“Fostering a Community of Learners”
Monday, April 25, 2011
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Place: Little Chute Area School District Boardroom
Present: Board Members: Mary Janssen, Leon Biesterveld, Jerry Verhagen, Chuck George (excused), Lynn Hietpas; District Administrator, Dave Botz; Student Council Representative, Zach Dercks; Recording Secretary, Cheryl Vande Voort; and 19 guest(s).
The Little Chute Area School District Board of Education Meeting was called to order by Board President, Mary Janssen, at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 25, 2011.
Motion: To approve the agenda with moving letter (h) Fuel Up to Play 60 & FitnessGram to (aa).
By: Jerry Verhagen Second by: Lynn Hietpas Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
Motion: To approve the minutes of the regular meeting of Tuesday, April 12, 2011
as printed.
By: Leon Biesterveld Second by: Lynn Hietpas Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
Motion: To approve the minutes of the Closed Session meeting of Tuesday, April 12, 2011
as printed.
By: Leon Biesterveld Second by: Lynn Hietpas Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
Election of Officers:
President: Mary Jansen, nominated by: Leon Biesterveld
Second by: Jerry Verhagen All ayes carried.
Roll Call: Jerry Verhagen, Mary Janssen, Leon Biesterveld, Lynn Hietpas
President Janssen then made a nomination that the rest of the board officers remain
the same, seconded by Leon Biesterveld All ayes carried.
Roll Call: Jerry Verhagen, Mary Janssen, Leon Biesterveld, Lynn Hietpas
Vice President: Jerry Verhagen
Clerk: Chuck George
Treasurer: Leon Biesterveld
Appointment of Board Posts: Board President, Mary Janssen, appointed
Deputy Clerk; Lynn Hietpas, Deputy Treasurer; Jerry Verhagen, and
Board Secretary; Cheryl Vande Voort
Public Forum: Chris Choudoir came to thank the Board of Education for working with the Little Chute Education Association to keep the best interest of our students in mind.
a. Student Council Report: Zach Dercks, student council representative, updated the board on recent high school activities and events.
aa. Fuel Up to Play 60 and FitnessGram: MS Counselor, Tracy Schmidt, and
teacher, Kevin Hietpas, (Nikol Waters is also a teacher representative) were at
the meeting to present a video on the Fuel Up to Play 60 contest and to explain
to the board about a program called FitnessGram that the Middle School was
selected to participate in.
b. Administrative Reports: Building administrators and directors were in attendance to answer questions pertaining to their respective reports.
c. WASSA Administrative Assistant Conference: Sheri Vande Voort updated the Board on the WASSA Conference she attended in Madison on April 15th.
d. CESA 6 Delegate Meeting: The annual CESA 6 meeting will be held
on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. Board of Control elections
will be held during this annual meeting.
e. Co-Curricular Meeting Update: Leon Biesterveld updated the board on the
Co-curricular meeting he attended on Tuesday, April 12th.
f. PDC Update: Board President Janssen updated the board on the PDC meeting she attended on Thursday, April 14th.
g. Farm-2-School: Board President Janssen also shared her views on the Farm-2-School program she attended in Madison.
h. Hiring Recommendation: Director of Pupil Services, Laura McCormick, recommended Abigail Stellmacher for the Speech and Language Pathologist position at the elementary school, pending a background check.
i. Update on Charter School: Superintendent Botz updated the board on the progress of the Policy Committee for the charter school.
j. Destination Imagination: Congratulations to our two DI teams who took 1st and 2nd at state on Saturday, April 16th at UW Stevens Point. The two high school teams finished 1st and 2nd which allows them to compete in the DI Global Competition held in Nashville, TN during Memorial Day weekend. Jeff Greuel presented the board with the itinerary for DI Global Competition and requested financial assistance to help cover expenditures.
k. Basketball Plaque: LCASD received a plaque from the Village of Little Chute in recognition of winning the WIAA sectional basketball finals and going to the WIAA Division 3 State Tournament in Madison. The plaque will be displayed prominently in the school.
