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Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. ®

B.A.C.A. ®

10th Annual International Board Meeting

Minutes – 2011

·  Welcome

·  Expectations – ONE B.A.C.A. Input is expected and respected; we will move through items in a timely manner

·  Call to order – 10:07 AM

·  Roll call – present as listed below

International Executive Board: Founder – Chief;

President – Kickstand; Vice President – Scootr;

Secretary – Lucy; Treasurer – Bookkeeper; Security Officer – Slambo;

Ambassador – Krazy Karl

Alabama – Wolfman / Missouri – Stroker
Arkansas – Mongo / North Carolina – Southpaw
Arizona – Pipes / New Jersey – Khaos
Australia – Bantam / Nevada – Nobody
California – Duck / New York – Cowboy
Colorado – Oz / Ohio – Red
Connecticut – Happy / Oklahoma – Big John
Florida – Stump (in for Roaddog) / Pennsylvania – Mouse
Iowa – A-Train / Tennessee – Buffalo
Idaho – Candyman (in for Spook) / Texas – Torque
Illinois – Coop / Utah – Nails
Italy – Papy / Virginia – Raider
Kansas – Sticks / Washington – Cisco
Kentucky – Sly / Wisconsin – Strings
Louisiana – Cuzin’ It / West Virginia - Dogg
Maryland – Bouncer / Wyoming – Tiburon
Minnesota – Frost

Bylaw/Policy & Procedure/Universal Constitution Items

*Treasury Committee Report will be presented immediately after lunch – agenda items may be adjusted to accommodate Bookkeeper and committee

Friday, January 14, 2011

1.  {Kickstand}Discussion to have the positions of Secretary and Treasurer (on different levels) to become appointed, non-voting positions, while simultaneously having two elected members become voting members of the Board of Directors. Item was struck. It will be an IEB midterm agenda item.

2.  {Slambo} Slambo motioned to amend Bylaw Article 2.7 with the additional verbiage Appeals must start with the governing board of the decision within 30 days of the decision. If favorable decision is not reached, appeals may be filed in escalation with the upper boards with the same timeline of 30 days with each appeal. And, by striking At the time of a State Executive Board decision regarding any appellate matter, the State Executive Board will inform the individual involved, either in person or by certified mail, of the right to an appeal to the International Committee of Oversights and Appeals. The State Executive Board will at the same time inform said individual that this appeal must be filed within thirty days with the International Ambassador or the right to appeal will lapse” The motion was seconded by Krazy Karl and passed unanimously.

3.  {Slambo} Motion by Slambo to amend bylaw, Article 2.8 (as provided in the paragraph below) International Chapter Development and Restructure Committee is Chaired by International Vice President, consisting of the International Chapter Development Officer, and three members at large within the United States and one member at large from countries outside the United States acommittee of members at large; both foreign and domestic. Responsibilities and function: To oversee development of new B.A.C.A. Chapters worldwide; to oversee restructure or reorganization of existing B.A.C.A. Chapters; to review and approve all State bylaws and any amendments to such; to assist as required International Security Office with NCIC background check audits.” (2008) Seconded by Strings, the motion passed unanimously. Question {Lucy} should this be part of Article 1.6 instead of election section of the international bylaws? Placement in the bylaws will be referred to Guts (International Training Officer)

4.  {Kickstand}Some states (and chapters) are producing separate documents for policy and procedure other than the Universal Constitutions or addenda to the same. Those ‘separate documents’ need to be seen or screened by someone other than just the state for which they are written – perhaps by the President Advisory Board (PAB) – to ensure all International Bylaws, Policies & Procedures, and Universal Constitutions are being adhered to as prescribed. Motion by Kickstand, seconded by Scootr that “all separate state and chapter documents regarding policy and procedure, aside from already approved International documents, will be reviewed and approved by the PAB before being utilized”. Discussion – what criteria will be used for determination? Common sense, for the most part. If anyone has questions about addenda to the constitution, email Scootr. One of the items that may vary from state-to-state is attendance-keeping, for example. Mongo cited other examples from the Arkansas bylaws/constitution. In Italy, the only changes that would be made are legal issues. Scootr clarified that constitutions are ‘country specific’. Motion passed unanimously. Bylaws will be appended in Article 5, Section 7.

