ANNUAL REPORT: 2008-2009

May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009

I. Officers/Committees:


President:Karen ReganChuck Qualls

Vice President: Chuck QuallsGlenn Cantor

Vice President-Elect:Glenn CantorDoug Wolf

Secretary:Sandy EldridgeSandy Eldridge

Treasurer:Sandy EldridgeSandy Eldridge

Councilors:Donna DambachNorm Barlow Norm Barlow Brian Day

Pat HaleyKaren Regan

Past-PresidentPat HaleyKaren Regan

SAC Representative: Daher Ibrahim-AiboChidozie Amuzie

PDA Representative:Lu Wang


2009 SOT Annual Officers’ Meeting was held on 16-MAR-2009 in Baltimore, Maryland

Meeting Minutes: see Attachment I

2009 SOT Annual Meeting Reception was held 17-MAR-2009 in Baltimore, Maryland

Approximately35 people were in attendance.

Student Travel Award:

Lu Wang, University of Mississippi

•Histologic and Immunohistochemical Characterization of CYP1C1 and CYP1A Expression in PAH-Induced Fundulus Hepatic Lesions; L Wang; C Thornton; MW Thornton, A Camus and KL Willett

Roger O. McClellan Student Award:

C.J. Amuzie, MichiganStateUniversity

•SOC3 and IGF-1 are Potential Biomarkers for Deoxynivalenol-Induced Growth Inhibition in the Mouse; CJ Amuzie, J Shinozuka and JJ Pestka

2009 SOT Annual Meeting Courses/Sessions:

  • Strategies to Integrate Systems Biology into in vitro Screening in Early Nonclinical Safety Assessment; Workshop; Monday 9:15
  • Stress as a Confounding Factor in Toxicology Studies; CE Basic; Sunday 1:15
  • Devils Lie in the Details: Practices and Problems in Neuropathology-Significance for Neurotoxicology; Roundtable; Monday 12:10
  • Kinase Inhibitors as Targeted Therapeutics in Inflammation and Oncology- Approaches to Predict and Manage Clinical Toxicities; Informational Session; Wednesday 12:00
  • The Role of Inflammation During Metabolic Liver Disease and Drug-Induced Liver Toxicity: Novel Insights; Symposium; Wednesday 1:30
  • Biomarkers for Assessing the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Toxicology Studies; Workshop; Thursday 9:00
  • How Similar is Similar and How Relevant is Relevant? Considerations in the Design of a Predictive Development Program for Biotherapeutics; CE Basic; Sunday 1:15
  • Improved Safety Biomarkers for Monitoring Kidney Injury; Workshop; Tuesday 1:30

Attachment I

Minutes of Meeting / Toxicologic and Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology
Date of Meeting / 16 March 2009 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM


/ SOT Annual Meeting


/ TEPSS Officers' Meeting
Present / Karen Regan, Chuck Qualls, Donna Dambach, Norman Barlow, Sandy Eldridge


/ Glenn Cantor, Pat Haley


/ TEPSS Officers

Prepared by

/ Sandy Eldridge

Next Meeting

/ Telecon to be scheduled in April
  1. McClellan student award process reviewed and resolution accepted by all parties.

  1. TEPSS student award process discussed with ideas to increase number of applicants by utilizing resources available from STP (Career Outreach Committee Joint STP/ACVP Student Newsletter managed by Sarah Tannehill-Gregg at BMS; STP membership announcement coordinated by Sue Pitsch at STP Exec Offices) and ACVP (ACVP-wide email and email targeted to residency programs directors and vet school deans through Wendy Coe); 2nd year councilor (Norman Barlow) will be responsible for McClellan student award while 1st year councilor will handle the TEPSS student award.

  1. TEPSS poster displayed at student/post-doc mixer; however, unlike previous years, a ticket was required for admittance; one TEPSS officer should purchase a ticket next year to attend.

  1. The summer SOT officers’ meeting was mentioned with a recommendation that Glen Cantor attend this year.

  1. Elections: 1st year councilor as Donna Dambach is rotating off; VP-elect; Secretary/Treasurer has one more year.

  1. Newsletter: Recommendation that instead of a newsletter, we submit material through Sarah Tannehill-Gregg for the ACVP/STP student newsletter.

  1. Membership: how can we increase membership?? Discrepancies between active and inactive list of members on SOT website.

  1. Student and post-doc reps: suggestion to consider award winners and applicants.

  1. Discussed concern that SOT does not support giving ToxPath journal subscription to student award winners although we are promoting membership in

  1. Acknowledgement plaques: oops, we forgot to order plaques for Karen Regan and Donna Dambach; we agreed to give plaque to outgoing student rep.

  1. SOT 2010 Proposals: solicit ideas during TEPSS business luncheon.

  1. TEPSS and CVSS merger: TEPSS agreed last year that we did not want to pursue this; the two groups have a different focus.

Action Items:
  1. TEPSS Officers: review TEPSS poster for revisions.
  2. Donna Dambach: check with SOT how the membership list is updated.
  3. Karen Regan: identify responsibilities of student and pos-doc reps; find out how much money is paid by SOT to student/post-doc reps to support travel to annual meeting.
  4. Donna Dambach: request that SOT reconsider to allow subscription to ToxPath journal for our student awardees; email Sue Pitsch.
  5. Sandy Eldridge: plaque for Daher Ibrahim-Aibo; confirm with TEPSS Officers.
  6. TEPSS Officers: conduct a survey of members to identify how many TEPSS members attend SOT, how many of those come to the luncheon, how many are also members of STP/ACVP, what is the priority for meeting attendance.
  7. Sandy Eldridge: confirm the exact source of revenue for TEPSS.