Name ______DATE:______CLASS ____

BIG BANG –Webquest

Part A. Video - How the Universe Works: Big Bang (Discovery Channel 2010)

[*The corresponding questions have been paraphrased from content found on ]

Segments 2 (Something Comes from Nothing), 3 (Gravity), 4 (Faster than the speed of light), 5 (Energy Converts to Matter), 6 (Matter and Anti Matter), 8(Stars and Galaxies…), 9(The End…)

1.  In the early 1900s, people thought the universe was static. In other words, the thought was that every galaxy in the universe had its place and stayed there. What do we now know to be true about the universe?

2.  When did the Big Bang take place? :

3.  What were conditions like IMMEDIATELY after the Big Bang?

4.  What does E=mc2 mean in terms of…

a.  The creation of the universe?

5.  How many years passed after the Big Bang before ….the first galaxy was born?______Our solar system was born?______How big is the universe?

The Law of Universal Gravitation Web Quest

Directions: answer the corresponding questions:

Part B. Your Weight On Other Worlds ( )

6.  On what planet do you have the largest weight? ______

7.  On what planet do you have the smallest weight? ______

8.  CONTINUE READING THE SITE…How are weight and mass different? Explain COMPLETELY and CORRECTLY in your own words (NOT copied from the site):

Part C. The Universal Law of Gravitation

9.  GO to this site: Summarize import info and “aha!” moments below:

10.  The Physics Lab Online – Universal Gravitation

( )

Answer the 4 questions at the bottom of this page. You can check your answers by clicking on the arrows. Summarize import info, practice problems, and “aha!” moments below:

Stars, Galaxies, and Black Holes Web Quest

11.  GO to the following site:

a.  Click “The Sun.” How much time does light take to travel from the sun to Earth? ______

b.  Hit the back button. Click “Sirius A” (the BRIGHTEST star in the sky!) How much time does light take to travel from this star to Earth? ______

c.  If this star is bigger and brighter than our sun, then why does our sun appear to be the biggest and brightest star in the sky?

d.  Hit the back button. Click “Alpha Centuari” (the CLOSEST star to us besides the sun!) How much time does light take to travel from this star to Earth? ______When we view this star in the sky, are we seeing it as it appears today, or as it appeared in the past? EXPLAIN:

Directions: Hubble is a telescope that orbits space as a satellite. Much of what we know about our universe is data collected from Hubble. Explore the website and answer the following questions:

Click on "About Stars." After reading each page, answer the questions and press the "next" button at the bottom.

12.  How do stars form?

13.  What “Color” is our sun?______What does a star’s color reveal? Explain:

14.  Do stars ‘live’ forever? Explain your answer:

15.  Open this site in a new tab and read the first section( “Lights in the Sky”) Do BLUE stars live LONGER or SHORTER lives than red stars? (Hint – check back to #19 AND 20)

GO BACK TO THE TAB you were using for #17-21. Click on "Star Birth"

16.  You are a scientist observing images captured from the Hubble Telescope. You see an image of ‘dusty’ looking star like this (see image to the right) Do you determine that you are viewing a star in the early or late stages of its formation, and why?

17.  You are a scientist observing images captured from the Hubble Telescope. You see these 2 images below of stars in formation. (insets are enlarged images of the stars you are studying) Do you determine that you are viewing a star in the early or late stages of its formation, and why?

18.  Read the information regarding how planets formed…HYPOTHESIZE: how do you think our solar system formed?

19.  Open this site in a new tab and check your hypothesis for #23. Make any necessary additions/ corrections / changes

Click on "Star Death" and check out all the nebulas

20.  The Cat’s Eye nebula is a planetary nebula. Did it create planets? Explain:

21.  Why does the Twin Jet nebula look like it does?

22.  Is the Ring Nebula old or young? Explain:

23.  What will our sun do when it dies?

Click on "Space Time/ Stars" and click each of the time options:

24.  What did you learn about light traveling through our…solar system? Galaxy? Other galaxies? Our universe? How does this explain why viewing objects in the sky is actually “seeing the past”?

Click on "Galaxies" and then "About Galaxies"

25.  Is our Milky Way Galaxy the only one?______Are galaxies all the same shape/size? Explain:

26.  Label this drawing of a galaxy with where the following are located: older star, younger stars, yellow stars, red stars, blue stars, Class M stars, Class O stars, Class F stars (hint – check back to #20)

Click on "Cosmic Crack-Up"

27.  To the below right are images Hubble collected of interacting galaxies.

a.  How much time do each of these collisions take?

b.  Were they more common now or in the past?

c.  Will this ever happen to Earth?

Click on "Universe" and then "About the Universe", followed by "Space Warp"

28.  Does Hubble take photos…

a.  of objects that are close or far?

b.  of objects that are young or old?

c.  Of most or a small sampling of the universe?

Going back to #32… Click here to see this video & if this will ever happen to Earth: ß click here to try the demo from earlier in class – you can click on individual objects in the demo!