Nottingham Trent University | Centre for Academic Development and Quality

Outline and Full Business Case Template for new course/change to existing course

Use this template to:

Take a new course proposal through the business case process – See guidance on CADQ website

Make a change to an existing course where there are financial, resource on marketing implications

Complete a separate form for each proposal.

A1 / Type of proposal
Please tick the box that applies (ü):
Type of proposal: / Type of proposal – sub category: / ü
NTU / New Proposal
Modification (withbusinessimplications)
Modification (without business implications
Minormodification (withbusinessimplications)
Minormodification (withoutbusinessimplications)
Collaborative Provision (non VS) / New proposal – existing Centre (non VS)
New delivery centre (existing course) (non VS)
Collaborative course review (non VS)
Collaborative Centre review (non VS)
New Collaborative Centre (non VS)
Major change
Modification (withbusinessimplications)
Modification (without business implications
Minormodification (withbusinessimplications)
Minormodification (withoutbusinessimplications)
A2 / Brief description of any change and impact on any other courses, collaborative partners or PSRB
A3 / Proposing School
Please select one (lead) school only. / ü
·  Arts and Humanities
·  Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences
·  Art and Design
·  Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
·  Education
·  Nottingham Business School
·  Nottingham Law School
·  Social Sciences
·  Science and Technology
A5 / Final award (state the highest where interim awards exist)
A7 / Course title – to be updated before final submission of Full Business Case
A8 / Proposed Commencement Date
A9 / Type of study
Please indicate the type of study by ticking one box: / ü
·  Undergraduate
·  Postgraduate (taught)
·  Further Education
·  Non credit/award bearing
·  Undeclared (Other)
A10 / Category
Please indicate the category for the proposal (please refer to section 20 of the Quality Handbook for further information). Please select only one: / ü
·  Category 1: Courses solely leading to a University award
·  Category 2: Courses solely leading to a PSRB award, accreditation or some other form of recognition
·  Category 3: Courses jointly leading to a University and PSRB award, accreditation or some other form of recognition
·  Category 4: Courses (typically short courses) leading to neither a University or PSRB award but carrying NTU credits
·  Category 5: Courses (typically short courses) leading to neither awards nor credits
A11 / Lead Academic team
Other information (additional Academic Teams involved in proposal):
A12 / Course Sponsor/Leader
Other information (other key academic staff involved in proposal):
A13 / Administrative contact
A4 / Campus/Location of course delivery/base for distance learning
Please tick all that apply. / ü
·  City
·  Clifton
·  Brackenhurst
·  Existing collaborative partner(non VS)
·  New collaborative partner(non VS)
A14 / Mode of study and Normal Duration
Mode: / Credit Points: / Normal Duration (weeks): / Additional comments:
A15 / Anticipated Student Numbers:
Initially / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4
Additional comments (student numbers):
A16 / Does the proposal involve any collaborative arrangements?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Name of the collaborative partner: / Collaborative Category (A_I) / Stage of Discussions:
Additional Information:
Due Diligence requirements:
Indicate the current status of the Due Diligence process in relation to this proposal: / ü
·  No due diligence needed
·  Due diligence needed
·  Due diligence in process
·  Due diligence complete
A17 / Does the proposal involve a Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB) in any way?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Please provide details of any proposed PSRB relationships below (that will be connected to this new proposal or change to existing course)
Name of PSRB(s): / Current stage of discussions with the PSRB(s):
Additional Information:
B1 / How does the proposal fit with the University’s Graduate Attributes, Mission and Strategic Plan?
Provide additional information here about how the proposal will enable students to achieve the NTU Graduate Attributes:
Please highlight where the proposal links to the University’s Mission and/or Strategic Plan:
Please summarise the educational aims of the proposal:
B2 / How does the proposal fit with the School’s strategic/business plan?
B3 / Does the proposal adhere to the University’s Award Framework (as per Section 12 of the Quality Handbook)?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Please highlight any anomalies to the Awards Framework here:
B4 / Does the proposal include a placement (as per NTU definition in Quality Handbook Section 19, B)
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Please provide a summary. Provide brief details here about the nature/length of the placement and where it falls within the proposal.
B5 / Is the proposal delivered as work-based learning (as per NTU definition in Section 19 of the Quality Handbook)? Please provide a summary
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Please provide brief details here about the nature/length of the work-based learning and how it sits within the course.

Full Business Case Template continues on next page

Note: Not all proposals for changes to existing courses will require a Full Business Case

Please ensure you attach the Full Business Case template to the Outline Business Case for submission to CMT and School Executive.

