Directorate C: National Accounts; prices and key indicators
Unit C-3: Statistics for administrative purposes

Orig: EN

27thMeeting of the GNI Committee
Luxembourg, JMOBuilding
Room M6

Eurostat plans for use of the sdmx format for GNI transmissions

Point VIII-8 on the agenda


Eurostat plans for use of the sdmx format for GNI transmissions


The SDMX initiative (Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange) aims at developing efficient processes for exchange and sharing of statistical data and metadata among international organisations and their member countries.Many statistical domains have already implemented SDMX or have decided to do so in near future.[1]

According to the GNI regulation (Council regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1278/2003) GNI data shall be established in the context of regular national accounts in accordance with the European system of national and regional accounts (ESA95).

The national accounts domain is foreseen to start using SDMX for ESA2010 based transmissions as of Q3/2014. Technical preparations for the implementation of the new ESA2010 transmission programme including the SDMX project continue according to the timetable.[2]

The purpose of this document is to inform the GNI Committee about Eurostat plans for use of SDMX in the GNI domain and to gather their views on this matter.

2GNI data and SDMX

2.1Current GNI transmissions

Albeit GNI data are based on national accounts the format of transmission from national authorities to Eurostat is quite different compared to national accounts data. Whereas datasets under ESA95 regulation have been exchanged in GESMESTS (Generic Statistical MESage for Time Series) since a long time the GNI data exchange relies on Excel questionnaires and Word/PDF file formats for quality reports.[3]

GESMESTS uses data structure definition – each figure transmitted under ESA 95 transmission programme is defined by several dimensions (19 dimensions – frequency, reference area, adjustment, valuation, activity classification (NACE), product classification…) - there is a code list for each dimension) and attributes(price base, adjustment detail, confidentiality status, no of decimals, unit multiplier) – that is more complex and suited for machine to machine communication. SDMX expands on this approach.

2.2Eurostat plans for future GNI transmissions

Eurostat has started analysing in how far the final SDMX data structure definition for national accounts that was released end of September 2013 could be implemented in the GNI domain. It appears that only a small subset of national accounts statistical concept schemes (transaction, institutional sectors, accounting entry, etc.) and related code lists (reference area, unit measure, etc.) would address most of the needs of the GNI domain.

Despite this rather promising preliminary analysis there are adaptations needed, both at the conceptual and the technical level.

Conceptually,most importantly the use of several methodological references (ESA95 and ESA2010) or use and coding of transitional items will need to be clarified.

Technically, a changeover from Excel/Word/PDF to SDMX (skipping the GESMESTS step) requires complete restructuring of IT infrastructure.

The specificity of the GNI domain lies in limited international use of GNI data (used for EU own resources) on the contrary to national accounts data.

Eurostat will continue its analysis on implementation of SDMX in the GNI domain. The GNI Committee will be provided for its meeting in spring 2014 a document on progress reached until that date, a concrete SDMX visualisation template of the GNI 2014 questionnaire and a more detailed timetable.Up to date no implementation date has been set.


Eurostat will continue its analysis on implementation of SDMX in the GNI domain and inform the GNI Committee on progress in its next meeting in spring 2014.

Eurostat invites the GNI Committee members already at this stage to express their views on the subject.

The GNI Committee is requested to take note of this document and discuss next steps proposed by Eurostat.


[1] More information under the following link:

[2] See document ESSC 2013/18/12/EN

[3] As of 2013 transmission sent via eDAMIS