On Monday, July 8, 2002, the Preble Town Board held its regular monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:05.

Board members present: Linette Currie, Kate Edinger, Tom Fox and Peter Knapp, Councilmen.

Others present: Dan O=Shea, Jeff Griswold, Marilyn Stoker, Don Armstrong, Jim Griswold, Frank Hogg, and Joyce Snavlin.

Approval of previous month=s minutes

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Linette Currie

RESOLUTION #49:To accept the June 10, 2002 minutes as submitted

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)


DOG CONTROL-3 dogs impounded - 2 still at shelter, 1 euthanized

-1 complaint - 1 dog at large

-2 appearance tickets issued - dogs at large

-No stray cats taken to the shelter in June

-One of the dogs impounded during the month of June and still at the shelter was seized by Court order June 27th

JUSTICE REPORT-$18,545. submitted to the Town of Preble for June

Marilyn was present to ask permission to attend Justice school in Potsdam, July 22nd and 23rd

Motion made by Linette Currie, seconded by Kate Edinger

RESOLUTION #50:To grant permission to Marilyn Stoker and Max Stoker to attend Justice School in Potsdam July 22nd and 23rd

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)


-2002 road work is getting back on schedule(thanks to the weather)

- Gravel road surfaces are about done

- Starting to pull shoulders and ditches

- Will be reconstructing the end of the Currie Rd. spur this summer(Paul Bunyan)

- Early August - will slurry seal Marybelle, Tully Trlr. Park, Currie Rd. and East Clark Road

- Mid to late August will oil and stone

-Have helped Homer haul grindings, Scott put down gravel and the Village of Homer pave.

-David Orr and Jim Mearkle (PE=s from Cornell) were here on June 12th to discuss some road wear problems.


-The Volvo will be getting a recall done this Friday


-Nothing to report


-Hired Randy Pryor to help out for the next 2-1/2 months

RECREATION-Community Night will be July 27th with the band High Noon

COUNTY LEGISLATURE-John announced that the County Legislators are supporting changing the term of office for the Legislators from a two-year to a four-year term. Voting will be Wednesday. He will support unless hears various opposition.

-The Highway Committee is waiting for word from Council regarding the dock at Little York Park re water craft

-He has been asked to be on two more committees: Historian Records and Manual Committee and the Cortland Community Who Cares, a new group to help disadvantage children.

ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT-5 building permits grants

-Construction value $227,000

-Fees assessed $711.

- pending

-2 certificates of occupancy issued

-24 telephone inquiries

-1 30-day violation notice issued

-2 15-day followup notices issued

PLANNING BOARD-July meeting cancelled

HISTORIAN-Anne Henderson absent.

TOWN CLERK-$1167.00 - Fees collected in June; $5.87 to CC Treasurer,$3.00 to Ag & Markets; $31.00 to DEC and $1127.13 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor



Town Hall Roof --Have heard nothing from Gallagher Construction as to when they will start

Subdivision change -Dean Smith has submitted some changes; tabled for discussion at the workshop meeting on July 29th

Employee=s personnel handbook -The handbook has been completed

Motion made by Linette Curie, seconded by Peter Knapp

RESOLUTION #51:To accept the Employee=s Personnel Handbook which will take effect January 1, 2003.

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

Water Quality - High Nitrates-Nothing much done at last meeting of Water Quality. Nitrates at the Town Hall 3.37 and the park 4.87

Open Burning -Tom mentioned he has not heard any more complaints but thinks the matter should be monitored.


Fire Lanes -Change approvals have been received from Dan Daneen of the County . Don commented on the new building codes which went into effect on July 1. Also stated that a Local Law would probably not be approved by the State for changes not written in the current codes.

Little York Lake - Water Craft -A meeting was held with the lake residents. The problem with the water craft has improved. The Association which they thought would be organized has fallen through the cracks. Suggested hours for the water craft 12 to 6. Also suggested, a sign be posted as to the regulations and restrictions. John Steger advised that 2 members of the Board attend a Highway meeting on July 11 at 9:00 a.m.


Rent from Post Office - $541.67 received

Waterfront Project - No one to nominate

Planning & Zoning School 8/8/02 -

Motion made by Tom Fox, seconded by Linette Currie

RESOLUTION #52:To allow two (2) members of Planning Board and the ZBA to attend the Planning and Zoning School on August 8, 2002 at a cost of $35.00 each

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

Legislators public hearing on July 10 at 10:00 a.m. -Public Hearing - Local Law #5 for 2002- Modifying the terms of office of CC Legislators from 2 years to 4 years. And also, the Budget for Tompkins Cortland Community College

Antique Car Show - Sept. 15 - Letter received asking permission for a crowd permit.

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp

RESOLUTION #53:To issue a permit for a public gathering to be held at the Little York Park on

September 15, 2002.

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)


Joyce Snavlin inquired about fire lane roads.

Jim Griswold mentioned the Editorial Page of the Cortland Standard regarding the change in the term of office for the Legislators - against the change.

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp

RESOLUTION #54:To move into executive session with Julie Ray to discuss potential litigation regarding Song Mt.

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

Motion made by Tom Fox, seconded by Linette Currie

RESOLUTION #55:To exit executive session

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox (aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

Approve General and Highway bills:

Motion made by Linette Currie, seconded by Kate Edinger

RESOLUTION #56To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 7 Nos. 141 to 163, totaling $6,232.57

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Tom Fox

RESOLUTION #57:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 7, Nos. 71 to 80, totaling $11,473.76

Linette Currie(aye) Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye) Peter Knapp(aye)

There being no further business, Betty Ann declared the meeting adjourned.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane W. Davenport

Unofficial 07/08/2002