Student Name: ______Date: ____/____/____

School:______Classroom Teacher: ______


List of Possible Strategies…

Preventative: What environmental adjustments can be used to make the student’s problem behavior unnecessary? / Educative: What skills can be taught to replace or meet the same function as the student’s problem behavior and improve his or her ability to function more effectively? / Functional: How can consequences be managed to ensure the student receives reinforcers for positive behavior, not problem behavior?
Setting Event Strategies / Antecedent Strategies / Behavior Teaching Strategies / Consequence Strategies

Based on R. Horner (2004); Tilly, W. D., Kovaleski, J., Dunlap, G., Knoster, T. P., Bambara, L., & Kincaid, D. (1998).


Consider the follow items when creating the behavior support plan:

Prevention: What environmental adjustments will be used to make the student’s problem behavior unnecessary? (Make problem behavior irrelevant) / Extinction: How will rewards be minimized for problem behavior? (Make problem behavior ineffective) / Punishment: Socially appropriate, aversive event delivered contingent upon problem behavior (only used if needed) / Reading Skill: Is there a skills deficit in the area of reading? If so, how will the reading skill deficit be addressed?
Teaching: What skills will be taught to replace or meet the same function as the student’s problem behavior and improve his or her ability to function more effectively?(Make problem behavior inefficient) / Reinforcement: How will rewards for desired behavior be increased or improved? / Safety: Ensure safety of all (what to do in dangerous situations) (if needed)
*If emergency behavior management procedures are necessary, attach safety plan as separate sheet.
Tasks / Person Responsible / By When

Behavior Support Plan: Chart

Student: ______School: ______Teacher: ______

Date: ____/____/___ Target Behavior: ______Goal: ______



Behavior Support Plan: Evaluation

Behavioral Goal (use specific, observable, measurable descriptors of goal)

1.  What is the short –term behavioral goal?

2.  What is the long-term behavioral goal?

Date to be collected / Procedures for data collection / Person Responsible / By When
Date of Review
Is Plan Being Implemented? / q  Fully
q  Partially
q  Not Implemented / q  Fully
q  Partially
q  Not Implemented / q  Fully
q  Partially
q  Not Implemented / q  Fully
q  Partially
q  Not Implemented / q  Fully
q  Partially
q  Not Implemented / q  Fully
q  Partially
q  Not Implemented
Is Plan Making a Difference? / q  Yes  No / q  Yes  No / q  Yes  No / q  Yes  No / q  Yes  No / q  Yes  No
Evaluation Decision / q  Continue
q  Modify*
q  Discontinue / q  Continue
q  Modify*
q  Discontinue / q  Continue
q  Modify*
q  Discontinue / q  Continue
q  Modify*
q  Discontinue / q  Continue
q  Modify*
q  Discontinue / q  Continue
q  Modify*
q  Discontinue

*for each modification to the behavior program, draw a horizontal line on the chart to indicate the change along with a brief description of the modification

We agree to the conditions of this plan:


Student (date) Parent or guardian (date)


Teacher (date) Teacher (date)


Action team member (date) Action team member (date)