February 12 , 2013

Attending: Lisa Stout—WWPA President, Carol Hartmann—WWPA Vice President, Shell Lee Hainz—WWPA Secretary,Jim Ruder, Nick Karls, Emily Culbertson

President Lisa Stout called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and welcomed everyone.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from January 2013 meeting were emailed in January. Anyone needing a copy please let Shell Lee know. Shell Lee has receipts for costs of sending the tax donation letters to those giving cash donations to the 2012 fundraiser. Letters were mailed out at the end of January. Shell Lee will submit the receipts and the donation forms to Scott at the March meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Scott was unable to attend this week’s meeting due to death in the family.


Fall 2013 Fundraiser: Lisa reported that Tammy Deering did not receive prize yet from the 2012 fundraiser. Lisa to contact her to get details. Kick off dates for Fall 2013 sale will be estimated around 09/16-09/30. Could adjust if needed. Pick up date suggested for 11/06/13. Suggestion to get donation letter to Tom at Chip Shoppe as soon as possible now so it gets included with material packets. Incentive package will be different, it is a prize brochure. May consider the limo ride as incentive. This would have to be done outside of instruction time. Quick sale items were junky in 2012. Tom stated they will be better quality in 2013. Should there be incentives in classrooms, rewards for teachers? We have a 2% kickback for committing to a 2 yr contract.

WWPA Website: Lisa and Shell Lee met with Matt Pelland with the district Tech Dept. He showed us how to post minutes, list upcoming events, post upcoming meeting agenda, etc. Shell Lee tried to post some photos from last year but could not get them to take. Shell Lee will email Matt about that. Matt stated we could use the site to have volunteers sign up for activities, fill in info to be contacted as a volunteer, even use it to possibly collect donations directly instead of getting cash or checks. Matt would need to work on setting it up to do that but it’s a future possibility.

PJ Reading Night: This will be held at GLW March 21 from 6-7:15pm. Save the date flyer to be coming out. There will be a sign up form coming out for participation. Boxes will be placed at each school for book donations. Books will then be sold that night for $1 each. Jim to get the boxes ready and will get info to BELC.

GLW and the Biggest Loser activity: The date we were assigned to do an activity for the community Biggest Loser activity did not work for us to coordinate. Maybe it will work next year.


Spring Book Fair?? There is no plan to do one at this time.

Family Fun Night: discussed different people we could contact for entertainment/activities at Family Fun Night on April 18th. Lisa has Beth’s list of contacts. Suggestion made that we do the pool activity at a separate time than the rest of the activities as people feel they miss the function if they are in the pool. Lisa to see if we could use the pool from just 4-5pm. Dinner to follow with entertainment in the school beginning at 5pm. Suggestions for activities included: face painting (we have paints), Karate—Shell Lee to contact Elite Self Defense, Basketball team members/demonstrations, Bucking Broncos Relay game. Meal to be a spaghetti dinner. Jim to contact food service to arrange.


Teacher’s Requests: None at this time (thank you for attending the meeting!)

Principal Requests: None at this time.

Next meeting: March 12, 2013 at 6:30pm, GLW School.

Meeting Adjourned 7:15pm.

Respectfully submitted by WWPA Secretary

Shell Lee Hainz