HArts Academy Performances

Production Commitment Form


Cast Member NameCell Phone #Email


Parent NameEmail


Street AddressCity, Zip

Costume Information

Shirt Size ______Pants Size ______Shoe Size ______Dress Size ______

Rehearsal Conflicts: please check all rehearsal dates and write down when and why you cannot attend, will be late, or will leave early. Rehearsals are every Wednesday 5:00-8:00 p.m., and every otherSunday2:00-6:00 p.m. and every other Tuesday 3:00-6:00 p.m. beginning Tuesday, September5. All rehearsal dates can be seen online under Our School, Events. Show dates are December 8, 9 & 10. Please list conflict dates here.




Students: If you become academically ineligible or if you are grounded by your parents, the production will be adversely affected and will negatively impact the rest of the cast members and volunteers involved in the play. Handle your academic and personal business so you may participate.

Parents: I hope that you will not use our rehearsal time as leverage for disciplining your child as it will have a negative impact on the production and will affect the rest of the cast members and volunteers involved in the play.

Parent Volunteers: The success of the production depends on the work ethic of the students as well as the support of the families involved. Please become involved in your child’s theatre experience and help put on a show. Please check all areas in which you would like to be involved.

_____Costumes (shopping, hemming, cutting fabric, sewing, alterations, help with fittings, etc.)

_____Sets (building, designing, painting, set dressing, etc.)

_____Props (shopping or finding props for the show, organizing and setting up, etc.)

_____Publicity (ticket sales, program, photos, posters, advertising, etc.)

_____Performance Weekend (work concessions, sell telegrams, flowers, raffle tickets at shows)

_____Cast Party (cake, decorations, organization of food, music, etc.)

_____Donations (donations of water, soda, candy, etc. for Snack Shack and to sell at shows)

Academic Eligibility

All cast, crew and musicians must maintain academic eligibility (minimum 2.0 GPA, no more than 1 F) for the ALL report cards during rehearsals and performances of the show. Although academic success is the most important thing, rehearsals may not be missed at any time. Please schedule your studies so that you may devote rehearsal time to the show.

Ticket Sales

All cast members are required to sell a minimum of 20 tickets ($8). Students that do not sell their first 20 tickets by opening night may not perform in the production. All tickets issued are the responsibility of the student and they must turn in the tickets or cash value of those that are checked out. Students must pay for lost, stolen or washed tickets. Student who do not wish to sell tickets may, instead, pay a $200 production fee to help cover costs of costumes, sets, etc.

Set Building

All cast members are required to assist with set building. Building days will be determined by crew teacher Mrs. Broadbent. Students must donate some time to helping with all aspects of their productions.


Rehearsals will be held in the school auditorium and will be supervised by teachers and parents. All parents are welcome at rehearsal to watch or help with the production of the performance. All students are expected to be on time to rehearsal so we can end on time. (Rehearsals will go late only right before the performances) Please make arrangements to be picked up from rehearsals on time.

Show Supplies

> All cast members will have to provide their own stage make-up for the show (even boys). Theatre make-up kits are available at most costume shops.

> Students may be asked to provide shoes for their costume. (Black or brown dress or dance shoes for boys, Black or tan character or jazz shoes for girls.)

> Optional Purchases

-Show T-shirts or sweatshirts ($12-$28)- Performance DVD ($25)

Photo Release

By signing this commitment form I understand that my photo (or my child’s photo) may be used for publicity purposes. I hereby grant HArts Academy permission to use my likeness in a photograph in any and publications, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration. I waive the right to inspect or approve the finish product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph.


HArts Academy has a parent support group Friends of the Arts at Narbonne and HArts Academy Schools (FANHS) which produces theatrical productions. It is very important that all families of theatre students join and be involved in this organization. Your child will benefit from the support given by FANHS so we hope you will join.

I understand the conditions and make a commitment to this production.


Student SignatureParent Signature