Ofsted Letter to Parents

Ofsted Letter to Parents

21 July 2010

Dear parents / carers,

Further to James Dening’s letter to parents which was attached to the Ofsted report I would like to update you on what has happened so far and our next steps. Whilst we feel that the report was quite harsh and does not fully reflect the school’s strengths, none the less the issues raised are taken seriously and will be dealt with.

Coincidentally, as happens at this time of the school year, we have had a number of professionals visiting the school – consultants and inspectors – to review progress on initiatives we have undertaken this year. The timing of these visits has been very helpful to the school and we have been able to use their expertise to check we are on the right tracks.

For example, a leadership review by an external consultant, at my request following on-going work this year, was already underway before Ofsted and has now been completed. It confirmed that we have all the appropriate systems in place and that they are good. We have invited the consultant in again in the Autumn Term to work with subject leaders as the issue from Ofsted was that not all middle leaders are fully aware of the wider school picture. We will then check on the progress in this area later in the year.

The teaching overall came out as satisfactory and that does need to be addressed. We are fully aware of where there is outstanding and good teaching across the school and the last training day in July gave us time to reflect on what needs to be done next.

There was an alarming sentence in the report suggesting that there were “weaknesses in the quality of teaching which hitherto had not been fully recognized”. This was discussed with the Ofsted inspector and we were aware this one sentence related to a specific observation. This does not reflect higher gradesin all other observations, including those from external consultants.


What is the school doing?

  • Having trialed different planning formats for weekly planning in 2009-10 and identified best practice, we have put in a consistent plan across the school for 2010 – 11. Subject leaders will monitor the effective use of the planning.
  • Continue to monitor lessons with the focus on what the children are learning rather than what is being taught.
  • Continue the monitoring of planning, pace, modeling and differentiation
  • Ensure children in Y5/6 are aware of their National Curriculum levels
  • Monitor marking to targets
  • Use the school’s Leading Literacy Teacher to support work in other classes
  • Continue to have further discussions with some families re. attendance and lateness, involving external agencies where appropriate
  • Ensure that those middle leaders who were unclear about their responsibilities and accountabilities develop a clearer understanding

What can parents/ carers do?

  • Attend the curriculum and meet the teacher evening
  • Attend the lessons prior to looking at the children’s targets in their books at the open evenings – discuss the targets with the children
  • Attend the 1:1 consultations and discuss targets with the teacher
  • Ensure children attend school regularly and punctually

What can the governors do?

  • Oversee the School Development Plan and Ofsted action plan
  • Continue to have close links between subject governors and subject leaders using the recent guidance I wrote earlier this school year
  • Performance Assessment committee to look at timings of data discussion meetings alongside what data should be looked at

I hope this letter reassures parents that the school has been pro-active in addressing the issues raised by Ofsted, appropriate discussions with professionals have taken place and that the staff and governors are committed to continued improvement.

Over the summer I will be writing the Ofsted action plan which will be shared with everyone once it has been agreed by the Governing Body in September.

Thank-you for your support,

Yours sincerely

Ms J K Hill
