the College, including the conference center.

Dean Peck stressed the need for a message from the President to the College community outlining the grim budget outlook and asking everyone to do their part in reducing expenses.

President Wallerstein concurred adding that his message will assure the College community that we will find non-personnel oriented solutions, but “belt tightening” will be required for everyone.

President Wallerstein stated he will work with Ms. Latouf to draft a statement to the College community on the budget outlook. The draft will be distributed to the Cabinet for review and comments. Once the statement has been sent to the College community, divisional budget meetings will be scheduled. The President stressed the need for Cabinet members to suppress the rumor mills.

Format and Content for Town Hall Meeting

Ms. Latouf circulated a document outlining two possible formats for a presidential town hall meeting. Members of Cabinet reviewed and discussed. It was agreed that a date will now be determined based on the availability of the President and NVC 14-220.

Bernard Baruch Dinner

Vice President Gibbel distributed a document highlighting possible honorees for the 2011 annual Bernard M. Baruch fundraising dinner for review. A discussion followed. He reported the next dinner is scheduled for April 27, 2011 and will be held at Gotham Hall. Dr. Kreitman noted the date may be too close to the end of Passover. Vice President Gibbel agreed to research the date further.

Changes to Printing Services in the Computer Lab

Dr. Downing gave a brief overview of a document distributed prior to the Cabinet meeting entitled “Profileof the Baruch College Student Printing Services” and a list of recommendations to reduce student printing, created in consultation with representatives of student government. A discussion followed. Dr. Downing noted the College spent approximately $200,000 on student printing services last year. All agreed a reduction in student printing would result not only in a reduction in expenses, but would contribute to campus sustainability efforts.

Other Old Business

Performance Management Plan (PMP)

Ms. Gorman reported it will be necessary to revisit the 2010-2011 PMP goals at the next Cabinet meeting.

Black Male Initiative (BMI)

Vice President Corpus distributed the College’s application for 2010-2011 CUNY BMI Funding for review. He noted the application must be submitted relatively soon. A brief discussion followed.