Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs

8th Grade Awareness Assembly Simulation

By Cheryl Burton


It’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs awareness week at HunterHillMiddle School. Each class will be attending an assembly to educate the students on the dangers of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs. The school has hired you to gather information and put together the assembly for awareness week.


In a group of six you will need to organize an assembly for alcohol, tobacco and other drugs awareness week. Each person will have a specific role to perform to make the assembly run smoothly. You will need 3 speakers, 2 set designers and a producer. The assembly will last for 20 minutes and should cover the dangers, signs of use and abuse and factual information. Use teamwork and be creative while designing the assembly for HunterHillMiddle School’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Awareness week.


Each student in the group will be responsible for a specific role. In addition to the role each member will be required to gather useful information that can be used for the assembly. This information should be printed out or copied so at the end of the project each person can turn in his/her contribution of info.

Assembly Roles

- Speakers (3)- these people will be responsible for presenting the information gathered to the audience. The information should be organized and should be easily understood. The speaker must be loud, clear and dressed professionally when presenting.

- Set Designers (2)- this role has the responsibility of designing any background materials need, handouts, props or anything else that could be used to make the assembly more entertaining.

-Producer (1)- this role is responsible for organizing how the assembly will flow and making sure everybody knows their role. What topics are covered when, how/where props are used and any additional production issues.

Below I have listed a few questions to get your group started thinking in terms of the assembly.

  • There are many categories of drugs, how do you know what and when it is ok to take a drug?
  • What are some signs and symptoms of substance (A,T&OD) abuse and dependence?
  • How can someone deal with peer influence when dealing with Alcohol, tobacco and drugs?
  • Why do people take drugs?
  • What can happen to someone who gets caught using or possessing alcohol, tobacco or drugs when they are under age?
  • What are the different types of tobacco?
  • What are the risks associated with tobacco use?
  • Is second hand smoke as harmful as first hand smoke?
  • How do you quit using tobacco?
  • What is blood-alcohol level?
  • Can alcohol cause any health risks?
  • What causes alcoholism?

Here are some web sites that can be useful when finding information for the assembly.

  • - search alcohol, tobacco and drugs on this site
  • -search drug definitions


In addition to the websites already provided, you may search websites that you come across to get further information. You can also use any books, television programs, newspapers or journals for additional information.


Each student in the group will receive an individual grade based on the following criteria:

  1. The group must turn in an outline of the assembly including details for each roles responsibility and the information that will be presented. Attached to the outline should be a copy of each individual’s contribution (information gathered) to the project. There must also be one resource page attached to the back listing all resources used. (40 points)
  2. Presentation of project. (21 points)
  3. Did the group act professional
  4. Was the presentation entertaining
  5. Did they present factual information
  6. Was the information easy to understand
  7. Did the group use at least 2 props
  8. Was the presentation organized
  9. Was the group prepared
  10. Peer evaluation. Each group member will evaluate the other members on effort, organization, team cooperation, and overall contribution. (20 points)
  11. Individual Evaluation. Did the student turn in a copy of the information he/she contributed to the project? Did the student perform his role to the beast of his/her ability? (20 Points)


Answer the following questions based on your knowledge from this project.

  1. Why would you choose not to use alcohol, tobacco and drugs as a part of your every day life?
  2. Why do you feel it is important to educate students about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs?
  3. What was the most important thing you learned?
  4. Do you have any suggestions to make this project better?