Lasting Powers of Attorney Instruction Form

Date: ______Asst. Name:______Asst. Ref:______

Is this a:

Property & Financial Affairs LPA : Health & Welfare LPA: For both LPA’s:

Client’s name and Contact Details

Client A / Client B
Title:Mr, Mrs…
Full name:
Other/maiden name
Date of Birth:
Phone number:
Confirm the client possesses mental capacity:

Who will act as Attorneys?

Client A / Client B
1st Attorney: Title Mr, Mrs…
Full name:
Date of birth:
Relationship to donor:
Phone number:
Client A / Client B
2nd Attorney: Title Mr, Mrs…
Full name:
Date of birth:
Relationship to donor:
Phone number:
Client A / Client B
3rd Attorney: Title Mr, Mrs…
Full name:
Date of birth:
Relationship to donor:
Phone number:
Client A / Client B
4th Attorney: Title Mr, Mrs…
Full name:
Date of birth:
Relationship to donor:
Phone number:

How are the Attorneys to act? Tick one of the following:

Client A / Client B
(Jointly means all Attorneys have to agree to all decisions)
Jointly & severally:
(This means all Attorneys can act independently of each other)
Jointly for some decisions and jointly and severally for other decisions:
(Attorneys have to act jointly only on some specific matters)

Where jointly for some decisions and jointly and severally for other decisions – GUIDANCE: only use this category if absolutely essential

Client A / Client B
Jointly on which matters:
Jointly& severally on all other matters? Tick Yes

Replacement Attorneys

Client A / Client B
1st replacement
Title (Mr, Mrs…)
Full name:
Date of birth:
Relationship to donor:
Phone number:
Client A / Client B
2nd replacement
Title (Mr, Mrs…)
Full name:
Date of birth:
Relationship to donor:
Phone number:

Restrictions and Conditions

This section may place any restrictions or conditions on their Attorneys abilities: which their Attorneys are legally obliged to follow (you must ensure that these are clear, unambiguous and workable):

If a Property & Financial Affairs LPA – / Client A / Client B
is it to be restricted to use on:
Physical incapacity:
Can Attorneys view contents of will?:YES/NO

Guidance for Attorneys

Clients can also provide guidance for their Attorneys, when making decisions in their best interests. It is only advice and not mandatory for them to consider.

Payment of Attorneys

Clients can arrange for their Attorneys to be paid for the work they do from the clients’ own finances.

Payment of Attorneys: No: Yes:

If yes, the fee structure to be as follows (the fee structure must be clear and precise):

Notifying others when application is made to register the Lasting Power of Attorney by client(s) or their Attorneys.

It is advisable that the client includes at least one person who will be contacted should an application to register their Lasting Power of Attorney is made:

Client A / Client B
Title (Mr, Mrs.)
Full name:
Phone number:
Title (Mr, Mrs.)
Full name:
Phone Number:
Title (Mr, Mrs.)
Full name:
Phone number:

If client does not wish to have anyone notified on registration then TWO certificate providers will be required.


This section should only be completed if the client(s) has requested the Lasting Power of Attorney relating to health and welfare matters, and must be completed by the client(s).

Life Sustaining Treatment

Where the client(s) authorise their Attorneys to make decisions on life sustaining treatment:

Client A / Client B
I grant my Attorneys authority to give or refuse consent to life sustaining treatment on my behalf? / I grant my Attorneys authority to give or refuse consent to life sustaining treatment on my behalf?
Signature: / Signature:
Print name: / Print name:


Where the client(s) DO NOT AUTHORISE their Attorneys to make decisions on life sustaining treatment:

Client A / Client B
I DO NOT grant my Attorneys authority to give or refuse consent to life sustaining treatment on their behalf? / I DO NOT grant my Attorneys authority to give or refuse consent to life sustaining treatment on their behalf?
Signature: / Signature:
Print name: / Print name:

Does the client have an existing living will or advance decision?

If so, is this LPA compatible with the pre-existing above document or are there any conflicts of directions or differences?

The Certificate Provider

The client has requested the APS Legal Associate to act as their certificate provider (confirm YES):


Category A: Client has known this person personally for at least two years, and this is more than a passing acquaintance.

Title (Mr, Mrs…)
Full name:
Phone number:

Category B: This person is a registered healthcare professional, a registered social worker, a Barrister, Solicitor or Advocate, or Independent Mental Capacity Advocate:

Title (Mr, Mrs…)
Full name:
Phone number:
Occupation/ Title

Any Other Person

Please provide a statement outlining the Certificate Providers relevant skills as to why they are considered suitable to be the certificate provider (this statement will appear on the Lasting Power of Attorney document and the Certificate Provider will need to sign to confirm their skills and their role).

