Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church

Extension Minister’s Profile(clergy only)

(Revised July 2016)

Please note:
This is a Word document that will expand as you type. Please complete it by typing your answers following each question.
This is not a Yearly Conference form. This Profile is submitted directly to the district office/superintendent by the date specified by the DS.
The purpose of this document is to communicate clearly with the District Superintendent, and to create a conversation that inspires reflection and actiontoward more effective, fruitful ministry and leadership in the Church. This is a confidential document between the Clergy and the Superintendent/Cabinet. Answers should cover the time period since the last submitted Extension Minister’s Profile, including time from a previous appointment if the pastor moved since the last submission (In the case of a first time appointment, cover the months in the current appointment).

Clergy Name:______
Extension Ministry:______

  1. Give a brief overview of your responsibilities in your extension ministry. To whom do you report?
  1. Elders (Local Pastors) – how do you live out your ordination (license) to word, order, sacrament and service in your setting? Give examples and locations/dates of teaching/preaching if that is not a part of your weekly work.

Deacons – how do you live out your ordination to word, service, compassion and justice in your setting? Give examples and locations/dates of teaching/preachingif that is not a part of your weekly work.

  1. What is the best thing that happened through your ministry this year?
  1. What in ministry seems to sap the energy from you?
  1. Deacons, where is your secondary appointment? How do you relate to that congregation? Give specific examples.
  1. What have you and/or your extensionministry done this year to affect your neighborhood or community?
  1. Would you summarize a story about how your ministry setting has had high impact life transformation for an 1) individual, 2) a family, 3) the community and 4) a social justice issue? Please provide a brief summative narrative for each of the four areas.
  1. The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To accomplish our mission, what are some specific measurable, describable (even countable) differences that you discern God is calling you to make 1) in the mission field, 2) in your ministry setting, and 3) in your leadership practice during your tenure in this appointment.
  1. In what ways are you engaging your extension ministry with the ministries and mission of the District (including missional areas) and the Annual Conference? In what ways are you serving the District and the Annual Conference?
  1. How do you stay connected to the Conference? What unique resources do you and your extension ministry offer the conference?
  1. Name your best ministry gifts and skills?
  1. What strategy do you have for increasing your effectiveness as a servant-leader-strategist through Continued Education/Formation?
  1. What Continued Education/Formation did you complete and how have you applied what you learned?
  1. How can the Superintendent be supportive of you and your ministry setting this next year?
  1. Have you done anything in the performance of your ministerial function this past year that, in your opinion, or in the opinion of another, could lead to a complaint or charges being filed against you?
  1. Are there special needs in your family that you need to share with the Cabinet?
  1. What would you like to communicate to the Cabinet concerning your appointment? Deacons with regard to your appointment – are there ways you would offer yourself in service to the Conference, other ministry settings, or local churches which the Cabinet may not know.

Campus Ministers, please attach a copy ofthis year’s completed Ministry Audit that you submitted to the conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry.

All Extension Ministers, per ¶350.2 (2012 BOD), please attach a copy of your extension ministry setting’s mission and objectives, your job description,and your most recent evaluation signed or attested to by your ministry supervisor.

Please list the name, title and contact information for your direct supervisor below:

Name: ______

Title: ______

Contact Information: ______

(Please affix your signature either digitally by pasting it below as a picture or text box that contains your signature or/and manually by signing this at your annual consultation.)

Clergy Digital Signature:

Date: ______

Clergy Manual Signature ______

Date: ______

By your signature, you agree that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

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