“Add to good character, knowledge and judgment.”


Internal Vice President

External Vice President

Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary


Assistant Technology Coordinator

Inter-Club Council Representative

Fundraising Coordinator

Marketing Director

Publicity Art Director

Activities Coordinator

Technology Coordinator


“Add to good character, knowledge and judgment.”


Name (Last Name, First, Middle Initial)
City / State / Zip
Primary Phone Number / Secondary Phone Number
E-mail Address / Birthday (mo/day)
# of semesters as an AGS member / Expected semester of transfer / All 8 Digits of Lancer ID


1. Are you willing to attend all meetings for AGS? Yes / No

·  Planning Meetings (Tuesdays from 12-1)

·  General Meetings (Thursdays from 12 – 1pm)

·  Special Meetings (Called by the President)

If you indicated “No” in Question 1, explain foreseen conflicts and how they might affect you:

2. If you are not elected for the position you are running for, would you still be interested in filling in another open position? If Yes, which one? Yes / No

3. If you are not elected for any position, would you be interested in being on a committee?

Yes / No

4. If elected, do you understand that your presence will be required at, if not all, most of AGS’ activities? (ie. Club Week, fundraising events, community service, etc.) Yes / No

5. Will you be involved in other clubs and activities during Fall 2015 or Spring 2016? Yes / No

If you indicated “Yes” in Question 5, please list other clubs and activities you will be involved with in and their expected meeting times:


(These questions can be answered on this form, or on a separate attached sheet. All portions of this form must be typed or computer generated)

A.  Why are you a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society?
B.  Explain your reasons for wanting to be an officer.
C.  What makes you a qualified candidate for the position you are applying for?
D.  How would you describe your approach to leadership?
E.  In what instances have you showcased your leadership?
F.  Within the position you are running for, what would you do different next year? How would these changes benefit our members and our society?
G.  Committees are a big part of our society; they help Executive members balance their responsibilities. Have you ever managed a group or people? If so, in what instances? What leadership techniques worked and had a beneficial impact on the group?
V. Interview and Elections
APPOINTED Positions: All candidates running for an appointed position will have an interview. The interview process will be conducted by the current AGS Executive Board. The interview will take no longer than 7 minutes for each candidate. In order to schedule your interview, please contact the current AGS President via email: . In the email, please give your name, ID number, and position of interest. You will receive a response indicating the day of your interview.
ELECTED Positions: All candidates will give a 3-5 minute speech during one of our AGS Thursday General Meetings. After all candidates give their speech, ballots will be passed out to all attending active members. We will then take a vote, and turn in the ballots. At a later time, the ballots will be counted. In order to confirm your speech day and time, please contact the current AGS President via email: . In the email, please give your name, ID number, and position of interest.


1.  Submission. Applicants must have their completed application submitted to the AGS mailbox (CC105) Office of Student Affairs (closes at about 5pm) and emailed to by Friday, April 8th, 2016 at 12:00 pm. It is preferable that you submit your application in a manila envelope. Interviews for appointed positions will be conducted on Tuesday, April 12th, 2016 from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. at C415. Speeches and voting for elected positions will take place during our general meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2016 from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

A.  Questions. All questions should be directed to the chapter President,

Do not hesitate to approach any of the current executive board members if you have any questions or desire to become more involved in AGS J


“Add to good character, knowledge and judgment.”