Partnership with Parents
At Sandringham we consider that it is essential for the school to work in partnership with families. There are many ways throughout the year that we will encourage you to be part of your child’s first year in school. Many of these aspects continue throughout KS1.

We like to celebrate all that has gone well for the children in and out of school.
We have a Celebration assembly on a Friday morning for the children to celebrate with each other all of these things. They receive stickers for being put on the sparkly star during the week – this links to showing the value of the month in some way throughout that week, show work that has been chosen by the teacher, receive reading and spelling certificates and celebrate birthdays.

Children may also bring in certificates from home for example sports trophies or certificates.

The class also works together during the week to be awarded a playground trophy for good behaviour and a golden bin for the tidiest cloakroom!

/ In the cloakroom of each of the classes is a celebration tree which we would encourage you to add a leaf to when your child has achieved something at home. This could be riding a two wheeler bike, using a knife and fork, dressing independently or perhaps going to sleep on time!!
The leaves are available from the class teacher.

Invitations into School during the Day
Each class will perform a class assembly each term. This is at the start of the day on a Wednesday from, approximately, 9am – 9:20am. The dates for these assemblies are sent out in the newsletter at the start of the term and are also available on the school website. All family members are invited to attend these.
The children also perform two plays at Christmas one with KS1 children and the other is the Nativity with the Reception children. At the end of the school year each year group have a celebration of the year with a year group assembly and Year 2 have a leavers show.

We have a number of special assemblies where all the children are involved – harvest festival, Easter assembly and the final assembly at the end of the year. There are also special assemblies for Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day and a Grandparents’ afternoon where parents or Grandparents are invited to stay after the assembly to participate in an activity with the children. We do have to restrict numbers for these sessions.

/ We also invite parents to stay for a short session at the start of the day on a Friday. Parents are invited to stay in the classroom with their child and read with them until 9:30am.

Many parents come into school as a parent helper and this is a good way to get a better understanding of the school activities. There is a meeting at the start of the term to explain the procedure for this. Please come along to find out more.

Meet the Teacher sessions
During the year there will be opportunities for you to meet with the teacher to discuss how your child has settled and the progress that they are making in school.

The first session is a home visit which will happen in the first two weeks of the term during the afternoon, when the children are still part time, and getting used to being at school. You will be asked to sign up for a 10 minute slot where the teacher and teaching assistant will come and visit you at home and discuss any concerns that you may have about your child starting school.

We have three parent consultation evenings each year – one in each term. These are held on two days one from 3:30pm to 6:30pm and the other from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Each appointment is 10 minutes. The teaching assistants will keep an eye on the time and knock to indicate the end of the 10 minutes.
The first one is after the October half term and will be with your child’s class teacher to discuss how they have settled into school.
The second will be before the February half term break and will be a chance to find out how your child is progressing in the Early Years curriculum and the final one is at the end of the summer term to discuss your child’s report and how you will be able to support them over the summer break to be ready for Year 1.

In the summer term we also have an open morning where you can come into school and meet your child’s new teacher and share their work with them.

Open door Policy
These are the more formal meetings we have with parents but we do pride ourselves in being open and available to discuss any concerns with parents on a daily basis. Please do not feel that you need to wait until a parent consultation to discuss anything that you wish to. The end of the school session is less busy than the start of the day - so if it is possible please use this time.

Partnership with Parents at Sandringham

2015 Parents’ Guide

Christine Dickinson

Early Years Teachers
Sarah Randles
Katie Lye / Emma Robinson