
  1. If you have a smartphone please download VOXER PTT. It turns your phone into a walkie talkie.
  2. Image: Professional Attire is Dress/Skirt, capped sleeves, professional shoes, NO PANTS or flip flops.
  3. You should be your best customer! Use only Mary Kay products! Keep track of your personal use products.
  4. Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We do not take a customer away from another consultant. Two questions to ask: 1) Are you familiar with Mary Kay? 2) Have you received a Look Book or purchased from your consultant in the past 12 months?
  5. Familiarize yourself with the Resources Tab on Read up on Internet Sales; Legal; and Company Approved Advertising
  6. Don’t break the skin care set (1st time purchase only): Cleanser, Moisturizer, and Foundation
  7. Discounts to friends and family = none

II.Pankow Perfect Contest

A.Prospect List: church, friends, relatives, former/current co-workers, high school or college friends, neighbors, wives/girlfriends of your husband/boyfriend’s friends.

  1. Make a list of 30 women.
  2. Print the 21 day challenge tracking sheet. password: redhot.
  3. Print the scripts to use.
  4. Complete 21 days of calls/texts – Receive Lisa Madson’s “Your Future is Now” Recruiting DVD.

III.Ready, Set, Sell! How to Make Your Inventory Decision

  1. Reasons to have inventory on hand. 3 year shelf life, 90% buy back guarantee
  2. Ways to finance inventory purchase. Credit card, Loan, Savings. Interest is tax deductible!!
  3. Mary Kay Chase VISA is an excellent card and if eligible can receive the card # immediately.12 mo/0% interest

Go to Ordering/MK Connections/Chase MK Rewards VISA. FREE Glamour Look when your $600+ wholesale order is placed w/in 15 days of your start date. Deadline: ______

  2. Order$600 inventory w/in 24 hrs._____. I reimburse you for your website for 1st year AND receive amoney bag.

IV.Monday Night – Girls Night Out– Studio Pink: 658 S. Gammon Road, Madison, Suite 201.

  1. $5 room fee (tax deductible).
  2. 6:00-7:00pmTraining OR do facials on your guests. WE WILL HELP YOU!
  3. 7:00-8:30pmGirls Night Out – recognition, announcements, models

V. Training Hotlines:

Rada Unit Hotline 641-715-3900 code: 429096#. Leave a message. Changed M-F at 11 a.m.

Pankow National Area 518-777-1240. Don’t leave a message. Changed M-F at noon.

VI.Order Your Shopping Website:

Sign up for your personal website $30 for the WHOLE first year. FREE if you place $600+ inventory order within 24 hours!

  1. Business Kit: Order your Business Kit at Ordering/MK Connections/Shop Now/MK Branded Products/Business Building Kit.

Starting at $39.99. Order your website before your business cards so you can put your web address on your cards!

VIII.Where To Begin:

1.Decide on your inventory purchase.

2.Start making your outgoing calls/texts utilizing the 21 Day Challenge above.

3.Watch and listen to 641-715-3900 code: 7578#.

  1. Unit Website: (password: redhot)