Official Constitution for the Tai Chi Club of The Ohio State University
Article I
Section 1:
This club is the Tai Chi Club of the Ohio State Universtity (hereafter referred to as "the club").
Section 2:
The purpose of this club is to promote the health and well-being of both members and the campus community through practicing and promoting awareness of Tai Chi, spreading its philosophy of mindfulness

Section 3:
The club and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Article II
Voting members are only those members of the club who are currently enrolled students at The Ohio State University. Others may participate as invited by the club, but will not have a leadership or voting role as part of any such invitation.
Article III
The club has 3 officer positions: President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
All are elected once a year, with elections to be held in Fall Semester during a club meeting. The incumbent officers shall select the date and announce it with at least 2 weeks advance notice to all voting members. A plurality of votes is required to win the election for each position, with ties resolved by the newly-elected president, or, in case of a tie in the voting for President, the tie will be resolved by the newly-elected Treasurer.
The roles are as follows:
The President shall be in charge of scheduling and managing all club meetings, designing/writing and distribution club communications, and being the point person for the club. In short, all duties not explicitly assigned to the Treasurer or Vice President are the President's responsibility.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial matters and bookkeeping of the club. Including submitting requests and documentation to the University as needed. All uses of club funds and fundraising activities are to be decided by majority vote of the three officers, as are formal responses to petitions as described later.
The Vice President is to fulfill the role of the President should the President delegate these duties or be physically absent or otherwise prevented from performing his duties. The Vice President also votes on decisions involving the use or raising of club funds and responding to petitions as described in the Treasurer's role description.
Articles IV & V
The club has not committees, all decisions shall be made by the elected officers, or, at their discretion, made open to a club-wide vote.
Article VI
Except as disallowed by the non-discrimination policy, if 3/4 of the club membership signs and submits to 2 of the officers a petition requesting the review of an officer's or general member's status, then a vote of the officers will be held at the first club meeting two weeks or more from the submission date of the petition. If 2 of the officers support the motion, then the 3rd officer shall be removed from office and new elections scheduled.
Through this process, an officer may be removed from office, or a general member from the club. To remove an officer from the club through this process requires 2 such petitions and votes, carried out sequentially.
Article VII
The faculty advisor(s) shall attend meetings whenever possible and counsel the club whenever the President or both other officers seek advice.
Article VIII
At a minimum, the club shall meet twice a month from October to May to conduct business and practice. However, it is desirable that the club meet more often than this minimum indicates.
Artice IX
To amend this constitution, a petition of 3/4 of the membership, and a majority of the officers must vote to support the amendment, exactly as outlined in Article VI.
Article X
To dissolve the organization, the same process is followed as detailed in Articles IX and VI.
By - Laws
Article One
As described in the Articles and with the exception of procedures described in Articles VI,IX and X, club business is decided by a majority of the elected officers of the club, except as such matters are delegated for majority vote of all student members.
Article Two
New members may join the club at the discretion of the President or through the petition process described earlier.
Article Three
The election process is described earlier, voting will be by show of hands at the designated club meeting, after candidates declare their intention. The President shall be elected first, followed by the Treasurer and Vice President in that order.
Article Six
The role of advisors is described in the Constitution.
Article Seven
The President is responsible for scheduling meetings. Matters which require voting shall require at least 3 members to be present, including 2 officers.
Article Eight
By laws shall be amemded by the same process applicable in Articles VI, IX, and X of the Constitution.