3 Order of the day, 21 June 2017

/ Human Rights Council
Thirty-fifth session
Geneva, 6 – 23 June 2017
Order of the day[*]
Plenary meetings – Room XX
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
10.00 – 13.00
32nd meeting / Item 10 / Technical assistance and capacity-building
Interactive dialogue on:
- Regular periodic update on the situation of human rights in Ukraine
A/HRC/35/CRP.2, A/HRC/35/NGO/68
[Modalities for participation in the interactive dialogue: Online inscription in the list of speakers for States, United Nations agencies and international and regional organizations opened on 1 June at 4 p.m. and remains open for inscriptions until 2 hours before the scheduled start of the interactive dialogue in question. After that inscriptions can still be made in person, at the list of speakers’ desk. The lists close approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of each interactive dialogue. NHRIs are requested to inscribe and NGOs are requested to confirm their on-line registration at the list of speakers’ desk in Room XX. Speaking time is 2 minutes for States Members of the Council and 2 minutes for all observers. Please refer to announcements made in Room XX and through SMS alert.]
- Presentation of oral update by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Georgia followed by general debate
A/HRC/35/20, A/HRC/35/NGO/54, A/HRC/35/NGO/101, A/HRC/35/NGO/103, A/HRC/35/NGO/121
[Modalities for participation in the general debate: States Members of the Council, observer States and intergovernmental organisations are requested to use the online registration system to inscribe and upload their statements. Log in details have been provided by the secretariat. NGOs are requested to confirm their on-line registration at the list of speakers desk in Room XX. Speaking time has been reduced to 2 minutes and 30 seconds for groups and States Members of the Council, and 1 minutes and 30 seconds for observer States and all other observers, including NHRIs and NGOs. The list of speakers will be closed approximately 15 minutes after the debate has started.]
15.00 – 18.00
33rd meeting / Item 10
(cont’d) / Technical assistance and capacity-building
- Presentation of oral update by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Georgia followed by general debate (cont’d)
[Modalities for participation in the general debate: See above.]
Other information:
•  Draft programme of work is attached.
•  All speakers scheduled to take the floor should provide the Secretariat beforehand with only one copy of their statements in the room.
•  Delegations are requested to upload their statement on the online registration system for posting on HRC Extranet.
•  Identity session photo-badges may be obtained by all delegations from the UNOG Security and Safety Section at the ‘Pregny Gate’ (Palais des Nations, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Requests for accreditation to the 35th session of the Human Rights Council are to be made to the Secretariat of the Human Rights Council through the following online platform: https://reg.unog.ch/event/6186/. Due to the high number of participants expected, kindly allow sufficient time for accreditation.
•  Information about accessibility for persons with disabilities is available at the dedicated web page on accessibility [http://www.ohchr.org/hrc/accessibility].
•  The deadline for submission of draft resolutions or decisions was Thursday, 15 June 2017, at 1.00 p.m. (office E-3054). Related guidelines and signature forms for co-sponsors are available on HRC35 Extranet.
•  Delegations wishing to reserve rooms for meetings should contact Ms. Laura Giardini (email: * tel.79255 * office E-3060), no later than 12 noon of the day before the meeting.
•  The Human Rights Council is on social media:
Twitter: @UN_HRC #HRC35
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/UNHRC
•  To access the live or archived webcast, please go to http://webtv.un.org
•  PHOTOGRAPHS AND FILMING: Please note that only accredited media are permitted to film and take photographs in Room XX.

draft Programme of Work for the 35th session of the Human Rights Council (6 -23 June 2017)

5 June / 12 June / 19 June

12.00 / ITEM 3 - Individual ID (cont’d) / 09.00

12.00 / ITEM 6 - General debate
ITEM 7 - HC report followed by General debate

15.00 / Clustered ID with:
- SR on independence of judges & lawyers
- SR on violence against women / 12.00

15.00 / General debate on ITEM 7 (cont’d)
General debate on ITEM 8

18.00 / ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d)
Individual ID with SR on the right to freedom of expression / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 9
-ID with SR on racism
6 June / 13 June / 20 June
Y / 09.00

12.00 / Item 1 - Opening of the session
ITEM 2* - Oral update by the HC / 09.00

12.00 / Annual full-day discussion
on the human rights of women
(HRC res. 6/30) / 09.00

12.00 / ITEM 9
- ID with SR on racism (cont’d)
- Report of IGWG followed by General debate
ID with IE on Côte d’Ivoire
ITEM 3 - Clustered ID with:
- IE on sexual orientation and gender identity
- SR on summary executions

15.00 / ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- SR on health
- IE on international solidarity / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 3 - Individual ID (cont’d)
ITEM 2 & 3 - SG/HC thematic reports followed by General debate / 12.00

ID on the Democratic Republic of the Congo
ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- SR on peaceful assembly and association
- SR on the right to education / Annual full-day discussion
on the human rights of Women
on technical cooperation
(HRC res. 18/18 and 33/28)

18.00 / 15.00

18.00 / 15.00

7 June / 14 June / 21 June
Y / 09.00

12.00 / ITEM 2
General debate on HC oral update / 09.00

12.00 / General debate on ITEM 3 (cont’d)
ID with the Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
(oral update) / 10.00

