1.EarlierthismonthSGTSmithenlistedintotheARNGforathree-yearPSenlistmentbonus.HewasDMOSQwhenhe enlisted. Hewantstoknowwhen he willgethisbonus.Whatshouldyoutellhim?

a.Installment1:Lump sumpaymentwillbeprocesseduponreportingtotheunitofassignment

b..Installment1:A75percentpaymentwillbe processed uponreporting to theunitofassignment.Installment2:A25 percent payment on the second-yearanniversaryof theenlistment date.

c..Installment 1:A 25 percentpaymentwill be processed upon reportingtotheunitofassignment.Installment 2:A75 percent payment on the second-yearanniversaryof theenlistment date.

d..Installment1:A50percentpaymentwillbe processed uponreporting to theunitofassignment.Installment2:A25 percentpayment on the second-year anniversaryoftheenlistmentdate.Installment 3:A 25percentpaymentonthesecond-yearanniversaryoftheenlistmentdate.

2.Which ofthe followingstatementsistrueregardingtheStudentLoan RepaymentProgram(SLRP)?

a.Soldiers/Applicantscanqualify foritinconjunction withaNPSEB or PSEB.

b.Nocontractmayexceed $20,000.

c.Enlist for a minimumsix-year termof service.

d.New loansmaynotbe added uponextension.

3.SSG Wallacehas 14years ofserviceathiscurrentETS andisextendinginthe ARNG for six years. Consideringthis information only,what bonus amountis SSG Wallaceeligibleto receive?


b.$5,000c.$7,500d. $10,000e.$1,000

4.SGTBrown isDMOSQandisoccupying anE-5CriticalSkillslot in aunitthatisnotdeploying. HisETSisnextmonth. He has 9 years ofserviceand wants toextend fortwoyears.Based on thisinformationonly,if SGT Brownextends,whatishistotalbonusamounttowhichhe’sentitled?



c. $7,500

d. $10,000

e. $0

5.SGTAllenJohnsonwasacceptedintoaprivateuniversity.Theannualtuitioncostswillforcehimtotakeoutseveralstudent loans.Currently, no loans have been disbursed. You plantoextend himtoday forsix years, and he is sixmonthsfromhis ETS. Basedon thisinformation he is qualified fortheSLRP at thetimeof hisextension (True orFalse)?



6.SPCPattersoniscurrentlyinaunitthatisdeployedtoKuwaitandwantstoextendforsixyears.HerETSis60daysfromtoday.Based onthisinformation only,whatwill be herbonusamount?




d. $12,000



a.Thefirst50%installmentwillbeprocessedontheeffectivedateofthenewcontract.Thesecond25%installmentwill be processed on thethird-yearanniversary,and final25%installmentwill be processed on thesixth-yearanniversaryof theSoldier'sdate of reenlistment/extension.

b.Thefirst50%installmentwill be processed onthecontractstartdate. Thesecond 50%installmentwill beprocessed onthe fourth-yearanniversarydateofthe contract start date ofreenlistment/extension


c.Thefirst50%installmentwillbeprocessedontheeffectivedateofthenewcontract.Thesecond25%installmentwill be processed on thefourth-yearanniversary,andfinal25%installmentwill be processed onthesixth-yearanniversaryof theSoldier'sdate of reenlistment/extension.

d.Thefirst25%installmentwill be processed ontheeffectivedateofthenewcontract.Thesecond 25%installmentwill be processed on thethird-yearanniversary,and final50%installmentwill be processed on thesixth-yearanniversaryof theSoldier'sdateofreenlistment/extension.

8.Earlier this month SGT Smith enlisted into the ARNG for a six-year PS enlistment bonus. He was DMOSQ when he enlisted. He wants to know when he will get his bonus. What should you tell him?

a.He will receive the bonus payment in one lump-sum.

b.The first 50% installment will be processed for payment upon enlistment into the ARNG. The final 50 % installment will be processed on the sixth-year anniversary of the enlistment.

c.The first 50% installment will be processed for payment upon enlistment into the ARNG. The second 25% installment will be processed on the 3rd-year anniversary, and the final 25% installment will be processed on the 5th-year anniversary of the enlistment.

d.The first 50% installment will be processed for payment upon reporting to the unit of assignment. The second 50% installment will be processed for payment on the fourth year anniversary of the enlistment.

9.SGT Willis has decided to go on a missionary trip with his church. He requests and is granted transfer into the ING for a three year period. How will this affect his benefit under the SLRP?



c.Terminated with recoupment

d.Terminated without recoupment

10. PV2 Jacobs enlisted as a HSDG and qualified for the NPSEB enlistment bonus Tier Level 1. During his sponsorship, he asked you when he will receive his bonus and how much will he get. What will you tell PV2 Jacobs in regards to his bonus payment?

  1. The NPSEB will be paid in 2 installments. The first $10,000 payment will be processed after completion of AIT and the second $10,000 installment will be paid on his 6th year enlistment anniversary date.
  1. The $20,000 NPSEB will be paid lump-sum. The payment will be processed after the completion of AIT.
  1. The $20,000 NPSEB will be paid in 3 installments. The first 50% payment upon successful completion of AIT. The second 25% payment on the third-year anniversary of the enlistment date. The final 25% payment on the fifth-year anniversary of the enlistment date.
  1. The $15,000 NPSEB will be paid in 3 installments. The first installment of 50% will be processed after completion of BCT. The second installment of 25% will be processed on the 3rd year anniversary date. The third installment of 25% will be processed on the 6th year anniversary of the enlistment date.