LIFE IN THE BODY:Acts 9:31-43 |Pastor Mark Bofill|11/27/2016

Intro:A youth minister was attending a Special Olympics where handicapped children com-peted with tremendous dedication & enthusiasm. One event was the 220-yard dash, were contestants lined up at the starting line, and at the signal, started running as fast as they could. One boy,by the name of Andrew quickly took the lead, andwas soon about 50 yards ahead of everybody else. As he approached the final turn he looked back & saw that his best friend had fallen & hurt himself on the track. Andrew stopped & looked at the finish line. Then he looked back at his friend. People were hollering, "Run, Andrew, run"But he didn’t. He went back & got his friend, helped him up, brushed off the cinders. And hand in hand, they crossed the finish line dead last. But as they did, the people cheered, because there are some things more important than winning!

I found this illustration to touch the very heart of what Healthy Church looks like...Caring for others in Jesus’ name!At Calvary Worship Center...Teaching God’s Wordand Doing Life Together is what we are all about!

In the book of Acts, the Church was birthed and grew as it walked in simplicity (READ Acts 2:42,46-47). And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers...46So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the churchdaily those who were being saved.

  1. A HEALTHY BODY (31)–Everyday LIFE IN THE BODY resulted in a Healthy Community of believers, whichimpacted everyone around them.As it continued, it grew throughoutJudea, Galilee, and Samaria.

A.5 Characteristics of a Healthy Body: Church = ekklesia,i.e., the “called-out” ones.

1.Churches had PEACE (31a) – Spiritually first(In Christ), experientially second. (In fellowship/surroundings)

2.Churches were EDIFIED (31b) – Growing spiritually and experientially. (Joy resulted)

  1. Churches were MULTIPIED (31e) – Growth in numbers resulted from like-minded people gathering.
  1. Churches Walked in the FEAR of the LORD (31c) – Revering Him with holy lives. (Prov 19:23) The

fear of the Lord leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil.

  1. Churches Walked in the COMFORT of the HOLY SPIRIT (31d) – Therefore if there is any consolation

in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.(Phil 2:1-2)Question:Are you walking in the Comfort of the Holy Spirit, or in the Chaos of a worldly spirit?

B. 1 Challenge to become a Perfect Body: (Eph 4:15-16 NLT) Teaches us that, to be healthy we

should be…growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.He makes the whole body fit together PERFECTLY.As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.– Because Jesus Christ is the head, we should follow His direction, eat what is healthy, and exercise what is right.(This is exactly what the Apostle Peter does next!)

II.A RENEWED BODY (32-35)– The churches seemed to thrive when Saul went into seclusion. As a result, Dr. Luke returns to writing about the Ministry of the Apostle Peter once again. His last appearance was in (Acts 8:25). What strikes me here is that Peter “kept on” with the orders of Jesus Christ to fulfill the “Great Commission” (Matt 28:18-20).(He never stopped doing God’s will. He was able to do this ashe was continually filled with and lead by the HS–he knew what Jesus commissioned to do)

  1. Direction of Peter (32-34) – He traveled to various parts of the country.

1.Peter “DWELT” in Lydda (32) –[“Loo-Dhah] You may recall the town Joppa; it was the seacoast town where Jonah fled from God’s presence. It is modern day Jaffa.Lydda is located about 10 miles SE of Joppa, this is where Peter went to minister to the already established churches. We are also told who he kept company with: The SAINTS (hagios), those who were set-apart! (Possibly house churches)

1.Peter “FOUND” Aeneas (33) – The Holy Spirit directed Peter to this “certain man,” who was bedridden for 8 years!

  1. Use of the phrase “Certain Man,” denotes that Aeneas was an “UNBELIEVER.”(but a nice guy)...
  1. His name “Aeneas” means “LAUDABLE” (i.e., Praiseworthy, Admirable, Meritous or Commendable). In

(Mark 8:36-37), Jesus said, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his

own soul? 37Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

  1. He was “Paralyzed” or stricken with “PALSY.”(i.e., his nervous system was enfeebled, weakened or

loosed). Scripture mentions many who had this physical ailment:(Luke 5:18,24; Acts 8:7, 9:33); and furthermore addressed those who “paralyzed spiritually”(Heb 12:12): Therefore, strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, 13and makestraight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed...

  1. Interestingly enough, the number “8” is the number for “New Beginnings” and his encounter

with Peter would initiate just that…a NEW BEGINNING. You see, Aeneas’ body was broken down as the result of sin; most importantly he was born with a DEAD SPIRITthat needed to beRENEWED!So...

  1. Peter “WITNESSED” to Aeneas (34) – I love the humility and power I see demonstrated in the

Apostle Peter here. Notice that he did not say “I HEAL YOU,” but “JESUS the CHRIST” heals you, as in (Acts 3:12,16, 4:10). –All glory should go Jesus, becauseHe is the “ONE” who obtained our Spiritual Renewal at the Cross. ONLY JESUS has the Power to HEAL our physical bodies...Are you in need of spiritual renewal right now? Perhaps, you need physical renewal or healing? Do YOU believe that Jesus Christ can renew you from whatever state you are currently in? THEN ASK!!!

  1. Direct Response of People (35)

1.People from the towns of Lydda & Sharon “KNEW” Aeneas –Directly/indirectly, they knew OF him.