13.00 / ITEM 10
ID on regular periodic update on Ukraine

15.00 / ITEM 2 - General debate (cont’d) / 12.00

15.00 / ITEM 4
- ID with the Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
(oral update)
- ID with SR on Belarus
- ID with SR on Eritrea

15.00 / BREAK

18.00 / ITEM 3
ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- SR on internally displaced persons
- SR on extreme poverty / 15.00

18.00 / - ID with SR on Eritrea (cont’d)
- ID with the Commission of inquiry on Burundi (oral update) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 10
HC oral update on Georgia followed by General debate
8 June / 15 June / 22 June
Y / 09.00

12.00 / Panel discussion on enhancing capacity-building in PUBLIC health
(HRC res. 32/16)
accessible / 10.00

13.00 / ITEM 4
- ID with the Commission of inquiry on Burundi (oral update) (cont’d)
- ID with SR on Myanmar (oral update) / 09.00

12.00 / ITEM 1
Decisions and conclusions

15.00 / ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d) / BREAK / 12.00

15.00 / Decisions and conclusions (cont’d)

18.00 / ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d)
Clustered ID with:
- WG on transnational corporations and human rights
- SR on migrants / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 4
- ID with SR on Myanmar (oral update)
- OHCHR oral update on Eritrea followed by General debate / 15.00

18.00 / Decisions and conclusions (cont’d)
9 June / 16 June / 23 June
Y / 09.00

12.00 / ITEM 3 - Clustered ID (cont’d)
Individual ID with WG on discrimination against women / 10.00

13.00 / General debate on ITEM 4 (cont’d)
Report of the Forum on Business and HRs, HC report and oral update
followed by General debate / 09.00

12.00 / Decisions and conclusions (cont’d)

15.00 / Individual ID (cont’d)
Individual ID with SR on trafficking / BREAK / 12.00

15.00 / Decisions and conclusions (cont’d)

18.00 / panel discussion on unaccompanied migrant children and adolEscents
and human rights
(HRC res. 33/7) / 15.00

18.00 / ITEM 5 - General debate (cont’d) / 15.00

18.00 / Decisions and conclusions (cont’d)
- Appointment of SP mandate holders
- Adoption of the session report

*Presentation only

* Item 2 remains open throughout the session

35th session (6 - 23 June 2017)

Inscription on the list of speakers and posting statements on the HRC Extranet

The online system for inscription for the list of speakers applies to general debates (“GDs”), individual and clustered interactive dialogues (“IDs”), and can be accessed through https://spreg.ohchr.org/. Delegations are invited to inscribe online using the same login details used during the 34th session of the Council. In case of log-in problems, delegations can press the red button to retrieve their password, or contact for further assistance.

(a)  For all GDs and IDs, online inscription for the lists of speakers opened on Thursday 1 June 2017 at 4 p.m. and will close two hours before the meeting in which the respective debate/dialogue is scheduled to start. The online inscription system allows delegations to register on behalf of regional or political groups. If the name of the group does not appear in the drop-down menu, the delegation should choose the “other” option, provide the name of the group and select at least two countries that are part of the joint registration. After the online inscription has closed, delegations may still inscribe or withdraw at the List of Speakers Desk until the closure of the list, approximately 15 minutes after the beginning of the respective debate/dialogue. The list of speakers will be made available at the desk two hours before the debate/dialogue is scheduled to start.

(b)  Inscription for all panel discussions will be done through the electronic system in Room XX, at the beginning of each panel. Delegations are invited to inscribe by pressing the microphone button at their desk once the Secretariat has activated the system. For States Members of the Council, only the microphone button with the red sticker can be used to inscribe on the list. Delegations wishing to register a dignitary or speaking on behalf of a group should inform the Secretariat at the List of Speakers Desk and will be given priority slots on the list. Delegations may still inscribe at the Desk until the list is closed approximately 15 minutes after the corresponding discussion has started.

All delegations are strongly encouraged to upload their oral statements as soon as possible through the online system for inscription on the lists of speakers for posting on the Extranet. Hard or electronic copies of statements handed in person or received by email will not be posted. Hard copies given to conference officers will be used for interpretation purposes only.

(a)  Statements should be uploaded in Word format in the online system.

(b)  Statements uploaded in advance of a debate/dialogue/panel will be forwarded automatically to the interpreters, and will be posted on the Extranet shortly after being delivered.

(c)  Statements uploaded after a debate will be posted, but may likely appear on the Extranet after a delay.

(d)  It is possible to upload a revised version of an oral statement to replace its earlier version, but a final version should be posted as soon as possible.

(e)  Should you require advice on uploading statements, please ask the Secretariat at the List of Speakers Desk.

Type of discussion / Member States
(min.) / Observer States /other observers
(min.) / Observers for NHRIs / NGOs
General debates / 2’30 / 1’30 / 1’30
All interactive dialogues / Panel discussions / 2’ / 2’ / 2’

[*] The information contained in this document was compiled and is correct as of 6 p.m. of the previous day. In the event that the consideration of a specific item or sub-item does not take up the whole meeting, the Council will move to the consideration of the next item or sub-item scheduled for the following meeting, with the exception of panels and the consideration of UPR reports. The Secretariat will communicate any changes or updates by SMS alerts, HRC Extranet and Twitter (@UN_HRC #HRC35). Any comments should be notified to the Secretariat, room E-3060.