University of Florida/ Brevard County Extension Service

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Scientific Name Flower Color Light Salt Spray

Common Name Height Spread & Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Acacia farnesiana 15-25 15-25 Yellow Full sun Moderate Evergreen; fragrant flowers; slow grower; thorns; zones 9A-11

Sweet Acacia feet feet year round only

Acer rubrum 60-75 25-35 Red Full sun Low Deciduous; does not grow well on sandy ridges; prefers moist soils; fast

Red maple feet feet Spring partial shade grower; prefers acidic soils; shade tree; red fall color; seeds eaten by squirrels; red flowers & fruit in spring; zones 4A-9B

Aesculus pavia 15-20 15-25 Red Partial shade Moderate Deciduous; attracts squirrels/mammals; pruning required for strong

Red buckeye feet feet spring to shade structure; fruit & leaves can be a litter problem; prefers acidic soils; well- drained soils; tolerates extended flooding; branches droop; zones 6A-9A

Ardisia escallonioides 12-20 6-10 White Full sun High Evergreen; fragrant flowers; attracts birds & mammals; fruit & leaves can

Marlberry feet feet ? partial shade be a litter problem; attracts butterflies; branches droop; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained soils; can hedge at 4-6, or 6-12 feet; zones 10A-11

Bumelia tenax 15-30 10-20 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; slow grower; showy fruit attracts birds & mammals; well-

Tough bumelia feet feet only drained soils; dry soils; tolerates wide range of pH; thorns; cold & drought tolerant; zones 8A-11

Carpinus caroliniana 20-30 20-30 Incon. Full sun None Deciduous; moderately drought resistant; fluted trunk is very attractive;

American hornbeam feet feet to shade good specimen for small area; slow grower; attracts birds; shade tree; prefers moist, acidic soils; red-orange fall color; host plant - red-spotted purple butterfly; found at Erna Nixon Park; zones 3A-9B

Carya floridana 30-40 15-20 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; multi-trunked; well-drained soils; dry soils; prefers alkaline

Scrub hickory feet feet partial shade soils; golden-yellow fall color; female plants produce nuts that attract birds & squirrels; found at Turkey Creek Sanct. & The Enchanted Forest; zones?

Carya glabra 50-65 30-40 Incon. Full sun None Deciduous; drought tolerance; moderate growth rate; tolerates wide range

Pignut hickory feet feet partial shade of pH; fruit (nuts) can be a litter problem; yellow fall color; cold tolerant; prefers well-drained, moist soils; attracts birds & mammals; zones 5A-9B

Celtis laevigata 50-70 50-60 Incon. Full sun High Deciduous; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained soils; tolerates Hackberry feet feet partial shade extended flooding; drought tolerant; at Erna Nixon Park; host plant to the Snout, Question Mark, Mourning Cloaks, Hackberry & Tawny Emperor butterflies; fast grower; zones 5A-10B

TREES (cont.)

Scientific Name Flower Color Light Salt Spray page 5

Common Name Height Spread & Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Chionanthus virginicus 12-20 10-15 White Full sun to None Deciduous; slow grower; fragrant flowers; likes acid soils; flowers before

Fringe tree feet feet spring shade the foliage emerges; attracts birds & mammals; prefers moist soils; butterfly host plant; zones 3A-9B

Coccoloba uvifera 25-30 20-30 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; attracts birds & mammals; edible fruit; high drought tolerance;

Seagrape feet feet partial shade leaves and fruit can be a litter problem; can be used as a large shrub also; zones 10A-11

Conocarpus erectus 30-45 20-30 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; moderate grower; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained

Buttonwood feet feet only soils; tolerates occasionally wet soils; drought tolerant; zones 10B-11

Cordia sebestena 25-30 20-25 Orange Full sun High Evergreen; tolerates a wide range of pH; high drought tolerance; attracts

Geiger tree feet feet spring,summer partial shade hummingbirds; zones 10B-11

Crataegus aestivalis 20-30 35-40 White Full sun ? Deciduous; slow grower; well-drained soils; tolerates acidic to slightly

May haw feet feet spring partial shade alkaline soils; moderate drought tolerance; host plant - Gray hairstreak butterfly; zones 6A-11

Diospyros virginiana 40-60 20-35 Incon. Full sun High Deciduous; drought resistant; female plants attract birds & mammals; can

Persimmon feet feet to shade tolerate extended flooding; edible fruit; can form a thicket in open areas; host plant - Henry’s elfin butterfly; tolerates wide range of pH; can be found at Turkey Creek Sanctuary; zones 4B-9B

Dodonoea viscosa 10-15 6-15 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained soils; drought tolerant;

Varnish leaf feet feet only zones 9A-11

Forestiera segregata 10-15 5-10 Incon. Partial shade High Semi-evergreen; tolerates wide range of pH; drought tolerant; berries on Florida privet feet feet female plants only; attracts birds; tolerates poor soils; cold tolerant;

zones 8B-11

Fraxinus caroliniana 30-40 25-30 Incon. Full sun Low Deciduous; tolerates a wide range of pH; tolerates extended flooding;

