FCS Charter Interim Compliance Report

Main Street Academy

School Year 14/15


The responsibilities of charter authorizers, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2065(b)(2) to control and manage local charter schools includes the following:

  • Enforce clear expectations for, and ensure achievement of, performance contained in performance goals set forth in the charters;
  • Review annual budgets for local charter schools;
  • Ensure that the local charter schools is complying with the accountability provisions of O.C.G.A. § 20-14-30 et seq. and federal accountability requirements; and
  • Evaluate a local charter school’s performance in relation to the expectations and goals set forth in the charter and take appropriate action based on this evaluation.

The purpose of this interim report is to address the underlined accountability provisions and federal requirements.Academic and financial reports for the school year will be issued after state performance data and annual audits are published in the fall.


Beginning in 2008, FCS and the charter schools in the system started construction of a checklist of compliance activities dealing with the major federal accountability reporting requirements set forth in the charter. The SY14/15 checklist (attached) does not represent all the compliance items that might be required by federal and state governments of a charter since individual schools and students will generate additional compliance requirements. However, this general listing can serve a vehicle to foster communication and transparency between the charter and the system in the area of general compliance.

The schedule of compliance deadlines is provided to the charters at the start of each school year. An automated system allows the charters to upload their documentation by the due date of each item and that item is transmitted to all impacted FCS departments.

In 2010, the District began the practice of observing each governing board annually. Minimum criteria for legal operations, items reflecting appropriate decision making authority and basic communication patterns reflecting a productive governing culture are documented.

In 2011 a District wide Department survey was added to the data collection schedule to allow FCS Departments to offer specific feedback to each charter. It mirrors a similar tool that charter schools use to provide feedback to each Department.


Fulton County Schools (FCS) is issuing this compliance interim report as it relates to the federal and state accountability provisions and health and safety requirements for the benefit of all our charter governance boards and administrators.

  • The school delivered all minimum compliance items on the checklist, although a number of the items were late.
  • The FCS Department Survey indicates that the school did not meet the minimum compliance standards in the RtI and SST Department. Additionally, some departments reflect that the school could be more effectively utilizing the resources provided it through FCS. This was especially true of professional development and Title I.
  • The governance board observation reflected a high functioning governing body with shared leadership across the board. All areas of mandated decision making were evident in the meeting with the exception of academics. The topic of academicswas not included on the agenda for the observed meeting, but academicswas a regular topic during other meetings in the 2014/15 school year.

Mandated Action: TMSA is out of compliance in that the Response to Intervention (RtI) and the SST processes were not followed, STAR tests were not completed and trainings were not attended. There has been no communication regards the Early Intervention Plans. This is part of a larger pattern of missed meetings and late submissions in numerous departments. We request the school investigate the issues preventing TMSA staff from being in compliance with SST and RtI and attending FCS department meetings. We further request the governing board submit a plan to mitigate these issues to the FCS Charter Department no later than August 5, 2015.

Suggested Actions:

  • If financial/personnel reporting from charter school staff to the governing board is taking place, it is strongly advised that a secure, permissioned and password protected location be established.


  • TMSA earned AdvancEd accreditation, charter renewal, and purchased the new permanent location all within a four months. The level of dedication and expertise on the part of staff and governing board alike is to be commended.
  • Additionally, as was predicted in the Charter Renewal financial analysis, theMain Street Academyachieved a two months' reserve In June which isthe nationallyaccepted indicator of charter school financial sustainability.


  • Attached is the annual governing board observation, the results of the FCS Department Survey and other useful documentation.

We appreciate the hard work, professionalism and dedication of The Main Street Academy. We continue to offer our support as you meet the compliance items required by the charter and look forward to a successful new year of learning for the students of the school.

Laura Stowell, MPA, FCS Charter Coordinator

6201 Powers Ferry Road, NW

Sandy Springs, GA 30339

404.763.6807 (o) 678.500.5998 (c)

Fulton County Schools

Charter Department

Charter School Governing Board Meeting Observation Form

Charter School/s Governed:
TMSA / Date of Meeting:
6.25.15 / Start Time:
7:00 pm
Meeting Location:
Methodist Church Cafeteria / End Time:
8:30 pm

Check the following if present:


_no__Meeting Agenda_no__Agenda on Website and/or Posted within O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1

_no__Public Meeting Notice_no__Minutes on Website and/or Posted within O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1

_x__Secretary Functions_no__Parent Chair

_n/a__Fingerprint and Background Check Available on Request

(Note: The school’s website was down the day of the meeting, hence all the negative indicators above. Historically, the school has been compliant in all mandatory areas.)


