LSM585: Leading Collaborative Teams

Cornell University

Course Project

Part One: Diagnose Your Team


For this project, you will outline a plan of action to develop your team. You will (1) diagnose your team and summarize your findings, (2) share how you will direct and manage your team, (3) develop your team, and (4) let go of your tactical approach and move to a more strategic leadership style.

In this part, you will assess your team.Summarize the identified strengths, developmental needs, and communication patterns of the members of your team. Be sure to identify outcome-oriented task functions and process-oriented maintenance functions within your summary. Use the Team Behavior Assessment tool to aid you in assessing your team and noting your findings.

Diagnosing Your Team
Strengths / Identify the strengths of your team members, including behaviors that are outcome or task oriented as well as process oriented.
Developmental Needs / Outline team behaviors and/or characteristics that need further development. This could apply to team members or the team overall.
Communication Patterns / Summarize the communication patterns you observed.

Part Two: Manage Your Team


For part two, you will outline how you will direct and manage your team. You will provide your team mission and team vision statements, outline your leadership strengths and weaknesses, and identify collaborative efforts you will apply to your team interactions. Complete each section of the grid below.

Managing Your Team
Team Mission Statement / Provide the team mission statement you created.
Team Vision Statement / Provide the team vision statement you created.
Leadership Assessment / Describe 1-2 areas you would like to develop based on your results in Examining Your Leadership and what action you plan to take to improve.
Collaborative Skills / Create a brief collaboration plan. Identify 2-3 efforts you will use with your team to increase collaborative skills. Describe the need and resolution.
Virtual Consideration / State one step you will take to increase collaboration with a remote team member (or a recommendation for someone on a virtual team).

Part Three: Grow Your Team


For part three, you will outline how you will facilitate the growth of your team. You will describe your conflict management style and how you plan to expand this skill set. Then you will identify techniques you will apply as you support group decision making.

Growing Your Team
Conflict Management Style / List your primary and secondary conflict management style.
Plan to Expand Skill Set / Outline the steps you will take to expand your conflict management skill set.
Group Decision Making / Describe 2-3 techniques you will use to support group decision making for your team. State when and how these will be used.

Part Four: Letting Go of Your Team


For part four, you will outline how you will let go of your team as you take on more of a supportive role. (1) Review your Leadership Brand and Value Assessment activities. Summarize your findings. (2) To support your increased strategic focus, you will create an action plan outlining how you will let go of your team in a situation you choose.

Letting Go of Your Team
Leadership Brand / Provide your personal leadership brand and provide 1-2 examples of team interactions you believe will change as a result of your newly defined focus.
Top Priorities / Values / List and describe your top 5 values and how they will impact your actions as a leader.
Action Plan
Team Challenge or Problem / Identify a business challenge or problem either your team is facing or you are facing as the team leader that you will allow another leader or the team itself to manage.
Strategy for Resolution / Outline the strategies you will recommend to address this challenge or problem. State what techniques you will use to support others in taking responsibility.
Steps / State the specific steps you will take to put your strategies into action. Identify what you will do personally and what others will do. (Include elements you will not track but rather support that others on your team will oversee and perform.)
Timeline / List what you will do in the next month and then quarter, providing specific target dates for each task.
Measurement / Describe how you will measure your results or demonstrate that your solution has had a positive impact.

To submit this assignment, please refer to the instructions in the course.


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