Pop ash feet feet partial shade moderate growth rate; post plant - eastern tiger swallowtail; zones 7B-10A

Gordonia lasianthus 35-60 10-15 White Full sun to None Evergreen; tolerates extended flooding; prefers moist, acid soils; no

Loblolly bay feet feet spring, summer shade tolerance to drought; fragrant flowers; can be found in Wickham Park NW of lake; zones 7A-9B

Ilex cassine 20-30 8-12 Incon. Full sun Moderate Evergreen; attractive berries on female plants only in the winter;

Dahoon holly feet feet partial shade tolerates a wide range of pH; can tolerate extended flooding; attracts birds and mammals; prefers wet or moist soils; tolerates dry soils; zones 7A-11

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Common Name Height Spread & Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Ilex opaca 35-50 15-25 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; attractive red berries in the winter attract birds & mammals;

American holly feet feet to shade tolerates extended flooding; drought tolerant; tolerates wide range pH; tolerates neglect; zones 5B-9B

Ilex vomitoria 15-25 15-20 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained soils; tolerates

Yaupon holly feet feet to shade extended flooding; drought tolerant; attracts birds & mammals; shears

well; zones 7A-9B

Juniperus silicicola 30-45 20-30 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; fast grower; berries attracts birds; tolerates wide range of pH;

Southern redcedar feet feet partial shade drought tolerant; can tolerate wet or dry soils; cold tolerant; provides nesting for birds; host plant - olive hairstreak butterfly; zones 8A-10B

Liquidambar styraciflua 60-75 35-50 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; fast growing; produces messy, sharply pointed fruit in the fall;

Sweet gum feet feet partial shade good fall color; fruit attracts birds & mammals; tolerates wide range of pH & extended flooding; can form large surface roots; zones 5B-10A

Lyonia ferruginea 12-15 4-6 White Full sun Low Evergreen; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained soils; dry soils; good

Rusty lyonia feet feet spring to shade specimen tree; zones ?

Magnolia grandiflora 60-80 30-40 White Full sun High Evergreen; flowers are large and fragrant; large, glossy green leaves; seeds

Southern magnolia feet feet spring,summer partial shade attract birds & squirrels; tolerates wide range of pH; moderate drought tolerance; prefers moist, rich soils; use a palm fertilizer with trace elements; zones 7A-10A ( lg. specimen on the campus of ISU in zone 5!)

Magnolia virginiana 40-50 15-25 White Full sun Moderate Evergreen; fragrant flowers; fruit attracts birds & mammals; prefers

Sweet bay feet feet summer partial shade moist, acidic soils; tolerates extended flooding; silver hairs on the undersides of the leaves gives the tree a shimmering appearance in windy weather; host plant - laurel swallowtail butterfly; zones 5A-10A

Morus rubra 50-70 20-40 Incon. Full sun None Deciduous; attracts birds & mammals; edible fruit; tolerates all soil

Red Mulberry feet feet partial shade moisture levels; fruits can stain cement, etc.; host plant for question mark, red admiral & gray hairstreak butterflies; found at Sebastian Inlet State Park; Erna Nixon Park; Enchanted Forest & Lori Wilson Park; zones ?

Myrcianthes fragrans 20-30 15-20 White Full sun High Evergreen; fragrant flowers; slow grower; tolerates wide range of pH;

Simpson’s stopper feet feet spring partial shade colorful berries attract birds; minimum height is 12 feet; good replacement for crape myrtle; shears well; attractive peeling bark; zones 9B-11

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Common Name Height Spread & Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Myrica cerifera 15-25 20-25 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; an excellent small native tree; berries on FEMALE plants

Wax myrtle feet feet to shade attract birds and mammals; fast grower; can tolerate extended flooding; root suckers can be a problem; use as a dense screen; susceptible to root and wood rot; host plant - red banded hairstreak butterfly; zones 7B-11

Nyssa sylvatica 65-75 25-35 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; foliage turns golden or crimson in the fall; fruits attract birds &

Black tupelo feet feet partial shade mammals; prefers moist, acidic soils; high drought tolerance but can tolerate extended flooding; shade tree; zones 4B-9B

Osmanthus americana 15-25 10-15 White Full sun High Evergreen; fragrant flowers; prefers acid soils; fruit attracts birds &

Wild olive feet feet spring partial shade mammals; tolerates extended flooding; moderate drought tolerance;

zones 5B-9B

Persea borbonia 30-50 30-50 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; drought tolerant; tolerates wide range of pH; attracts birds &

Redbay feet feet partial shade mammals; foliage is fragrant when crushed; prefers dry soils; shade tree; host plant - palamedes swallowtail, spicebush swallowtail & laurel swallowtail; can be found at Wickham Park, & Lori Wilson Park;

P. palustris grows in wetter soils; zones 7B-11

Pinus clausa 25-40 15-25 Incon. Full sun Low Evergreen; attracts mammals; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained

Sand pine feet feet soils drought tolerant; slow grower; prefers dry soils; shade tree; can be found in Wickham Park; 2 needles per bundle - 2-4 inches long; zones 7A-10B

