College Committee Meeting Held on

Monday 23rd SEPTEMBER 2013

Present: Jane English, Mark Williams, Mark Smith,Jason Trevarthen, Anne Freeman, Vicki Rogers, Andrew Thomas, Brian Chapman, Danny Lewis, Debbie Wood, Chris Spark, Eliza Pierce, Debs Appleby, Jodie Brown, Suzy Eagles, David Carpenter, Andy Price, Martin Cocker, Tim Willcocks, Sian Dale, Helen Wilkinson, Will Virgo

Ofsted Update
The call could come any time now. We will only be inspected Tuesday to Friday – not on a Monday.
MJE issued Draft 7 of the SEF; Please can all members of the Academy Committee read through it, as it contains a lot of important information. Please feedback comments. The SEF will be a major document which influences our Ofsted grade.
MJE issued two sheets, one on ‘What Happens When Ofsted Call’ and one on ‘Ofsted Preparation’, when the call comes; there will be no time to do anything but prepare lessons.
JRT gave out an inspection pack which details all of the changes – JRT gave a summary of the contents.
Ofsted must now look at Prior Attainment and have due regard, which is helpful to our Academy.
Ofsted are focussing on the following:
  • Differentiated lessons – particularly high and low end pupilsstretching the top end pupils will be a focus.
  • How often teachers check progress in a lesson.
  • The maximum time in lessons will be 25 to 30 minutes, they will report on what they see, not on what the lesson might move towards. Therefore, progress checking must take place at least once in that 25 minutes.
Assemblies may be observed. Have a good SMSC one ready. Assemblies MUST NOTrun over time. If an inspection takes placeon a lesson and no pupils arrive on time, the inspector will likely grade it inadequate due to lost learning time.
Marking across the Academy is much improved, but we will need to keep checking it to ensure high standards are maintained. Area to be worked on is pupil responses to marking.
Each teacher must be very aware of ‘The Groups’ in their class and how they are performing in terms of progress.
Impartial Careers advice is another focus. What use is being made of ICT systems for careers for pupils.
Governors must be challenging to their schools, we may need to give them more opportunity to do this above and beyond meetings.
Another area of recent focus which is favourable to the Academy is emphasis on Physical Well being. We will need to have a breakdown of extra curricular activities by ‘The Groups’ – in particular Create and Expressive, PE and Sport.
We will need a clear list of the Partners we work with and why, and the impact.
Evidence of pupils demonstrating Good Manners is important for the Behaviour and Safety judgement.
Pupils standing up when an adult enters the room. Wishing people ‘Good Morning’, opening doors etc. All staff to encourage good manners.
Rubbish and cleanliness is another key area which Ofsted will use to make a judgement.
Effectiveness of TA’s in a room will be another focus. They will look at their impact and involvement. Have they been given clear direction by the teachers?
Staff need to know the pupils they are expecting to make ‘better’ than expected progress, and how Pupil Premium pupils are performing.
The Academy could be judged as ‘Good’ but it will depend on the Teaching over the two day inspection and how well prepared everyone is.
Curriculum 2014
The Performance tables at KS4 change in 2014 and again in 2015.
The criteria is different in each year re B/TEC or GCSE and which subjects are included – see attached sheet.
If 2014 criteria applied to our 2013 results, then 52% would go down to 45%.
The calculation of value added now is such that no pupil can drop any subject, they must get a grade, all the G grades are crucial. 2015 criteria is even tougher as it is likely Ebacc subjects will be necessary for value added. We may therefore need to changethe curriculum for current Year 10.
Possible suggestion for change to Curriculum in September 2014.
Year 10
ICT no longer core – becomes an option and releases two periods.
Science goes to four periods for all pupils – takes up one of the ICT periods.
English takes the other lesson from ICT.
Pupils will have to take a minimum of one subject from MFL, Geography and History.
Year 9
Increase Science to four periods in light of GCSE. Remove Humanities and create two option blocks. Pupils take two subjects out of the three offered.
Option 1 – History, Geography, MFL
Option 2 – PE, Drama, Music, Art
Year 8
PE reduces to two periods.
MFL increases to three periods.
Nurture Group to do Geography, History, MFL.
Year 7
Reduce PE to two periods – One period to History or Geography.
Humanities remove – One period to History or Geography.
MFL increase to three periods.
Maths would welcome more time.
Post 16
Concern re value for money and Performance – see attached papers.
We need a shift of emphasis in the Sixth form and to find our niche in the market.
Debbie Wood will issue the list of approved vocational qualifications; we need to look at new courses or new packages of courses, which include work experiences etc, which are exciting for students.
Subjects with good take up on Post 16 are either courses with a reputation of success or subject areas where there have been a lot of extras through KS3 and KS4 eg Performing Arts – Panto, visits trips etc.
Few Sixth form students take the opportunity to promote their subjects via assemblies etc. Proposed new courses to Mark Smith by the 4th October 2013. Move back to a five day timetable not four day with Friday being enrichment from September 2014.
Entry requirement to be raised C’s are too low.
Culture and work ethic to be promoted in Sixth form. The following subjects will not be offered next year:
Applied Science
There needs to be an innovative Health and Social Care and Child Care course. Currently only six students in the Sixth form are doing straight ‘A’ levels.
More vocational options.
Currently we are trialing Traineeships.
All homework to be put on the learning gateway. Staff not putting it up should be letting Heads of Faculty know the homework set each week and Mark Smith will have it put up on the Learning Gateway.
Heads of Year asked to push the importance of the Learning Gateway with pupils and parents. Passwords now overseen by Year Teams. Current planner is now too small for all homework being set, it needs reformatting.
Inspirational Days
Five planned for Primary Pupils this year. Prospects are funding the first one.
This will be a key part of our marketing strategy. All Faculties should be involved in one of the days.
Many secondary schools are actively marketing the Paignton Primary Pupils and we could find pupils being educated out of the Bay, who would have previously come to us.
Open Evening/Afternoon
This is a crucial evening for the Academy. Children from Year 4, 5 and 6 may attend.
Each Faculty to be put on a high quality display which should be interactive.
The days of a display and some books are over. It is a big marketing event this year.
David Carpenter oversees it and would welcome more tour guides.
M J English
Principal / Action
All members of the Academy
Committee please
read through the SEF.
Please ensure that staff you line manage are well prepared.Go through the points on the sheet.
Andy Price and Sian Dale
Heads of Faculty
Heads of Faculty
Vicki Rogers
Heads of Faculty