8th June 2017Meeting minutes

A regular meeting of the Lodge of Candour No. 337 was held at the Freemasons Hall, 138 High StreetUppermill on Thursday11th May [a1]AD 2017 AL 6017

The Worshipful Master welcomed 23 members of the lodge of Candour, together with 9Visiting Brethren, whose names, ranks and Lodges are recorded on the attached lists.

The Lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer at 6.30 pm, with the following brethren in office:

Master W.Bro WBR Taylor PPAGDC

S.W Bro D M Kean

JW Bro CD Kendall

Chaplain W Bro JA Duxbury

Treasurer W. Bro. M.F. Wilson PPSGW,

Secretary W. Bro. N Pemberton

D.C. W. Bro. M.S. Greenwood PPGReg

Charity Steward W. Bro. B.J. Heywood PPJGW


As JD W Bro BJ HeywoodPPDGDC [a2]

Almoner W Bro M GannonPPGReg

Lodge Mentor W Bro B Quarmby PPGSD

Ast Secretary W Bro JE Barton PPJGW

Organist (Guest) W Bro A Collett PPJGW

Inner Guard W Bro BJ Heywood[a3]PPJGW

AsTyler. W Bro F Andrew PPSGD

IPM W Bro S Spooner

The following Past Masters were also present

W Bro JB Wilson PPJGW:W Bro W Greenwood: PPJG: W Bro HG Matthews PPGSwdBr: W Bro A Knott PPDGDC:W Bro S Lord,Bro J N Rustidge Master Mason was also present

The minutes of the last regular Lodge meeting, held Thursday 11th May had been circulated.

They were approved by the Brethren, and signed by the Worshipful Master.

The minutes of the Lodge meeting held100 years ago for June 1917were read by theAssistant Secretary

Item 4 was to receive a Talk on the furniture of the Lodge with particular reference to those items unique to the Lodge of Candour by W Bros JE Barton, and A Knott, this fascinating talk was very well received by the Brethren Present and the Worshipful Master expressed his thanks on behalf of the Brethren.

The next business was to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro JN Rustidge this was excellently presented by W Bro W Greenwood.

The Almoner gave his report making mention of our less fortunate Brethren.

W Bro MF Wilson W Bro HG Matthews W Bro M Warburton Bro G Kenworthy,

W Bro E Clayton W Bro A Knott, W Bro BJ Heywood, and Bro R Bentley,

On The First Rising the Secretary reported Receipt of reports of the March and April meetings of United Grand Lodge and the Paper pf[a4] business for the June Meeting.

On the Second Rising

The Secretary reported the receipt of Advice as to the wearing of the Tercentenary Jewel.

Re circulated advice on how to purchase a Tercentenary Jewel.

Notice of the production of a Tercentenary Celebratory Brochure.

Letter from W Bro Paul Clarke regarding Tercentenary Events.

Greetings were tendered on behalf of Provincial grand Lodge by our newly promoted Brother W Bro B QuarmbyPPSGD

On The Third Rising

The Secretary reported no communication of a generalnature but acknowledged the receipt of t [a5]a gift made to the Lodge of a writing Tablet by the Worshipful Master

Apologies were received from

W Bro G Kenworthy,W Bro E Clayton, W Bro N Marner,

W Bro T Knebel W Bro M Warburton, Bros P Burke R Bentley S Runciman

The Brethren of the Lodge of Candour tendered their greetings to the W.M. and the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at7:50 pm


[a1]8th June


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