Myself, Family, Friends, Pets

If you were an animal, which would you be, and why?

If you could choose, would you prefer to be the oldest or youngest sibling in your family?

If you and your friend are in a crashing plane and there’s only one parachute, how would you decide who got the parachute?

Is it right to smack a child if they’ve done something wrong?

Who do you trust most in your family?

In your will, to whom would you leave your most treasured possessions?

If you could change one thing about your character, what would it be, and why?

Are New Year’s Resolutions meant to be broken?

Is it wrong to want a better life than your parents had?

Is adoption a more morally sound method of having a child than undergoing IVF treatment?

Are people born gay, or do they choose to be gay?

Is it possible to treat others in the same way you treat yourself?

Can your family be your friends as well?

What is a friend?

What is love?

Is it right to break the law to protect your family?

Do children grow up faster with each new generation, or do adults grow more obsessed with protecting childhood innocence with each new generation?

When does a child become an adult?

Nature or nurture?

Can you like and dislike someone in equal measure?

Is it adultery to flirt with a married man / woman?

What is the ideal number of close friends to have?

Can a childless, cohabiting couple be called a family?

Can you ever justify calling someone ‘too nice’?

Diet, Health, Fitness

Are you what you eat?

Is participating in an adventure sports bad for your health?

Should the Government be allowed to dictate what school children can and cannot eat?

Is eating a fast food meal once a week, no better or worse for you than smoking one pack of cigarettes a week?

If you are fit, are you healthy?

Which is more important: eating a balanced diet or exercising regularly?

Are people with mental health issues who commit murder just as guilty as someone deemed ‘sane’ who also commits a murder?

Rugby or football?

Is it wrong to support whichever team is winning, rather than one team whether they win or lose?

Is walking to work a sport if you aim to get there faster than your colleagues?

Can you have a sport for one person?

Does sport have to be competitive to be called sport?

Are people who regularly go to the gym really either just narcissists or merely voyeurs?

Should the NHS refuse to pay for treatment for an illness that you could have prevented by living healthily?

Which food best describes you?

Should we be worried about GM crops?

If access to food is a basic human need and right, should we have to pay for it?

Can you be a vegetarian and eat fish?

If you have a dinner party and offer a vegetarian option for some guests, should vegetarian hosts offer meat to meat-eating guests at their functions?

Do diets work?

Do Premiership footballers deserve their high salaries?

Is a backwards 100m race a -100m race, and would the last person to cross the line win?

Free Time

Are leisure time and free time the same thing?

Is enjoying not doing anything a hobby?

Why do we have less free time as technology and robotics become more advanced?

Would you rather have lots of free time but little money, or little free time and lots of money?

Work or leisure?

Is TV better than cinema?

If you were a board game which one would you be, and why?

If you make plans for the weekend to go out with friends, is the weekend no longer free time?

Is free time a luxury or an automatic right?

Do violent films lead to violent behaviour?

Should songs and books be rated in the way that films are?

Should Sunday trading be allowed or is it good to have a national day of rest?

Can you envision a time when the majority of people will never retire?

Home Town & Environment

What counts as the environment?

Which weather best describes your personality?

Would you rather it rained continuously for a month or that there was a drought for a month?

Are there more advantages to living in the town than in the countryside?

Is ‘home where the heart is’?

Does all potential prey need a predator?

What are more important to human survival on the planet: flora, fauna or minerals?

If you never saw for real, would you know what it was?


What’s the point of learning facts if you can look them up any time?

Who is more responsible for a student’s grade: the teacher or the student?

Can failure be taught?

Is school the best place for students to learn?

Do uniforms stifle individuality?

Is a school the people or the building?

What is the primarypurpose of education?


Should workers be paid during toilet breaks and lunch times if workers take them on site?

Do worker ants work?

Can your job also be your hobby?

Is a pension a salary for not working paid for by working adults? If so, should children get a salary for not working also paid for by working adults?

Religion & Ethics

Is there ‘nothing new under the sun’?

Is the death penalty always wrong?

Is equality possible, or even desirable?

Can you be religious and have no faith in God, or have faith but practise no religion?

Does religion cause war, or do people cause war?

Is belief in evolutionary biology a faith?

Is faith blind?

Can any act be ethical if it is done for good?

Science & Technology

Could we live today without the technologies of today?

If something is scientifically proved, must it be true?

Would we be happier without mobile phones?

Is there too much information on the internet?

If you were a chemical element, which one would you be, and why?

Is science could find a way to make you live forever, would you want to?

Is cloning playing God?

Politics and The Law

Is politics just legalized squabbling for adults?

Is a freedom fighter a terrorist?

Should you be allowed to protect your possessions from thieves by any means necessary?

Should there be a cap on immigration?

Conversely, should there be a cap on emigration?

Could you really do a better job than the Prime Minister?

The Arts

When does a child’s scribbling become a priceless work of art?

If you were a painting, how would like to be portrayed?

Abstract or Realist?

Classical or Romantic?

What colour describes your mood now?

What piece of music is Monday?

What is art?

Does a piece of art have to mean something to the artist that created it?