NameLiterature Circle Individual Project Ideas


  • Objective: As a culminating activity for your Literature Circle novel, you will choose 1 project to create. Your project will reflect your understanding of the novel.
  • Grading: The Lit Circle Individual Project will count as 90% of your final exam and your Lit Circle Peer Evaluation will count as the other 10%. During your final exam time, you and your group will do your group presentations, which will count as a separate test grade for 4th quarter.
  • Due Dates - The due dates for the project are 5/18/14 (A-Day) and 5/19/14 (B-Day). There will be a 10 point deduction per day late.

Project Options – You will select 1 project to create from the 11 choices below. All choices with their information sheets and rubrics will be posted on my website. Do not begin your project before reading the entire information sheet and rubric for your project choice.

  1. ABC Book: If your novel had an ABC Book, what would each letter of the alphabet represent? Why? Here is your opportunity to express your creativity in combining the novel with your artistic expertise. Your book will have a cover and pages. Each page will have 1-2 letters with a quote and explanation from or about the novel that starts with that letter.
  2. Advertising Director: Imagine that the author of the book you just read calls you. His or her book is a best seller, and a movie producer has called your author. Create a proposal to a movie producer to convince that person to make your book into a movie. The proposal book will need: a cover, explanation of why the story, characters, conflicts, etc., would make a good film, filming location suggestions, and the actors to play the various roles. (You cannot use any material from a movie that is currently being filmed or has been filmed. All images, actors, settings, etc. must be of your original creation.)
  3. Artist: Create a collageposter about a character or the entire bookshowingcasing pictures and 3-D items that relate to the book. Include typed explanations of the objects and photos. Explanations will need to be typed.
  4. Director: Create a book trailer. If your book has already been made into a movie, you may NOT use those clips. You will create NEW material. You may use clips from other movies and change the audio.
  5. Illustrator: Create a comic book based on the novel you read. It should have an illustrated cover with the title and author and be comic book size. Inside, retell the story using dialogue and descriptions of the setting and characters. Put your writing in bubbles. Create colorful illustrations that help tell the story.
  6. Musician: Create a song about the key elements of your novel. You will develop your own lyrics for the song and create a music video showcasing your original lyrics, musical accompaniment, and images symbolic of your novel. You will provide a hard copy of your lyrics to Mrs. Rouse.
  7. Production Designer: Construct a diorama (three-dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals) of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the scene. This will be a minimum of an adult shoe box size.
  8. Scrapbook: Create a scrapbook for 1 of the main characters that reflects the many events that occur to him or her in the novel you read. You can include photographs, letters, post cards, telegrams, a family tree, newspaper article clippings, memorable items, or anything else you can think of that you might find in a scrapbook.
  9. Storyboard Designer: Make several sketches of some of the major scenes in the book and label them. Include written explanations of the scenes.
  10. Writer (option A): Choose 1 main character from the novel you read and create a diary from his/her point of view that reveals all the major events in his/her life as well as this character's feelings about these events including his/her hopes, dreams, problems, concerns and frustrations. Fill the diary with entries spread out over the entire period of time from the beginning of the novel to the end. Begin with "Dear Diary," and write from the first person point of view (ex: Dear Diary, Today I went …).
  11. Writer (option B): Write a scene that could have happened in the book you read, but didn't. Be sure to write in the same style as the author. Additionally, on a separate page, include a brief explanation of what has occurred up until this point in the novel and give a general description of the characters. In a second paragraph, explain why you made the changes you did and how they would have affected the outcome.