
ROVAC Meeting

January 23, 2008

Present: KathyK.Shea, MonitaHebert, JudithAndersen, MikeWyman, KenHouck, DorothyNeil, JudiBeaudreau, SusanLuginbuhl, WandaDeLand

The meeting was called to order at Monet’s Table, Tolland, CT at 1:20 by SueLuginbuhl.

A motion was made to accept the minutes by Judi and seconded by Ken. The vote was unanimous.

First order of business was legislative items. ElectionDay school closures is currently a hot topic. Still in legislation as to whether schools should be completely closed or make it a teacher in-service day. EDR (Election Day Registration) is not on the agenda according to Judi. Also, anything else that was on the legislative list that has not passed will be brought back up again.

Judi also mentioned that on election day names should not be crossed off on the official voter list. The state should have uniformity on how this is done because judges need a code to refer to for law suits. The line should go right up to the name.

Sue asked whether memory cards must be sent to UCONN. Judi answered it is not state mandated and is up to the discretion of the registrar. Do not do anything unless you hear from the state.

Will the IVS have different access codes for republicans and democrats on Primary Day? Mike said that you will just have to punch in the party on the phone.

Conference Update - The conference will be held April 15-17 at the CrownePlaza in Cromwell which is the Old Radisson. Judi will be looking into offering computer classes at the conference as a lot of registrars need to be brought up to date on basics. Unfortunately, computer labs are very expensive so may not be an option. There will be one more meeting before the conference. Suggested to not have it a restaurant as noise level makes it difficult for everyone to hear. Mike suggested having it on a weeknight and offer dinner such as pizza. This may also help to get more towns involved. There are 13 towns in our county.

February 5 - Primary Day, Judi sent everyone forms that has the moderator returns color coded. These need to be printed out. The state provides the head moderator return. Do one moderator return for both parties. Mike suggested making arrangements through the town in case there is heavy snow on primary day. Call to make sure parking lots are plowed and arrange to have your moderators picked up by 4-wheel drive vehicles. Polls remain open no matter the weather. This will be Connecticut’s first February primary.

SueL. asked about the storage units. Judi said a lot of towns have had complaints about them. Especially that the shelving on them collapse. She also suggested order the carriers for the UPSbatteries packs. Makes it much easier to transport them and they can be left in them.

Wanda asked what do we do with the blank ballots. Judi answered they can be placed in them the recycling bin or shred them if you want to. Used ones must be kept for 22 months for a federal election. The state law does not say ballots, used or blank, have to be shredded, just “destroyed”.

Monita said statue says demonstrators are required for first two elections. Primary doesn’t count as one. According to Judi, law says demonstrators are only required for one election. Monita also questioned set up of UPS. Judi answered do not plug in back to back. Plug one in at a time to scanner.

Mike thanked Sue for organizing the lunch meeting. A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 2:25.

Respectfully submitted,


Secretary, ROVACTollandCounty