Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Pathways Cafeteria

Attendees: PTO Board Members: Doreen, Torri, Theresa, Debbie and Parents
Call to Order & Introductions
Previous meeting minutes from the 10/19/16 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Fundraising Discussion
(Lyman Orchard Pies & Cookie Dough)Torri will work closely with Ms Usher to make sure we get the word out since the turnaround time is tight. The plan is to send an e-mail blast this week-end in an effort to increase sales. The forms are due back by 11/28/16 with the pick-up date for the pies/cookies being Wednesday 12/21/16,which is the same night as our PTO meeting so it’s a good opportunity to get more attendees.
(Yankee Candle)Total funds raised to date are $1,563.20. This amount could increase with additional web sales. Our
order is scheduled for delivery on 11/17/16 and Zoraida will coordinate the distribution. Many thanks to Theresa and
Zoraida for their efforts in making thisfundraiser a success! The fundraiser will remain open online until 1/1/17 for
additional orders with an optionto ship to your home or the giftee’s.
Treasurer’s Report
The current balance is $3,627 which includes the payment to Yankee Candle. With the projected expenses for the remainder of the year ($2,925) that leaves a balance of $720.00. To that we will add the raffle ticket sales of $343 and the profits from the Lyman Orchard fundraiser. Thanks to everyone’s efforts we will start the 2017-2018 school year with enough funds to cover the 1st quarter expenses!
Principal’s/Teacher’s Report-none (not in attendance)
Other Business
Debbie reported back to the PTO on the recent Joint Hartford PTO’s/Title 1 funds liaison meeting from
11/9/16. Title 1 funds are used for parent education through -out the school. This year Pathways has $2,200
in funds allotted for parent education. Hopefully these funds can help out during junior parent college education
night in the spring or other college application education sessions during the year.
Volunteer Opportunities
Sadly Debbie is resigning as PTO secretary and as Title 1 Funds PTO liaison due to family matters. Volunteers
are needed for both posts. The liaison position only requires attending two meetings a school year, one in the
fall and one in the Spring. It’s a great way to meet other parents of the school system and share ideas for parent
education. Dinner and child care are always provided, and even transportation within Hartford, so please
consider volunteering. Contact the main office, if interested, and the message will be relayed to the PTO.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm-Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 12/21/16 @ 6pm, Pathways Cafe