ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY[ ] Unapproved[ X ] Approved


Neutropenia Special Interest Group

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2004May 1, 2003Attendees: (List of attendees attached)

Place:Congress Meeting – Anaheim, CA

Anaheim Convention Center - Room 303 A/B


5:23 pm (PT)6:45 pm (PT)Recorder: Colleen Lemoine


Welcome and Introductions

B. Wivell, SIG Coordinator, welcomed everyone. Participants in attendance introduced themselves.


2nd official meeting since SIG status granted in Fall 2002. Got together initially to standardize neutropenic care in light of various practices. Did survey; then plan was for members to go back to institutions and give B. Wivell feedback re: neutropenia related research and PI. But most people responded by saying they didn’t have anything and progress was stagnated.

Review and Approval of Minutes

Motion made to accept minutes, seconded and unanimously carried.

Discuss/Assign Roles

Arlene Davis – coordinator-elect and photographer

Alice Palmer – virtual community web administrator

Barbara Livingston – was newsletter editor but had to step down (had a baby).

Jenny Ellis – archivist

Colleen Lemoine – Recorder

Teresa Knoop - Timekeeper

Journal Club

Post an article in PDF format on virtual community. Everyone downloads, reads, and discusses in virtual community. Group discussed possibilities and challenges. B. Wivell could post information and see if there is any interest. Cathy Fortenbaugh agreed to head up the effort. B. Wivell will distribute.

D. Wujcik suggested that ONS library could help getting articles into PDF format. D. White at ONS helps with the virtual community.

Welcoming Committee

Contact new members welcoming them to SIG, draft letter, inform of opportunities for participation. Arlene Davis and Nancy Hayes agreed to work on this effort.

ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY[ ] Unapproved[ X ] Approved


Date: Thursday, April 29, 2004Neutropenia Special Interest Group



3/04 - 108 members in SIG.


Need an editor, decided on themes. B. Wivell solicited authors.

Teresa Knoop suggested getting something from the European ONS’s “ATAQ” efforts.

We need three newsletters for the year. B. Wivell would like to get a post- Congress issue out.

Suggested topics include: neutropenic diet practices - Look at evidence; include something about Barbara Wilson’s Forum 2002 article. Katherine West suggested that the group brainstorm about the top three issues and then work on them.

Topics discussed – tubing changes; Barbara Wilson’s neutropenic diet; Brenda Shelton neutropenic precautions; Management of Neutropenic Practices – Fact or Fiction; and include information about levels of evidence. First newsletter – post Congress.

Update from Expert Panel

Discussed ways to be proactive rather than reactive in neutropenia management. Ask ONS to support/coordinate State of the Knowledge Conference with the goal of generating ONS guidelines for neutropenia management. Nancy Hayes suggested that we consider working with other liaisons from other organizations so it’s integrated.

D. Wujcik explained the process for getting your topic mentioned/formally recorded as part of Town Hall and for getting a topic submitted to the Steering Council.

B. Wivell requested that everyone complete the “Town Hall” topic form in the folder received at Congress. B. Wivell and A. Davis will work on completing the “Steering Council” form.

Research Work Group

Put on hold in light of efforts to get/hold a State of the Knowledge Conference to help identify gaps in research.

ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY[ ] Unapproved[ X ] Approved


Date: Thursday, April 29, 2004Neutropenia Special Interest Group


Review of Strategic Plan

Goal #1 – add request/hold a State of the Knowledge Conference

Goals # 2 & #3 – Journal Club

Goal #3 – Welcoming efforts

Teresa Knoop suggested we plan to meet at Institutes of Learning.

Donation to Money Wall on Behalf of SIG

B. Wivell asked for donations on behalf of the SIG to the ONS Foundation.

Topic Submission for 2005 Congress and Institutes of Learning

Could resubmit one from last year but would need to review/revise/update title.

Nancy Hayes suggested approaching it from a new direction since it seems to be getting old. Consider approaching it from PI perspective. Teresa Knoop will work on Congress submission with Kelly Sakalian and Katherine West.

Chris Frieze shared information on Institutes of Learning topic submission and deadline.

Neutropenic Outcomes Research Project

Chris Frieze shared that he is doing a research project involving neutropenic outcomes. He requested that anyone who is interested let him know. B. Wivell asked that he contact her so she can include something in the newsletter.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

List of attendees at Neutropenia SIG Planning/Networking Meeting at Congress 2004

SIG Members

A. Davis

C. Fier

M. Fliedner (exp. 2/04)

K. Fortenbaugh

N. Hayes

D. Johnson Clark

T. Knoop

K. Sakalian (exp. 3/04)

K. West

B. Wivell

Non-SIG Members

Alicia Bell, 4158 Hickory Grove Rd., Bismarck, AR 71929-6067

Colleen Lemoine, 5526 York St., New Orleans, LA 70125-4306

Carol Mack, 677 Rudman Dr., Newbury Park, CA 91320-2125

Ruth Wright, 4 Hermosa Cir., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909-7500

D. Wujcik, 1141 Brentwood Pointe, Brentwood, TN 37027-7993

Not ONS Members

Dianne Bluhm, 1103A Curtis Dr., Weatherford, TX 76086-5635

* Interested in being in a work group