5.  {Kickstand} B.A.C.A. Pamphlets: Kickstand motioned to “mandate that B.A.C.A. International approved pamphlets be made the only pamphlets authorized for distribution by B.A.C.A.” (Side note: chapters/states can use up existing stock of their pamphlets, but are directed to not order any more of their old pamphlets) {Item was discussed at 2010 IB Meeting – see Page 8, Item P of Minutes} For possible inclusion in the International Bylaws, Article 5 (will be referred to Guts, International Training Officer). Points for discussion: What about chapters that get their pamphlets printed at a discount of for free? Will the artwork/layout be provided? Or, will all chapters be mandated to purchase the pamphlets via International? Discussion: purchasing from international merchandise or asking for artwork to provide to your own printer are viable solutions. If chapters/states print their own, criteria include having them made exactly as they arrive from international; a copy must be provided to Caveman before any pamphlets are disseminated. The purposes are 1) not to mandate purchasing from international, and 2) to allow chapters/states to have them printed with their respective information on them. Translations for foreign chapters have begun. The motion was seconded by Slambo and passed unanimously.

6.  {Torque (TX)} Texas respectfully proposes two amendments to existing B.A.C.A. International governing documents. One proposed amendment is to the International P&P, and the other is to the International Bylaws. This proposal specifically addresses interpretations regarding Article 1, Section 1, and Article 6, Section D.2.ii and Section 3.E of the respective governing documents. The intent of both amendments is the same; therefore they are both included in this proposal. Amendment #1: Governing document: B.A.C.A. International P&P (as revised 10/11/10) – Proposed New Article: Article 18 – Level 1 Non-Member Participation; Content: A Chapter’s BOD may choose to evaluate and determine to allow B.A.C.A. and Member Children under the age of 18 to attend specific Level 1 interventions on a case by case basis. The requirements of which are:

1.The Chapter’s State Board must vote and agree by majority to allow the Chapters in their State to have this option prior to any Chapter being allowed to implement Article 18.

2.The child and family of the upcoming Level 1 intervention must agree to allow children to attend their Level 1 intervention.

3.The Chapter Board and staff must evaluate and determine that having children in attendance would benefit the upcoming Level 1 child. They must then focus their assessment on any location, emotional, security, or social issues that would require the absence of any children other than siblings and friends of the Level 1 child and this evaluation must include the approval/recommendation of the child’s licensed mental health professional. If their final determination is that the child would benefit and no real issues have been identified, then the Level 1 may include other B.A.C.A. and Member children.

Core Focus: This amendment is in reference to the interpretation of Article 1, Sec 1 of the B.A.C.A. International Policies and Procedures amended 10/11/2010.

Amendment #2: Governing document: B.A.C.A. International Bylaws (as revised

10/11/10) – Proposed New Article: Article 10 – Level 1 Non-Member

Participation (Shifting existing Article 10, Addendums, to Article 11); Content: A

Chapter’s BOD may choose to evaluate and determine to allow B.A.C.A. and

Member Children under the age of 18 to attend specific Level 1 interventions on a

case by case basis. (The requirements of which are as listed above in this item)

Core Focus: This amendment is in reference to the interpretation of Article 6, Section D.2.ii and Section 3.E of the B.A.C.A. International Bylaws amended 10/11/2010.

