Ms. Christine Anderson

Room:1101 (Searcy Campus)

Address: Care of Pearland High School

3575 S. Main Pearland, Texas 77581



Conference:2nd period normally 8:08 – 8:55am

Tutoring: Monday and Tuesday during the B part of Oiler Hour and 6:40 – 7:10 on Thursday mornings


In World Geography Studies, students examine people, places, and environments at the local, regional, national, and international scales. Students describe the influence of geography on events of the past and present. A significant portion of the course centers around the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment; the characteristics of major landforms, climates and ecosystems and their interrelationships; the political, economic, and social processes that shape cultural patterns of regions; types and patterns of settlement; the distribution and movement of world population; relationships among people, places, and economic systems throughout the world. Students identify the processes that influence political divisions of the planet and analyze how different points of view affect the development of public policies. Students compare how components of culture shape the characteristics of regions and analyze the impact of technology and human modifications on the physical environment. Students use problem-solving and decision-making skills to ask and answer geographic questions.

Pre-AP Goal & Class Structure: The goal of Pre-AP World Geography is to provide students with the necessary thinking skills and writing skills they will need to be successful in upper-level AP social studies and history courses. This class is reading and writing intensive. Students will be required to participate in class discussions.

Class Supplies

  • Blue or Black Pen
  • Pencil


  • 1 wide-ruled spiral 5 subject Notebook and a pocket folder


  • A 3-Ring Binder with notebook paper

Late Work Policy

One Day Late: Highest grade possible = 70

Two Days Late: Highest grade possible = 50

Three or more Days Late: The assignment will not be accepted.

Work is considered late if it is not completed and ready to be turned in when the tardy bell rings.

This is consistent with the AP program’s late work policy.

Make-up Work

Starting on the day of your return, you will have the number of school daysyou miss to turn in make-up work. It is your responsibility to come to tutoring within those days if needed. Any absence of 5 or more consecutive days will make due date arrangements with me.

***If you are at school but only miss a couple class periods (pep rally, play, etc.), your work is due at the same time as the rest of the class. This also applies if you leave school but return later in the day.***

Redoing Assignments/Retaking Tests

Pre-AP students are limited to retaking 2 major grades during a nine weeks period and only two daily assignments per week. Projects for which student have had two weeks or more to complete will not be able to be redone. Each assignment or assessment may only be redone once. The following conditions apply:

  • The assignment/assessment must be completed within 5 school days of the item being entered in Skyward.
  • In order for a student to be eligible for the reassessment or re-do, they must have attempted to complete the assignment with academic effort.
  • Tutorial time may be required before reassessment can take place.
  • Reassessment may include, but is not limited to, oral examination, special assignment sheets, special homework assignments, test corrections, alternative assignments, or a new formal test.
  • A grade of 70 is the maximum that a student can earn on a re-evaluation. If a 70 is not earned, the higher of the two grades will be posted to Skyward.

Classroom Rules

  1. Follow all school rules
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given
  3. Be in your assigned seat ready to start when the bell rings.
  4. Come prepared to learn.
  5. Do not interfere with the teaching or learning of others.

Parent phone call
Office referral / Rewards
In classroom privileges
Recommendations & references

Severe Misconduct Policy

There are four types of behavior that will not be tolerated in my classroom. For safety reasons, physically and verbally aggressive behavior will automatically be sent to the office. Also, office referrals will also be written for cheating. Finally repeated misconduct violations will be written office referrals.