Vista Charter School Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Vista Charter School Library

Regular Meeting 4:00 p.m.


BOARD MEMBERSScott Stryker-President 2018

PRESENTBJ Brown-2017, Vice President

Linda Lake-2019, Secretary-Treasurer

Brent Wareham – 2019

Russ Stone-2018



OTHERS PRESENTBeth Sass, Administrator

Rhonda Smith, Admin. Asst.

Caleb Bowman, Giselle Tenorio, Jeff Frazier, Students

Anne Hilleman, Joe Last Name? from San Juan Leads

Leanna Spadafora, Gail Rust, Craig Palmer

CALL TO ORDERThe meeting was called to order byPresident, Scott Stryker at 4:02p.m.

CONSENT AGENDAMinutes/Agenda: BJ Brownmade a motion to approve

ITEMSminutes as presented and to adjust the agenda to have the presentation first and then go into executive session and do the rest of the agenda after that. Russ Stone seconded the motion.Motion passed.

PRESENTATIONStudents who participated in the San Juan Leads outdoor experience gave a presentation with the help of Anne Hilleman and Joe about their outdoor learning adventures.

OTHER BUSINESSRuss Stone made a motion to go into Executive Session. BJ Brown seconded the motion. Motion passed and board members went into executive session at 4:35 – 5:10.

DISCUSSION ITEMSThe board reviewed 2017-18 Vista School Calendar,

letter of resignation for Tannis Daguerre and

letter of resignation for Marty Fevrier and Multi Bank 1 year CD renewal.

ACTION ITEMSBJ Brown made a motion to approve the hiring committee’s recommendation to offer Emily McMiven the principal position. Russ Stone seconded the motion. Motion passed.

BJ Brown made a motion to compensate Linda Lake for her time spent consulting on the principal hiring process in the amount of $200.00. Brent Wareham seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Russ Stone made a motion to approve the following items:

Approval of 2017-18 Vista School Calendar

Approval of letter of resignation for Tannis Daguerre

Approval of letter of resignation for Marty Fevrier

Approval of Multi Bank 1 year CD renewal

Linda Lake seconded the motion. Motion passed.

PRINCIPALS REPORTThe board members received the Principal’s Report in advance. Beth Sass shared that students had been to the new Montrose Recreation Center. Parent teacher conferences had a great turn out. Staff got to visit R-5 alternative high school in Grand Junction. Vista’s increased enrollment number over last year at this time and a planned visit for students to Colorado Mountain College in April.

FINANCIALSBoard members received financial reportsin advance.

ADJOURNBJ Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Linda Lake seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:35.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be April 19, 2017 - 4:00 p.m.