Hobsons Bay City Council

Disability Advisory Committee (DAC)

Meeting Minutes (amended)

Wednesday, 9th Decemer 2009

6.00 pm – 8.30 pm

Chairperson: Alexandra Sosa (Coordinator, Social Planning and Development)

Minute Taker: Alexandra Sosa (Coordinator, Social Planning and Development)

1.  Welcome and Apologies

A Sosa welcomed all to the meeting.

Present (and Introductions):

Elvira Steve

Gerry Carton

Liz Ellis

Lee Ogden

Kaye Wnek

Estelle Fyffe

Maria Cesarello

Alex Sosa


Peter Hunt (Director Community Services)


Milly Parker

Peter Gaschk (Director Planning and Environment)

Cr Tony Briffa (Altons Ward)

2.  Adoption of Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Committee endorsed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Moved: Gerry Carton

Seconded: Liz Ellis


3.  Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes

Following on from issue raised at last meeting in relation to footpaths, Bayfit and Cherry Lake, M Cesarello provided a report after following the relevant Council officers as follows:

Report A: Footpaths – Jeff Herz, Manager Capital Works & Assets

1.  The construction of a footpath on the southern side of Queen St from Victoria to Merton Sts is unlilely to occur until VicRoads undertakes the duplication of the road. We do not know when this is likely to occur, but probably not for many years. In preparation for the construction Hobsons Bay City Council has planted street trees .

2.  In the meantime, a footpath runs the full length of Balaclava Av from Victoria to Merton Sts, After the DAC meeting, I inspected the area & found that at three of the street crossings in Balaclava Av ie. at Mildenhall,Harrison & Fell Courts an obstacle existed in the form of a raised section of paving at the splitter islands (20-25mm high).

In order to assist people who use wheelchairs and people with prams/pushers, these have been removed and have been replaced with flat concrete paving to enable wheelchairs etc to have an easier & safer passage.

Report B: BayFit Leisure Centre – Stephen Thorpe, Manager Parks and Recreation

1.  Leisure Management Services have agreed to change the "Special Needs Coordinator" to "Accessibility Coordinator".

2.  Awaiting quotation to change the doors, which should be received next week.

3.  Lesley Orrell, the Council’s Access for All Abilities Officer is 'scoping' the benchmarking and has been contacting people within her accessibility network to identify suitable benchmark sites. It is planned to do the comparison early next year.

Report C: Cherry Lake – Liza McColl, Coordinator City Image

1.  Council officers are currently incorporating the DAC's recommendation into their work to finalise the master plan for Cherry Lake.

2.  The master plan will be finalised by the end of the year.

3.  A copy of the final master plan will be presented to the DAC early in the new year..

The DAC were satisfied with the actions taken and thanked M Cesarello for report.

4.  Disability Action Plan: Year 1 Action Plan Audit 2008.09

A Sosa provided a brief report (see attached powerpoint presentation) on the outcomes of the audit of the Disability Action Plan (DAP) undertaken in July 2009. A Sosa explained that:

- Action Plans attached to the Council’s social policies (of which the DAP is one) are developed according to the financial year.

- Council departments are required to report on the status of their actions on a 6 monthly basis, with reporting cycles in December (6 month report) and in June (12 month report).

- In July each year action plans are reviewed and new action plans formulated, with actions that may not have ben completed rolling over into the new action plan. At this time a progress report on how the implementation of actions accompanying the plan are tracking is also presented to Council. This occurs on an annual basis, and the progress report for 2008.09 will be seen by Council and made public at the next Council meeting 15th December 2009.

In relation to the progress of the DAP, A Sosa informed that:

- The 2008.09 action plan had 106 actions, assigned to 16 different Council departments; City Strategy department had the most actions within the plan.

- At the end of 2008.09 financial year 22% of the actions had been completed and 39% of the actions were progressing.

- All goal areas were progressing well; Goal 1 – 70% of actions were either completed, progressing or ongoing; Goal 2 – 87% of actions were either completed, progressing or ongoing; Goal 3 – 96% actions were either completed, progressing or ongoing; and Goal 4 – 80% of actions actions were either completed, progressing or ongoing.

The DAC was provided with a copy of the full progress report which provided more detail on the progress of the implementation of the current DAP. M Cesarello invited DAC members who had any questions in relation to the report to contact her.