_x__Access to the Public_x__Public Comment Period

_x__Principal’s Report_x__Sign In Form

_x__Prior Minutes Approval_x__Communications Protocols

Attendees (may not be exhaustive): Quorum with 14 community members

Check If Known:

Frequency of Meetings:_x__ Monthly ___ Bi-Monthly ___ Quarterly ___ Other

Communication Pattern*
Decision Making Evidence*
  1. Academic –No detailed committee report due to the purchase of Harriet Tubman
  2. Operations – Governing Board Training Plans submitted for First Read; New board members elected; on-boarding procedures reviewed; background check process reviewed (reimbursed for costs and handled by Hapeville PD); discussion of management versus governance as it relates organizational structure
  3. Personnel –Admin team has been restructured to account for the new building
  4. Additional resources – PD Training for new teachers was approved; PTO Annual Summative Report
  5. Communications –
  6. Planning a community engagement campaign for the new neighborhood
  7. Student being recognized by Michele Obama for his recipe and will be welcomed at the White House
  8. New website is in process; bids being reviewed
  9. Facilities – Bought Harriet Tubman!
  10. Finance –
  11. Has achieved a two month reserve for the first time since opening
  12. Edison is asking for to split their curriculum services from their back office services and significantly increases their annual fees and want a decision by July 1 for First Read



  • No mandatory actions required.


  • Implementing a 48-hour time period for document review of materials for the board members prior to the board meeting might be useful.
  • Consider creating simple templates for board review or board action or board information so the board members know exactly what they are being asked to accomplish with each item.


  • Appropriate use of Executive Session
  • Strong awareness of area of decision making and deliberate discussion processes
  • A very mindful awareness and application of board authority and principal authority

6/30/2015 – page 1

FCS Department Survey Results

How often did your department interact with TMSA in SY 14/15? / How would you characterize the quality of the services TMSA offers to students in your particular field? / How would you characterize the ability level of staff members at TMSA to meet the needs of students in your particular field? / How would you characterize the TMSA staff’s participation in training offered by your department? / Was TMSA compliant to the minimum mandatory standards in your particular field in SY 14/15? / If you answered “no”, what mandatory actions must TMSA take to achieve minimum compliance in your field in SY 14/15? / What suggestions for improvement can you offer TMSA to improve their operations in your field? / Are there any best practices in TMSA’s implementation of your program that would be useful to replicate in other schools?
Learning & Teaching / Annually / Much lower than the average in typical FCS schools / Much lower than what students need / Much lower than the average in typical FCS schools / No / No STAR testing, not RtI/SST process / attend training, start an RtI/SST process / Question Skipped
Professional Learning / Annually / I don't know / I don't know / Much lower than the average in typical FCS schools / Yes / Question Skipped / Question Skipped / Question Skipped
Data Utilization / Annually / I don't know / I don't know / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Yes / Question skipped / Question skipped / Question skipped
Accountability / Annually / I don't know / I don't know / We do not offer training / Yes / Question skipped / Question skipped / Question skipped
Early Childhood Remedial / Annually / I do not know / I do not know / The same level as in typical FCS schools / I do not know / I'm not sure how EIP students are being served. I'm not getting responses when I email them about FTE concerns. / Question skipped / Question skipped
Student Discipline and Prevention Intervention / Annually / The same level as in typical FCS Schools / Matched to student need / The same level as in typical FCS Schools / Yes / Question Skipped / Question Skipped / I don't know
Accounting Services / Annually / I don't know / I don't know / We do not offer training / Yes / Question skipped / Question skipped / Question skipped
Budget Services / Annually / I don't know / I don't know / The same level as in typical FCS Schools / yes / Question Skipped / Question Skipped / Question Skipped
Operational Planning / Monthly / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Matched to student need / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Yes / Question skipped / Question skipped / Question skipped
Advanced Studies / Monthly / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Matched to student need / The same level as in typical FCS schools / yes / Question Skipped / Question Skipped / Question Skipped
Assessment / Monthly / I don't know / Matched to student need / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Yes / Question skipped / Question skipped / Question skipped
Title I / Monthly / Slightly higher than the average in typical FCS schools / I don't know / Much lower than the average in typical FCS schools / Yes / Question skipped / Question skipped / Question skipped
Health & Physical Education / Quarterly / I don't know / I don't know / The same level as in typical FCS Schools / Yes / Question skipped / More communication with the HPE department - Participation in all Extramural Meetings / Question skipped
ESOL / Weekly / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Matched to student need / The same level as in typical FCS schools / Yes / Question Skipped / None / Question Skipped
Student Health Services / Weekly / Slightly lower than the average in typical FCS schools / Slightly lower than what students need / The same level as in typical FCS Schools / Yes / Yes, however I encourage the school administrative team to work closely with Health Services on immunization compliance. / Yes, however I encourage the school administrative team to work closely with Health Services on immunization compliance. / Question Skipped

6/30/2015 – page 1