2.People of Lydda & Sharon “WITNESSED” Aeneas’s change – Just seeing him walk around convinced them that Jesus was alive and they needed to trust in Him. (as with LazarusJohn 12:10–11)

  1. People of Lydda & Sharon “TURNED TO THE LORD” – Peter’s whole ministry was to get people to

TURN to the LORD. (Acts 3:19, 26), [God raised up Jesus who was sent]to bless you, in TURNING away everyone of you from your iniquities. Peter was used to RENEW Aeneas’ Body and Spirit, and as a result MANY people TURNED TO THE LORD. (This tells us that one person can affect his acquaintances)

Closing Thoughts:Jesus uses people in HIS BODY to help build a HEALTHIER BODY...This cultivates LIFE IN THE BODY!Remember: Healthy sheep beget healthy sheep. You may recall that Jesus had commissioned Peter to care for the sheep (John 21:15–17); Peter was faithful to fulfill that commission. Heprobably did much more in Lydda than just heal Aeneas; surely heevangelized, taught and encouraged the believers, and sought to establish LIFE IN THE BODY. (We must learn from this!)

III.A RESTORED BODY (36-43) –This next section doesn’t speak of a humble apostle, but of a...

  1. Dedicated Disciple (36-37) – This female believer in Jesus Christ is an amazing example of what real disciples should look like! She did not attain some high position, but was simply filled with the Holy Spirit and the Love of Jesus Christ. A person of “Great Deeds.” What she did affected other lives!

1.Deeds of Dorcas (36) – She was KNOWN for “good works,” and “charitable deeds.”She MINISTRED PRACTICALLY to the NEEDS of OTHERS; sewing clothes for them and meeting their needs. Her very name means GAZELLE, which prompts me to see her as a person of beauty, which is “light on her feet” when it come to putting others first (Christlike! C.f. Phil 2:1-4 - We need more honest people like this in the body)

2.Death of Dorcas (37) –Tragedy has it way of finding itself on the doorstep of even the most gracious of saints. People die because SIN has entered our world. Everyone is affected by DEATH!

  1. Different Direction (38-39) – In Jewish culture, a body was normally BURIED within hours of death. But for some reason, these disciples were prompted to STEP OUT IN FAITH. Therefore, they made a…

1.Decision to Get Peter (38-39a)– Peter was nearby in Joppa, so they immediately summoned him; not a doctor, not a mortician, but an Apostle. (Who do you summon when tragedy strikes?)

Peter was ready to MINISTER, and he too went out in faith. I’m sure that he did not have the slightest clue what the Holy Spirit was about to do, yet he made himself available(the role of a shepherd)

2.Dorcas Remembered (39b)– Upon arrival, Peter was met with widows who mourned for Dorcas. Weeping is a healthy part of grieving- we all grieve differently. (Eccl 3:4) says that there is…A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; and (Ps 30:5) says, For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.

  1. Dealing with Death (40-43)– It is often awkward when dealing with those who mourn; what do you say? Do you remain silent;do you hug them? Do you you go? Its always different! In this case, Dr. Luke tells us of the…

1.Direction of Peter (40-41)– He knew that the moment was sensitive, and he needed to hear from God. He needed his own quite time, so he…

a.Put the Crowds out – As a disciple...many times he saw Jesus perform differently. (No pattern!)

With Jairus’s daughter, Jesus also put people out of the room when he RESTORED her (Mark 5:40).

b.Prayed First – Once it was quiet, Peter relied on what he knew best in this time of unknown. He got on his knees and PRAYED!(This is exactly what we need to do when we are uncertain of how to minister)

c.Prompted “Tabitha” to Rise– In prayer, they Holy Spirit may have confirmed what Peter was to do.Also, in (Mark 5:40), Jesus prompted “Ta Litha” to rise. Now Peter would say to same words (with only one different letter).

i.She immediatelyOPEN HER EYES and SAT UP!(Wow, how is that for a miracle! – FAITH Required!)

ii.Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.(John 14:12)

d.Pulled her up – Literally from DEATH’S DOOR!

e.Presented her ALIVE–To the SAINTS.(God’s people usually get to see the miracle first!)

2.Direct Results (42-43)– I first want to call to your attention what is not mentioned. There is NO MENTION of anyone praising the Peter for the MIRACLE he performed. Why? Because all the saints KNOW that Peter was just a vessel, which was used by the Holy Spirit to do this great work. However it…

a.Became Known (42a)– throughout the entire city of Joppa.

b.Believers Made (42b)– miracles can likewise produce faith, because there is no other way to explain what happened. It would honestly be foolish not to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when you see Dorcas resurrected!(What is holding you back from believing in the Power of JesusChrist? – The Divine Godhead continues to works LIFE IN THE BODY...have you seen it? Are you part of it?

c.Befriending Simon the Tanner (43)– Peter truly overcame previous bias’s, because a Tanner was one who often handled dead carcasses’. It not longer mattered to him, because of God’s grace!

Closing Thoughts:Only the Power of the Godhead can resurrect a DEAD BODY. I challenge you to make an assessment of your life today.

  • If you are not a Christian, then the Bible reveals that you are Dead in your trespasses and sins. If you choose to remain that way, then you haven chosen eternal damnation and separation from the Presence of God the Father. The message then to you is: REPENT, and believe on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that the times of Refreshing and Restoration can begin. <SAY THIS PRAYER WITH ME>
  • If you are a Christian and your life appears to be UNHEALTHY or even DEAD, then I will requote this exhortation for You: (Heb 12:12-13 ESV) says, “Therefore, lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees,and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.”The Message to you then is to REPENT and REPEAT your first works (when you first found the Love of Jesus Christ).

As you live in this world...

  1. SEEK to promote Health in the Body of Christ! Join a Life Group...Lead a Life Group...Give a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name!
  1. REMEMBER: A “Renewed Body” adds life to the Body... Be like Peter – reach out to the dead person in your life....not physically, but spiritually. “You never know the fruit that will come from working with a dead person!”– Jon Courson