India WebQuest

Web Site #1 – Time for Kids

Sightseeing Guide– Click on each location on the map to answer the questions below.

  1. Name the world’s second highest peak, after Mount Everest?
  2. Varanasi, known as the "______” it is built on the banks of the ______River, which Indians consider the ______of rivers.
  3. What famous park was the “Jungle Book” by Rudyard Kipling set in?
  4. What is the most famous animal that lives in the largest national park in India?
  5. What is India’s most famous landmark and tourist attraction?

Milestones in Indian History–Using the timeline, summarize the events that happened in the years listed below.

  1. Around 1500 B.C.
  2. 320 – 550 A.D.
  3. 1858
  4. 1947
  5. 1998
  6. 2000

Homeland Crisis – Read the article about child labor in India and fill in the blanks of the sentences below.

  1. India has the largest number of child laborers in the ______, with estimates ranging from ____ to ____ million.

Native Lingo– Write the following sentences in Hindi using the translations listed.

  1. Hello, my name is (your name). I live in the United States. No big deal, but I’m speaking in Hindi. Cool!!! Goodbye.

A Day in the Life– Read about Asan and answer the questions below.

  1. What state and village does Asan live in?
  2. What type of school does he go to?
  3. Name 6 classes that Asan takes in Middle School?
  4. What technology has Asan never even seen?

Web Site #2 – History for Kids

Indian Clothing – Read passage and watch video to answer the questions below.

  1. What is the name of the most common clothing worn by women? Men?
  2. What is the name of the spot of red many women wear on their foreheads?
  3. After watching the sari video, what accessories would make you “even more beautiful”?

Web Site #3 – Welcome to India

Mumbai/Bombay– Click on the link for this city and look through the slideshow to answer the question below?

  1. Name the 8 “rights of a child” as adopted by the United Nations?

Web Site #4 – Highway of Photos

City Photos – Click on each city to look at the pictures and try to find the answers to the questions below?

  1. What city is the GoldenTemple in?
  2. Looking at the Calcutta pictures, what is the holiday that involves paint and dancing?
  3. What city is located on the GangesRiver?
  4. In Delhi, what three animals are illegally trained to perform for tourists.

Jog the Web Sites

Sightseeing -

Milestones -

Homeland Crisis -

Native Lingo -

Day in the Life -

Indian Clothing -

Mumbai/Bombay -

National Geographic Map -