September 8, 2004




September8, 2004

Also Present:Edmond Marchi, Meadows Administrator

Irene Mangulis, Employee Representative

Rick Talbot, FCFH

John Ceresoli, FCFH

Richard Scaife, Bovis

David Blackwell, Bovis

David Blackwell gave an update of the project. The interior signage is being installed, the electronic front doors are operational, the HVAC is being tested and balanced, the paving has been delayed and punch lists are being developed and worked on.

Carl Higgins asked what was being done about having sidewalks at all of the egresses. Rick Talbot said that the building code allows the owner to decide how the paved walkways are accessed. When the NYSDOH reviewed the building plans, there was no indication of any problem with having grass areas between the doors and the paved walkways. Dave Blackwell said that if the county waits and installs additional walkways next year, the county can use a local contractor, which will be much cheaper then the present estimate of $44,000. The committee agreed to wait until next year before doing anything.

Carl Higgins said that Walter McLaughlin, David Blackwell and he met with a representative from Rochester Flooring to discuss the flooring problems. The flooring rep thinks that the concrete is as good as it is going to get. The whole Northeast is having a problem with humidity this summer. Even if the readings get below a 3, if a problem arises in the flooring and the reading at that time is above a 3, then the warranty is invalid. In addition, if the county returns the vinyl sheeting, it may only get a credit of about 50% of the cost. Rick Talbot said that the building code requires an unseamed floor in the bathrooms, so vinyl tiles cannot be used in these areas. Following discussion, Representative Rothenberger moved to sign a waiver and install the sheet vinyl as originally planned. Seconded, Dubben. Total: 7; Ayes: 6; Noes: 1 – Puritz-Hayes. Motion carried.

David Blackwell said that it will take at least six weeks to install the remaining flooring. Final clean up and stocking of supplies will also need to be done. Carl Higgins said that he will proceed with sending a letter to NYSDOH asking for a final inspection of the building after November 1, 2004.

Carl Higgins asked if the wells have been tested. David Blackwell said that one more flushing and chlorination has to be done before the testing can be done.

David Blackwell said that Hanna has requested that its retainage be reduced from 5% to 2%. Because the paving has not yet been completed, the committee decided to leave the retainage at 5%.

Ed Marchi said that two evacuation chairs need to be purchased to move difficult transfers from the second floor in case of an emergency. The cost is $2,200 each. Carl Higgins said that this purchase should come out of The Meadows 2004 operating budget.

Carl Higgins said that $105,000 needs to be transferred from Financing Costs to Construction Management Fees ($38,000) and Other Fees ($67,000) to cover anticipated expenses through November 2004. Representative Feldstein moved for approval. Seconded, Wells. Total: 7; Ayes: 7. Motion carried.

Laura Child said that the Builders Risk insurance policy expires at the end of September. The cost to extend thispolicy through December is $16,962. Representative Dubben moved to extend the policy through December. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 7; Ayes: 7. Motion carried.

Ed Marchi reported that county staff will be moving most of the furniture from the old facility to Otsego Manor. A week before the move family members will move personal items and set up the new rooms. On the day of the move residents will have 1 day’s worth of clothing and their medical records to bring when they are transported to Otsego Manor. The plan calls for moving furniture and residents by neighborhoods. The entire move will be done in one day.

David Blackwell asked which reading lamps need to be moved in the bedrooms. Ed Marchi said that the lamps should be left alone for now. After all the furniture and residents are in, a decision will be made as to which lamps should be removed or relocated.

Sam Dubben said that the Public Works Committee discussed the plowing and maintenance of Phoenix Mills Cross Road, which is a town road. The committee agreed that the county should contact the town about the need to maintain this road, especially in the wintertime.

Laura Child said that the furniture companies are contacting her about obtaining the remaining 10% balance due on the furniture purchases. Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to pay the remaining 10% due. Seconded, Feldstein. Total: 7; Ayes: 7. Motion carried.

Representative Puritz-Hayes asked if there is any waiting list for people to be admitted to Otsego Manor after it is open. Irene Mangulis said that she has about 8 pending requests. Three people have offered to give a down payment to be insured a bed.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 10:00 am.