The following cannot act as a certificate provider to the client:

Members of the family / Attorney of client through another E/LPA
Business partner or employee / Owner, director, manager or employee of client’s care home


There are risks in NOT registering a Lasting Power of Attorney immediately:

-  whilst the LPA being drafted will meet our existing awareness of Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) requirements, OPG policy may change in the future, rendering the drafted LPA at risk of failing the registration process.

-  If a new Lasting Power is required due to failure of this Power when later submitted for registration, and you have lost mental capacity it will not be possible for you to effect a new Power. Your “attorneys” will instead need to apply for deputyship.

-  Registration costs may increase and the process may change.

-  Should registration be deferred until it is needed, there will be a significant delay in your Attorneys being able to legally control your assets or be legally authorised to make decisions on your health and welfare, as they will need to register this Lasting Power on your behalf.

It is for these reasons that APS recommend this Lasting Power is registered immediately once signed by all parties. You must be aware, however, that once registered, you will not be able to make changes to this Power – in order to effect changes you will need to revoke this Power, write a new Power and register that new Power.

I understand that my Lasting Power of Attorney has to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) before my Attorneys can use it. The charge the OPG levy for this is £130 unless fee exemptions or remissions apply. APS will charge a further fee for registering this Lasting Power (see separate fees list).

OPG Registration Fees Exemptions and Remissions

The Office of the Public Guardian charges a £130 Lasting Power of Attorney registration fee. This fee applies to all registrations and is applied to each Lasting Power of Attorney submitted. However, certain exemptions and remissions to this fee apply.

When are OPG fees fully exempt?

If the client is in receipt of any the following benefits they are 100% exempt from paying the OPG fee:

Income Support; Income-based Job-Seeker’s Allowance; Income-based Employment and Support Allowance; State Pension Guarantee Credit element of pension credit; A combination of Working Tax Credit and either Child Tax Credit, Disability Element or Severe Disability Element or Housing/Council Tax benefit (but not the 25% single occupancy reduction)

If an exemption applies, what information is needed?

Up to date documentary evidence of the above benefit as appropriate.

Who qualifies for 50% remission of fees?

If the client is not in receipt of any of those benefits above but has an annual income of less than £12,000 they may be eligible for a 50% remission and so only need to pay £65.

If a remission applies, what information is needed?

The OPG request 3 month’s most recent bank statements (must show client’s name and address) plus a recent letter or statement confirming their gross income, i.e. for pensions, benefits etc.

Associate - If in any doubt about what you need to send please contact the Helpline


- I/we confirm that I/we am/are over the age of eighteen and am/are of sound mind. The information provided is complete and correct and is to be used to prepare my/ our Lasting Power of Attorney document(s).

- I/we hereby agree we will not hold APS Legal & Associates responsible or liable in any way for events arising from my/our decision not to pursue any advice provided to me/us.

- I/we understand that APS Legal & Associates has explained to me/us the relevance of the options regarding Lasting Powers of Attorney documents and how they apply to my/our personal circumstances.

The LPA Document(s)

Lasting Power of Attorney / Property & Financial Affairs / Single / YES/ NO
Property & Financial Affairs / Couple / YES/ NO
Lasting Power of Attorney / Health & Welfare / Single / YES/ NO
Health & Welfare / Couple / YES/ NO

The Registration

1st Client / 2nd Client
Are APS to register LPA immediately? Yes or No
Is exemption available?
If YES – no registration fee applies
Is remission available?
If YES – registration fee is £65 per LPA
Where no remission available: £130 per LPA

IF REGISTRATION REQUIRED – ensure the client is aware that when the LPA and registrations are completed and ready for submission up to date documentary evidence of income will be required and a cheque payable to the Office of the Public Guardian for OPG registration fees WHEN LPA and registration forms have been fully completed.


Signature of Client A:______Date:______


Signature of Client B:______Date:______



Confirmation of Associate:

Signature of Associate:______Date:______




Please minute the responses by the client(s) to the following questions. The purpose of this is to confirm capacity and that no undue influence was brought to bear on the clients.

Question / Client A Response / Client B Response
What is your understanding of an LPA?
Who suggested you made an LPA?
Why do you want to make an LPA?
Who are you appointing as your Attorneys (names only)?
Why have you chosen these Attorneys in particular?
What powers have you given your Attorneys?
Has anyone pressurised you to make this LPA?

Also present at the meeting:

Tick to confirm your belief of no undue influence or pressure from other attendees:

Please list here any comments or special instructions relating to the case (for the benefit of APS Legal & Associates):

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