District Finances:
a. Bills & Claims: A copy of the bills and claims for payment was reviewed by
the Board.
b. Treasurer’s Report: A brief treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer, Leon Biesterveld.
Action Items:
a. Approval of Checks for Payment: Checks #64379 through #64514 in the
amount of $1,316,223.91 were presented for approval.
Motion: To approve checks #64379 through #64514 in the amount of $1,316,223.91 as
By: Leon Biesterveld Second by: Jerry Verhagen Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
b. Appointment of 2011 CESA Convention Representative: Board President
Janssen appointed Lynn Hietpas as the 2011 CESA Convention representative
and Lynn agreed to accept the appointment.
Motion: To approve the appointment of Lynn Hietpas as the 2011 CESA Convention representative. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
By: Lynn Hietpas Second by: Jerry Verhagen Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
c. Appointment of 2011 WASB Delegate/Alternate Delegate: Board President
Janssen appointed Leon Biesterveld as WASB delegate and Jerry Verhagen
as the alternate delegate for the WASB.
Motion: To approve the appointment of Leon Biesterveld as the 2011 WASB delegate.
By: Jerry Verhagen Second by: Leon Biesterveld Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
To approve the appointment of Jerry Verhagen as the 2011 WASB alternate
By: Leon Biesterveld Second by: Jerry Verhagen Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
d. Recommendation for Hiring: A recommendation was made to hire Abigail Stellmacher as the Speech and Language Pathologist at the elementary school pending a background check.
Motion: To approve the recommendation for hiring Abigail Stellmacher, as the Speech and
Language Pathologist at the elementary school, pending a background check.
By: Jerry Verhagen Second by: Lynn Hietpas Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
e. Recommendation for Hiring: A recommendation was made to hire one special education teacher for the Intermediate School for the 2011-2012 school year.
Motion: To approve moving forward on hiring a special education teacher for the
Intermediate School for the 2011-2012 school year.
By: Leon Biesterveld Second by: Lynn Hietpas Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
f. Donations: There were three donations for board approval: the
middle school received a donation in the amount of $150.00 from an anonymous donor to be used towards the cost of student fees when 8th grade goes to Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya; a $200.00 donation to the middle/high school from Theda Care on behalf of Bonnie Fink (for her volunteer efforts) with $125.00 to help with 8th grade camp fees and the other $75.00 towards LCHS Post Graduation; a donation of paper products from Neenah Paper Company for the school district.
Motion: To accept the donations as listed.
By: Leon Biesterveld Second by: Jerry Verhagen Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
g. Destination Imagination: A recommendation was made by Superintendent
Botz, for the board to assist the first place DI team with expenses to go to Globals in Nashville, TN. under Option B presented by Mr. Greuel, which would adhere to board policy #350.
Motion: A motion was made by Leon Biesterveld to accept the recommendation of
Superintendent Botz that we pay for the first place team to go to Globals under
Option B, presented by Mr. Greuel which adheres to school board policy #350.
Motion died with no second.
Motion: A motion was made by Jerry Verhagen to accept Option B with both teams required
to go to Globals in Nashville, TN., the board assisting with financing the first place
team at a cost of $11,010.00 and DI fund raising to cover the expenses of the
second place team.
By: Jerry Verhagen Second by: Leon Biesterveld Approved
Ayes 3; Opposed 0; Excused 1; Abstain 1
h. One Year Extension of the 2009-2011 Master Agreement: A recommendation
was made to accept a proposal between the Little Chute Area School District
and the Little Chute Education Association to modify the present Master
Agreement which was in effect from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011 and
make a new agreement which will be in effect from July 1, 2009 through
June 30, 2012.
Motion: To accept the One Year Extension of the 2009-2011 Master Agreement, modifying
the effective date from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011 to July 1, 2009 through
June 30, 2012.
By: Mary Janssen Second by: Leon Biesterveld Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
As there was no other business to come before the Board, Board President,
Mary Janssen asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion: To adjourn.
By: Jerry Verhagen Second by: Lynn Hietpas Approved
Ayes 4; Opposed 0; Excused 1
Time: 7:53 p.m.
Prepared by, Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Vande Voort Charles V. George
Recording Secretary Clerk