C1 / Overview of key aims of the course (max. 5 bullet points).
C2 / Overview of key features of the course (max. 5 bullet points).
C3 / Indicative learning outcomes of the course – knowledge and understanding (max. 8 bullet points). (Revised learning outcomes for changes)
Learning outcomes of the course – skills, qualities and attributes (max. 8 bullet points). (Revised learning outcomes for changes)
C4 / Admission to the course (see Appendix B for suggested considerations)
Admission requirements: / Further Information:
Will Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) be considered for admission to this course?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Further admission-related information:
C5 / Assessment Methods (See Appendix A for sample list)
Method: / Assessment Method - Further Information:
C6 / Does the course comply with the NTU modular structure norms (as per part E in Section 3 of the Quality Handbook)?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
If no, please provide a rationale including why the module structure norms do not meet these requirements.
C7 / Has a similar proposal been made previously?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
If yes, provide details of the proposal and the outcome below:
Proposed title:
Date (or academic year):
C8 / Are there any effects of the proposal on existing or proposed courses across the School/College/NTU? (See Appendix C for considerations)
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Has the other course(s) been notified (including language provision)?:
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Please specify the positive and negative effects on the course(s):
Course: / Effect: / Further Information:
STAFF (Financial Evaluation information will assist here)
D1 / Staff required to deliver the course: suggested current staff (names); current capacity and relevant expertise; staff development requirements.
Suggested current staff / Relevant expertise / Any staff development needs? / Within their current capacity?
Yes / No
Staff resources – additional information: (Include any collaborative partner requirements)
D2 / Additional academic staff required. Estimate staff numbers (FTEs) for:
(i)  As the course develops (year 1)
(ii)  When course is in full operation (in each of years 2, 3 & 4).
Year: / No. required: / Additional Information:
D3 / Additional administrative staff required. Estimate staff numbers (FTEs) for:
(i)  As the course develops (year 1) and;
(ii) When course is in full operation (in each of years 2, 3 & 4).
Year: / No. required: / Additional Information:
D4 / Additional technical staff required. Estimate staff numbers (FTEs) for:
(i)  As the course develops (year 1) and;
(ii)  When course is in full operation (in each of years 2, 3 & 4).
Year: / No. required: / Additional Information:
D5 / Is there expertise to develop this proposal/make the proposed change?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
If no, please provide additional clarification below
D6 / What are the implications on staff capacity (both academic and support) in the development and delivery of the documentation required for academic approval?
D7 / Additional type and quantity of staff accommodation required (See Appendix D for suggestions)
(i)  As the course develops (initially);
(ii)  When course is in full operation (in each of years 2, 3 & 4).
Item: / Initially / 2 / 3 / 4 / Additional Information:
D8 / Type of accommodation and hours required to deliver the course for students. (See Appendix E for suggestions)
(i)  As the course develops (initially);
(ii)  When course is in full operation (in each of years 2, 3 & 4).
Item: / Initially / 2 / 3 / 4 / Additional Information:
D9 / Does the course require any specialist equipment or technical support? (see Appendix F for considerations)
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Specialist equipment to be utilised and technical support (provide details and approximate cost)
(i)  As the course develops (initially);
(ii)  When course is in full operation (in each of years 2, 3 & 4).
Type of specialist equipment or technical support needed:
Item: / Equipment at NTU: / State which School: / Tech. Support: / Additional Information:
Cost of specialist equipment and technical support:
Item: / Initially (£) / 2 (£) / 3 (£) / 4 (£)
D10 / Are there any additional Library and Learning Resource (LLR) related requirements? (See Appendix G for considerations)
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Details of LLR requirements:
Requirement: / Additional Information:
Cost of additional LLR requirements:
Requirement: / Initially (£) / 2 (£) / 3 (£) / 4 (£)
D11 / Graduate destinations/employability opportunities. (See Appendix H for suggestions)
Student Destination: / Further Information:
D12 / Add any further information to support the Business Case
E1 / Proposed timescale for development of the course for academic approval.
Please indicate the approximate dates for key milestones of approval:
Academic Team sign off:
Date of course committee at which change to existing course agreed:
Sign off of Outline Business Case by School Executive:
Sign off of Outline Business Case by CMT:
Final sign off Full Business Case by School Executive:
Final sign off of Full Business Case by CMT:
Approval documentation signed off by SASQC/Centre (VS):
Due Diligence complete (collaborative only): Liaise first with your Finance Manager
Other key dates:
Proposed date for academic approval:

For a Full Business Case the Financial Evaluation Form must be attached to the new course proposal or change to existing course. Information in F2 and F3 should be taken from the Financial Evaluation Form where available.

F1 / Attach Financial Evaluation Form
F2 / Contribution (taken from Financial Evaluation form):
Year 1: / Year 2: / Year 3: / Year 4:
F3 / Total set-up costs (taken from Financial Evaluation form):
F4 / For collaborative provision has the due diligence been completed? Liaise with your Finance Manager.
Due diligence completed? / ü
·  Yes – attached
·  Yes – not attached
·  No
·  Pending
·  Not applicable
Additional information:

For Full Business Case, the Market Intelligence brief must be attached to this proposal. Information in G should be taken from the marketing research and intelligence information.

G1 / Has the Market Research been carried out?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
G2 / Is the Market Intelligence attached to the Full Business Case?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Based on market intelligence, is there an adequate market for this course?
Please tick (ü) / No:
Please tick (ü)
Additional information:
G3 / What are the possible sources of recruitment and extent of support?
Number of enrolments on course (locally) which may feed the course.
How will the course be marketed/what marketing strategies are in place?
Date: / Name and signature:
H1 / Academic Team sign off
H2 / Course Committee sign off
(if applicable)
H3 / Outline Business Case sign off by School Executive
H4 / Outline Business Case sign off by CMT
H5 / Full Business Case sign off by School Executive
H6 / Full Business Case sign off by CMT

Associated Business Case documentation completed

Yes / No / N/A
I1 / Financial Evaluation form
I2 / Market Intelligence Report
I3 / Market Research Report

Approval (academic approval final record)

Date: / Name and signature:
J1 / Final sign off by SASQ
J2 / Academic Approval date
J3 / Final ratification by ASQC

Associated Academic Approval documentation completed

Yes / No / N/A
K1 / Contextual Document
K2 / Course specification(s)
K3 / Module specifications
K4 / Due Diligence (for collaborative proposals)
K5 / Collaborative documentation

Appendix A

Assessment Methods – use of the drop down menu

Below are just a few examples of the kinds of assessment that might sit within each of the categories. At this point in the business planning process the idea is to provide CMT and School Executive with indicative information on the proposed forms of assessment. In particular, new or innovative assessment or assessment that will result in increased resources/business implications. The academic discussion of the assessment strategy and choice of methods will sit within the academic approval documentation (Contextual Document and Course Specification in particular).