Discussion points included Torque saying that the abused child would benefit from B.A.C.A. allowing other children to be involved. Clinical advisors have been sought and questioned for guidance, and Torque reminded that the motion included ‘due diligence’. Cowboy (NY) and Slambo asked who would make the assessment/evaluation of each case, as the verbiage is a bit arbitrary. Torque replied that it would be handled by the chapter board as well as the child’s LMHP, along with the diligence prescribed in the proposal. The risks and liability were discussed, citing not only security, but also the risk of the B.A.C.A. child being affected publicly (as in school). Confidentiality was also mentioned as a concern. Scootr said that he’d spoken with Chief, and that there were benefits to the proposal, but that he wasn’t convinced the advantages outweigh the cons. Bookkeeper concurred, stating the focus must remain on the mission, on the child, and not become diluted. Chief said that the proposal is good (from a clinical standpoint), but needs to be tightened; a better screening process, for example, would be a start. Torque reminded us that this is to help the B.A.C.A. child, not about his (or his chapters) child/children. In his explanation, Torque also said the children that would go on the Level I ride would be ‘hand-picked’, and that the person (therapist, etc.) treating the child would talk with Chief or Thor prior to allowing other children to attend the Level I; Chief would ask the professional ‘why’ other children would be beneficial to the B.A.C.A. child, as a start. Sly (KY) said that there are other (ample) opportunities to introduce other children to B.A.C.A. children i.e. holiday party, summer picnic, etc. Mongo (AR) asked if there could be a ‘test case’, but Texas, until told to cease, had already been taking children to Level I interventions, which could serve as an ‘already done’ test case. Chief commented that this application would be a ‘right to do it’ versus ‘protocol’. Torque would like to table this until Saturday. (Agenda item 1 for Saturday)Torque proposed that with the IEB’s approval and involvement, Texas will do a test study (case study) with Chief as the LMHP, with the hope of proving the intent and the success of the proposal. Kickstand said there is a need to set and write the criteria. Torque agreed, stating that what’s right for the organization is to wait, do the case study, and set the training and other criteria so that this tool isn’t a target for abuse. Harrison suggested having a skeptic on the team to ensure completeness, and Slambo volunteered. This will be the exception, exclusive to this case study in Texas, under the direct supervision of Chief, in reference to current bylaws, policies and procedures.

7.  {Lucy}Review of P&P –No motion needed, discussion only as to updating P&P

8.  {Sticks (KS)} Possible motion: “supporters must wear vests to all B.A.C.A. events; in addition, vest must have B.A.C.A. specific support patch or other B.A.C.A. specific patches on it.” For possible inclusion in the P&P, Article 3, Section 2. Scootr suggested that the sponsors handle this instead of changing policy verbiage. Torque said this could easily be misconstrued (agreeing with Scootr). Item struck; this issue will be up to states. Slambo said, while on this subject, our rules provide that supporters are to have ‘slick backs’ in reference to B.A.C.A. patches. Discussion was about the patch commonly worn at the bottom of the vest (kidney area). Specifically, do we need to define if the ‘No Child Should/Deserves To Live In Fear’ patch is a B.A.C.A. patch? State Constitution Article 6 exclusion: Motion by Sly (KY) that a supporter may not put any B.A.C.A.-related patch or any B.A.C.A. patch on the back of the vest being worn while participating with B.A.C.A. other than the ‘No Child Should/Deserves To Live In Fear’ patch. Motion was seconded by Buffalo. 1 no vote (Papy – Italy); Motion passed.

Special Agenda Item:

B.A.C.A. Training Roll Out – Guts

· - Extranet – Training and Information Portal

·  International Documentation – all necessary policies, constitutions and bylaws are contained in the portal. Guts will update all documents as necessary, and will change the Version number as well as make note of the date of the change

·  Officer Training Manual – all officer handbooks are enclosed within the training site, as are templates for record keeping, rosters, etc.

·  Scootr advised that every member read the Child Liaison Handbook, as it’s a ‘how to’ in reference to how the mission should be brought to every child we serve. Kickstand reminded us that the training program is not a ‘suggestion’; it will be utilized.

The IEB (Slambo and Krazy Karl) thanked Guts and presented him with a gift of gratitude. Guts was appointed International Training Officer.

9.  Treasury Report

·  Work Sheets – these are set up to aid and support the collection/reporting of monies

·  Deadlines – all deadlines are set for a reason; everything needs to be turned in on time. License Agreements are at risk (set back to temporary charter) if there is non-compliance

·  Chapter/State Treasurer’s duties/requirements – when someone is nominated for a treasurer’s position, due diligence is expected. Background check should be read carefully, for example

·  Red, Treasury Manager, has been doing the ‘lion’s share’ of the work over the past year. If Red or any other member of the Treasury Committee contacts a state representative, they are to be treated with the same respect one would treat any other officer within B.A.C.A. In turn, they will show that same respect to the representatives

·  Non Profit Entities and bylaw issues – our back patch is a target in more than one fashion. Our non-profit status is important and should be protected. There are only 3 states that still have their own 501(c) (3) – everyone else is operating under International. What one chapter or state does affects us all as a whole.