Pinus elliottii var. densa 50-70 35-50 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; fast grower; tolerates acidic to slightly alkaline soils;

Slash pine feet feet partial shade well-drained soils; tolerates occassionally wet soils; drought tolerant; attracts birds & mammals; 2-3 needles per bundle/ 7-12 inches long; host plant - spicebush swallowtail; zones 9B-11

Pinus glabra 30-60 25-40 Incon. Full sun Low Evergreen; tolerates acidic to slightly alkaline soils; well-drained

Spruce pine feet feet partial shade soils; tolerates extended flooding; moderate drought tolerance; host plant - spicebush swallowtail butterfly; zones 8A-9B

Pinus palustris 60-80 30-40 Incon. Full sun High Evergreen; fast grower; tolerates acidic to slightly alkaline soils

Longleaf pine feet feet only well-drained soils; drought tolerate; attract mammals; endangered red cockaded woodpecker is dependent on this tree for survival; 3 needles per bundle/8-18 inches long; host plant - spicebush swallowtail butterfly; zones 7A-10A

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Common Name Height Spread & Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Prunus angustifolia 12-20 15-20 White Full sun Low Deciduous; fragrant flowers; attracts birds & mammals; prefers dry to

Chickasaw plum feet feet spring partial shade moist, acidic soils; well-drained soils; high drought tolerance; thorns; can form underground runners which can create a thicket; nectar plant - butterflies; host plant - viceroy, eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies;

zones 6A-9B

Quercus laevis 30-40 25-30 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; moderate growth rate; acorns attract mammals; high drought

Turkey oak feet feet fall color - copper; tolerates acidic soils; well-drained soils; zones 7B-9B

Quercus laurifolia 60-70 35-45 Incon. Full sun Low Semi-evergreen; fast grower; acorns attract mammals; moderate drought

Laurel oak feet feet partial shade tolerance; well-drained soils; tolerates wide range of pH; host plant - red banded, southern oak & white M hairstreak butterflies; zones 6B-10A

Quercus myrtifolia 20-30 20-30 Incon. Full sun Moderate Evergreen; attracts birds & mammals; well-drained soils; dry soils;

Myrtle oak feet feet only tolerates wide range of pH; host plant - red banded, southern oak & white M hairstreak butterflies; zones?

Quercus nigra 50- 60 60-70 Incon. Full sun Low Deciduous; fast grower; attracts mammals; tolerates wide range of pH;

Water oak feet feet partial shade drought tolerant; tolerates extended flooding; host plant - red banded, southern oak & white M hairstreak butterflies; zones 6A-10A

Quercus virginiana 60-80 60-120 Incon. Full sun High Semi-evergreen; tolerates wide range of pH; tolerates occasional flooding;

Live oak feet feet partial shade well-drained soils; drought tolerant; host plant - red banded, southern oak & white M hairstreak butterflies; zones 7B-10B

Taxodium distichum 60-80 25-35 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; tolerates wide range pH; well-drained soils; tolerates extended

Bald cypress feet feet to shade flooding; drought tolerant; can tolerate wet or dry soils; zones 5A-10B

Ulmus alata 45-70 30-40 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; tolerates wide range of pH; well-drained but will tolerate

Winged elm feet feet partial shade extended flooding; drought tolerant; prefers moist soils; host plant - question mark & hackberry butterflies; zones 6A-9B

Ulmus americana 60-80 50-60 Incon. Full sun Moderate Deciduous; fast grower; attracts birds; tolerates wide range pH; well-

var. floridana feet feet partial shade drained sols; tolerates extended flooding; moderate drought tolerance;

Florida elm prefers moist soils; host plant - question mark & hackberry butterflies; zones 8A-9B

Vaccinium arboreum 12-18 10-15 White Partial shade Low Evergreen; attracts birds & mammals; moderate drought tolerance; prefers

Sparkleberry feet feet spring to shade moist, acidic soils; well-drained soils; tolerates occassionaly wet soils;

attractive red bark; crooked branches form an open, irregular crown;

zones 6B-10B

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Common Name Height Spread & Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Zanthoxylum 25-30 15-20 Incon. Full sun High Deciduous; well-drained soils; dry soils; very thorny; host plant for the

clava-herculis feet feet only giant swallowtail butterfly (orange dog caterpillar); zones ?

Hercules’ club


Scientific Name Flower Color Light Salt Spray

Common Name Height Spread Season Conditions Tolerance Comments

Acrostichum 6-7 4-5 Incon. Full sun High Tolerates wide range of pH; prefers moist to wet soils; can be found

danaeifolium feet feet partial shade Hoo Hoo park on US 1 in Rockledge

Leather fern

Agarista populifolia 10-12 2-3 White Partial shade Low Evergreen; shears well; prefers moist, acidic soils; fragrant flowers; Pipestem feet feet spring to shade tolerates wet, acidic soils; must be kept well watered during dry spells; leaves susceptible to fungal spotting; keep pruning to a minimum so as not to destroy mature form