
Pembroke Rotary Club Chronicle



On Duty: Alan Pailing did yeoman service today on duty.

Attendance: 24of 40 members (60.0%)

Honorary Members: none

Visiting Rotarians: none

Guests: 3 today, Nigel Muir and Ryan Taylor both guests of Maurice Darlington, as well as our special speaker, Diane Kirwin, guest of Sasha Castle.

Exchange Students: none

Birthdays: Andrew Doughty (Nov 2), Lee Brackeberg (Nov 6), and Sinclair Raynor (Nov 9)

Anniversaries: John & Sony Kessaram (Nov 3)

Raffle: was won byPresident Bob who presented our speaker Diane with a set of glass coasters



  • I.T. Quiz: November 24th Monday,is our 3rd annual event, to be held at 6:30pm at Cedarbridge this year. Computer guru Alan Pailing has the event plans all in order, with almost all the high schools interested, sponsors arranged, prizes ready (laptops for the winning teams, I-Pods for all participants), and agreement from the Ministry to have the show broadcast on CITV! Great job Alan; we are sure all members will heed President Bob’s call to attend to lend a hand, or simply to cheer on the participants.
  • R.I. Foundation Auction: December 4thThursday, we will meet for dinner (not breakfast) for our annual fundraising auction in support of our commitment to be a 100% club. That works out to $100 per member per year and we raise those funds by having fun. Plan to attend with your spouse and/or guests for a great dinner. Fun evening starts at 7:00pm. Auctioneer extraordinaire Bob Flath has the evening plans well in hand.
  • Children’s Christmas Party:December 14thSunday, we will be at Windreach from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Volunteers will be needed before, during and after so be sure to say yes when Sasha Castle asks for your assistance closer to the date!
  • Archive Material:Delano Ingham brought along more goodies today for interest. Ken Siggins (who is always looking for new stories) will post the material on our website for all to see. Included this week were our Constitution and Bylaws (to be updated and amended as appropriate) as well as an historical photo showing Paul Harris’ visit to BermudaMarch 17, 1926. Delano said he was there to greet Paul – hhmmm!


Sgt at Arms, Charles Jeffers, finally caught up with David Furtado who has been avoiding the usual fines for birthday and anniversary. Also fined were latecomers including George Scott. Sgt Charles told us a story about golfing like Ray & Ray – starting off like Ray Floyd and finishing like Ray Charles!

Having sat at the Sgt’s table today, it crossed my mind that we really don’t need to import comedians for the annual comedy shows on the island. We can do very well right here with Sgt Charles, Gary Edwards, George Cubbon and Phil Every in particular! The jokes were flying fast and furious this morning! Of course it doesn’t hurt to have Sister Barbara (Edwards that is) in the audience as she sure does enjoy a good joke!


International Service: Sasha Castle introduced us to special guest, Diane Kirwin, of the Kirwin Foundation to bring news of our Water Project in India. Diane was born and educated in Bermuda, now lives in California, and travels annually to India for 3 to 4 months each year. There she is involved with many humanitarian projects for children as well as adults.

It all started when Diane noticed a group of kids lining up for hours to await polio vaccines with nothing to do. She took some toys the next year and has done so ever since. This led to donations of goods and money that have resulted in 5 schools being built. Also arranged were operations for such things as cleft palates and club feet that are caused by the mother’s poor health during pregnancy.

Diane and her Foundation are involved in making contacts with key people and Rotarians in the area of our water project and involved with us first hand to make this happen! Investigations show that $12,000 will provide 5,000 people with water – and that is the Bermuda Rotary’s amount before matching grants, so our impact should be twice that! Sasha will be getting a short video presentation from Diane very soon and we look forward to seeing the details!

Many thanks Sasha for making this connection; we look forward to this exciting project coming to fruition!

Treasurer: Bob Flathwas away today but reports are we are sound financially.

Secretary: Lisa Wagnerwas also away so there was no report

Club Service: Barbara Edwards indicated she is in the early stages of investigating a possible involvement with Diabetes and Children; more details to follow.

Community Service: Gilda Furbert is working with Habitat Bermuda and the other Bermuda Rotary Clubs to form an alliance to assist with Habitat projects. This will be a ‘hands-on’ series of projects that we can volunteer with as they arise; sounds interesting, and fun!

Vocational Service: Donna Daniels was away, but President Bob reported the 4 Bermuda students left on their adventure Friday last, so that great programme is in hand once again.

Exchange Students: Barbara Edwards reminded us there are 7 students currently on-island and noted that they had been in attendance at the Banquet in On to Bermuda.

Group Study Exchange: Delano Ingham reported difficulties with making this happen but the deadline for applications has been extended. George Scott is investigating this as well, so hopefully it will get resolved.


November 06, 2008:

Duty: David Thompson & Don Voisey

Programme: Alfred Maybury – intro by George Cubbons


A Bit of Fun! A few more signs provided for our weekly enjoyment:

In a Podiatrist's office: 'Time wounds all heels.'

On a Plumber's truck: 'We repair what your husband fixed.'

On an Electrician's truck: 'Let us remove your shorts.'

Enjoy your week!Don Voisey, Editor