June 21, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT; Tom Knapp, Todd Dewispelaere, Bob Urrutia, Jim Deagman

Sue Bassage

NEW MEMBERS; Ann Hayslip, Maxine Appleby

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman, T. Knapp.

Eric House-7594 N. Fitzhugh St., Sodus Point. This meeting was a Public Hearing for his request for a 2-lot subdivision. At a previous meeting, Mr. House requested a 3-lot subdivision, which was denied since the Board felt Mr. House would be creating an under sized lot. At this hearing Bill Dixon-realtor-stated the large parcel would be divided into 2 parcels. One lot would include the house, with the parcel extending north to Lake St. The 2nd parcel would extend east behind the existing house. T. Knapp opened the meeting to the surrounding residents. Clarence Dorschel, Lake St. stated he had not seen the maps. Mr. Dixon supplied all maps to be viewed. Mr Dorschel also stated he did not want to see the right away driveway taken away. At that time the Board stated the Village was responsible for the driveway and would not be involved. Cory Potter also from Lake St felt that an undersized lot would be created but after viewing the maps was also satisfied. Michele Gutzmer, N. Fitzhugh St., who lives next door stated she was the to initiate this subdivision since she did not want the trees and the gulley behind the existing house destroyed or anything built in that area. Since there were no more comments, T. DeWispelaere made a motion, 2nd by S. Bassage to approve this request. Motion carried all voting aye. This subdivision application needed Planning Board approval only.

Tom Knapp and Sue Bassage have resigned from the Board. Larry Mooney-N. Ontario St. will take over the position as Chairman. The new members will be Ann Hayslip and Maxine Appleby. Todd DeWispelaere will be a permanent member moving from the As Hoc position, Ann also will be a permanent member with Maxine Appleby taking the Adhoc position.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.


Tom Knapp-Chairman Bob Urrutia


Sue Bassage Todd DeWispelaere


Jim Deagman Ann Hayslip

Sally Hendrikse

Planning Board Clerk