Preterit Worksheet 1-- reg. -ar verbs only





1 I talked on the phone last night.

2 They danced all night.

3 We traveled on Friday.

4 All of you studied on this past (pasado) weekend.

5 They bought a small house.

6 You (Ud.) waited for the bus (autobús) yesterday (ayer).

7 My mother called (llamar) me yesterday.

8 I woke up late on Saturday.

9 They woke up at ten A.M.

10 She went to bed at 11:15 P.M.

11 All of us worked this past month.

12 He watched television all night.

13 They drank (tomar) Coke with their dinner (cena).

14 All of you washed (lavar) the windows yesterday.

15 Yesterday, everyone (todo el mundo --singular) sang.

16 Last week, he traveled to California.

17 I cleaned my room (cuarto) on Thursday.

18 He painted (pintar) the house last summer.

19 I called them last month.

20 We visited her last year.

Preterit Worksheet 2---regular verbs---





1 You (tú) ate the candy (dulce-m).

2 She wrote her composition (composición).

3 He opened (abrir) the door.

4 We learned the lesson.

5 She received his letter.

6 They resolved (resolver) the problem (problema –m).

7 He left (salir) for (a) school at 7:40 A.M.

8 I got in the (subir + a) car.

9 They broke (quebrar) the window.

10 We wrote our compositions.

11 You (tú) returned home (volver + a casa) very late.

12 They understood (entender) me.

13 You (Ud.) described (describir) the woman.

14 He ran to the store (tienda).

15 Yesterday, I went to the movies (ir al cine).

16 We went to Disneyland (Disneylandia) last week.

17 He went to the museum (museo) this morning.

18 You (tú) went to school yesterday.

19 They went to the park (parque –m) last Monday.

20 All of you went to the party.




Preterit Worksheet 3--regular & irregular verbs


1We read (preterite) our history books this morning.

2I went to Disneyland.

3She gave him a gift.

4They didn’t watch television.

5We came to school by bus.

6He did not eat breakfast (eat breakfast = desayunar) this morning..

7I got (sacar) an "A" on the exam.

8What did your parents say?

9We did not leave (salir + de) the house last night.

10She wrote a composition.

11You (tú) saw the film (película) when you went to Disneyland.

12They didn't hear the answer.

13I put my book in my backpack.

14We ate a lot yesterday.

15He went to the movies.

16They slept until 2:00 P.M.

17She didn't clean her room.

18They saw the movie this past weekend.

19What did the teacher say to you (familiar form)?

20I gave my mother a present.




Preterite Worksheet 4--regular & irregular verbs


1I did my homework last night.

2They came to the party with their parents.

3I spoke with the (female) teacher yesterday.

4You (tú) didn't do the homework because you went to the game (partido).

5He didn't bring his jacket to school.

6She read a book.

7I arrived late last Friday.

8I played the guitar (guitarra) last Friday.

9They went home at 10:00 P.M.

10He slept well yesterday.

11We didn’t play the game.(juego-board game).

12All of you went home at 6:00.

13What did she do last night?

14What did the (female) teacher say?

15I saw my grandparents last week.

16My grandparents visited us last night.

17I began to study at 8:00 last night.

18I didn’t sleep well last night.

19They saw the movie last week.

20We visited the museum last year.

Preterit Worksheet 2---regular verbs---





1 You (tú) ate the candy (dulce-m).

2 She wrote her composition (composición).

3 He opened (abrir) the door.

4 We learned the lesson.

5 She received his letter.

6 They resolved (resolver) the problem (problema –m).

7 He left (salir) for (a) school at 7:40 A.M.

8 I got in the (subir + a) car.

9 They broke (romper) the window.

10 We wrote our compositions.

11 You (tú) returned (volver + a) home very late.

12 They understood (entender) me.

13 You (Ud.) described (describir) the woman.

14 He ran to the store (tienda).

15 Yesterday, I went to the movies (ir al cine).

16 We went to Disneyland (Disneylandia) last week.

17 He went to the museum (museo) this morning.

18 You (tú) went to school yesterday.

19 They went to the park (parque –m) last Monday.

20 All of you went to the party.




Preterite Worksheet 4--regular & irregular verbs


1I did my homework last night.

2They came to the party with their parents.

3I spoke with the (female) teacher yesterday.

4You (tú) didn't do the homework because you went to the game (partido).

5He didn't bring his jacket to school.

6She read a book.

7I arrived late last Friday.

8I played the guitar (guitarra) last Friday.

9They went home at 10:00 P.M.

10He slept well yesterday.

11We didn’t play the game.(juego-board game).

12All of you went home at 6:00.

13What did she do last night?

14What did the (female) teacher say?

15I saw my grandparents last week.

16My grandparents visited us last night.

17I began to study at 8:00 last night.

18I didn’t sleep well last night.

19They saw the movie last week.

20We visited the museum last year.