Action: L Ellis showed interest in understanding how an audio loop system works. M Cesarello to follow up whether a brief demonstration can take place at one of the DAC meetings.

5.  International Day of People with a Disability (IDPWD) - Feedback

M Cesarello sought feedback from DAC members in relation to the Council run activities for IDPWD in 2009. The discussion primarily surrounded the open air concert. The following feedback was provided:

-  The disco was excellent, a good time was had by all.

-  The open air concert was great, the choice of bands was great. Disappointing that the weather was not on our side on the day. It should definetly be done again and the event has great potential, as it promotes awareness of disability across the community.

-  If the event was to happen again 2010, the DAC recommended that we look at setting up seating, that there should be more branding eg. banners etc which tells the audience what the event is, evening/afternoon is still preferred but DAC agreed that it doesn’t have to be on the 3rd December, it could be on a Saturday afternoon, or a Friday evening when families might be looking for an outing to attend, rather than a ‘school night’.

-  Consideration should be given to promotion more widely eg. around altona flyer and features in local media of achievements of individual residents with disabilities; this could provide further emphasis on the week, and act as further promotion for activities happening during the week of IDPWD.

-  If a working group was to be set up for next year’s event, a DAC representative should be invited to attend.

M Cesarello encouraged DAC members to send through to her any further ideas they may have for next year’s event.

The DAC showed their appreciation for Council officer’s efforts (and hoped that the event could run again) in providing this event which demonstrated a wide variety of activities and options to cater for people of all abilities.

The DAC also acknowledged the Council’s work on the services booklet. All were very happy with the outcome.

6.  Other Business

Western Region Disability Network (WRDN)

M Cesarello provided information in relation to tommorrow’s meeting of the WRDN.

The meeting will take place at 10am at the Council and will have Joan Kirner as guest speaker from 12pm to launch the expansion of the WRDN to a statewide network with a name change to ‘Disability Connections Victoria’.

Altona North Library Opening and Williamstown Library Redevelopment

M Cesarello provided information in relation to the opening of the Altona North Library. M Cesarello also informed the DAC that if the new library is completed on schedule, the Manager of Libraries invites the DAC to have Its February 2010 meeting at the new library. At this meeting, the Manager of Libraries would like to give the DAC a guided tour of the new library prior to its opening to the public in March 2010. The DAC agreed. M Cesarello informed that at this meeting the Manager of Libraries would show and provide the DAC with information on the Williamstown Library redevelopment then. P Hunt provided a brief summary of the works to be undertaken at these two libraries.

Action: M Cesarello to liaise with the Manager of Libraries to organise for the DAC’s meeting in February to take place at the new Altona North library (works permitting).

Media Release: Productivity Commission Reviews Disability Services System

M Cesarello provided information in relation to this media release which informs that the objective of this review will be to establish how to better provide services to people with disabilities and their families. The productivity commission will consult widely and the Council will keep a close eye on the progress of this review and contribute to it where appropriate and possible.

Action: M Cesarello will provide updates on the Productivity Commission’s review of the Disability service system as they happen.

7.  Other Business

G Carton informed the DAC in relation to the launch of the National Companion Card scheme; and questions were raised as to how this will impact the Council’s current affiliation with the companion card.

Action: M Cesarelllo to find out more about the National Companion Card and implications for the Council’s affiliation and inform at the next meeting.

G Carton informed the DAC about the Health Services Australia Schement which provides an opportunity for buying a car that is GST exempt.

L Ellis raised a question about the Good Access Awards and whether they would be taking place in 2009. M Cesarello and A Sosa informed that the Council had its inaugural Business Awards in 2009, and as such Good Access was included as a catgory within these awards. It was explained that this was undertaken to raise the profile of the awards and the importance of accessibility in the business sector. All agreed this was a good outcome, but felt a major shortcoming was that the awards weren’t open to the public, as were the Good Access Awards in 2008. G Carton also made the point that perhaps rather than a good access category, accessibility should be a criteria that all businesses nominating for an award in any category should be able to address. Closer to the date of planning 2010 Business Awards the DAC will be further consulted/informed on what is proposed.

P Hunt provided a brief snapshot of the work of his department and some of the difficulties encountered with provision of services.

8.  Next Meeting

The next DAC meeting will take place on Wednesday 24th February 2010 at 6pm; venue to be confirmed; possibly at the new Altona North Library.