Chairman Ed Nicholas Website: ~ see MEETINGS page July 2016

MEETING 167Tues12th JULY 2016MINUTES 167

F.OPEN FORUM In the absence of Chairman Ed Nicholas our Vice Chair David Curtis PRESIDED* ↓

F.1aRednal Residents Tracey Austin and Alan Pugh asked for a progress report on their recorded breaches of planning conditions for working times at Suckleys Anaerobic Digester Plant as was first reported to WFPC Open Forum under Min 165-F.1 on Tues 10 May 2016. This was dealt with at June Meeting 166 as follows:

Extract from Minute166-5.4 dated Tues 14 June 2016:

Suckleys Anaerobic Digester Rednal residents complaints about unsocial working hours: see SC's reply: The reply from Caroline Beasley was noted and SC Planner Graham French's explanation of his review of the vehicle movements and his follow up of the approved hours of operation was accepted. All AGREED

F.1bThe Clerk will email SC Planner Grahame French again asking for an update of his Email 16.05.16 when Graham gave his first report back to WFPC see 166-5.4 above. Tracey will be copied in. All AGREED

1.ATTENDANCE at WFPC Routine Meeting 167 held at 7.30pm in West Felton Methodist Church Hall:

1.1Present Parish Cllrs: Vice ChairDavid Curtis*, Roger Hampson, Kay Kynaston, Marian Hesketh, John Houghton, Pat Mabe, Rachelle Lloyd Jones. Plus Ian Hutchinson Parish Clerk. Plus four parishioners.

1.2ApologiesfromCllrs: Chair Ed Nicholas, Chris Jones, Carole Coles, Dianne Barnes were ACCEPTED.

2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Meeting 167 held on Tues 12 July 2016: NONE were received.

3.PREVIOUS MEETING 166 held on Tue 14 June 2016

3.1Minutes 166 The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record. All AGREED

3.2From166-8.1 Centenary Fields+Fields in Trust Protecting valuable green space across the country in honour of the lives lost in the Battle of the Somme. The Clerk will email WFPC's interest. All AGREED

4.PLANNING MATTERS Clerk to email WFPC's comment 4.1 to SC Planners tomorrow. All AGREED

4.116/02470/VAR Observation Borehole East of Rednal Mill plus Recorder Cabinet: extend time limit.

WFPC has NO OBJECTION to extending the limit to 31.05.26 and a new recorder cabinet. All AGREED

4.2NOLATE Planning Applications were received at the Parish Office after the distribution of this agenda.


5.1aNew Goalposts for Playing Field two possible types: substantial and lightweight: Clerk's Progress Report.

In view of Ray Parry's refusal to install substantial metal posts for safety reasons the Clerk will purchase two lightweight plastic posts+nets online at a cost around £60 to £80 to be delivered to Cllr Kay Kynaston's home and then kept out on the playing field for the local young people to use as they wish. All AGREED

b.Safety Repairs The Clerk has made a firm order to Ray Parry for all agreed safety repairs and a strong new metal waste bin. The Clerk will email a further request for Ray to check the chains on the swinging tyre and also email Greenfingers to remind them to ask Cllr Kay Kynaston about emptying one bin. All AGREED

5.2Change of Local Police Officer a new officer PC 3194 Mark Moth will now take over from PC Pete Dale.

The Clerk has already emailed our thanks to PC Pete Dale plus a warm welcome to Mark Moth. NOTED

5.3Requested Remodelling of the Straight Mile-Holyhead Road Junction at Queens Head: SC Roads Officer Chris Fisher's Email 30.06.16 was NOTED and the new "permanent patch" has now been done. However there is no funding for a "complete remodelling" of the junction but WFPC supports Cllr Roger Hampson's suggestion of a "partial remodelling" by moving the footway over onto the other side of the barrier and then extending the vehicular roadway right across the present footway. Clerk to email SC Roads. All AGREED

5.4Overhanging Sycamore Tree on the BW behind 3 Springfield Grdns: resident wants support for felling:

The Clerk will pass this request on to SC Tree Officer Stephen Shields and SC RoWs dept. All AGREED

5.5West Felton War Memorial Long Term Maintenance: see suggestions from Cllr Pat Mabe's Email 167:

a.The Clerk will initially contact the British Legion seeking volunteers for keeping the site clear with periodic "working days" three or four times a year. Cllr Dianne Barnes has volunteered to co-ordinate volunteers see the Annual Parish Meeting 2016 Minute APM'16 ~ 3 (i) dated Wed 20 Apr'16 which reads as follows:

West Felton Gardening Club Dianne Barnes reported that regrettably the club had been compelled to disband due to lack of volunteers for key positions. However Dianne will continue her own efforts to enlist volunteers to help her to care for the planted areas in the Burial Ground and for the Holyhead Road War Memorial. NOTED

b.Pat Mabe handed over a £165.67Garden Club chequewhich is a refund to WFPC of all unspent monies left over from previous ring-fenced WFPC grants to the Garden Club. The Clerk will now bank it. AllAGREED

MINUTES 167 Continues OverCHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______

MINUTES 167 ContinuedTuesday 12 July 2016Page 167 b


6.1Finance Cashbook-17 line 13and Bank Statement 264 at 25 May'16 = £49,936.77 VERIFIED by members

6.2aUnpaid GrassCutting Invoices Consider Hill Dickinson's claim for £1348.51 "debt" see Email HD-1

The Clerk tabled a LATE invoice from Gemma Riley of Bibby Factors Northwest Limited for £1,242.48

see MCO (ex P&W) Invoice 619 of 12.02.16 for Sep-Dec'15 and Invoice 770 of 01.03.16 for Jan-Apr'16.

b.Clerk to reply to HD-1 stating that WFPC has now PAID this outstanding debt of £1,242.48 in respect of the above two MCO invoices by a cheque made payable to Bibby Factors NW Ltd to be posted first class to Hill Dickinson first thing tomorrow morning. Clerk to state that WFPC will NOT pay the additional £106.03 for compensation and interest since this delay was created by the operatives and not by WFPC. All AGREED

c.If at a later date Official Receivers demand this same payment WFPC reserves the right to seek a full refund of this £1242.48payment from Bibby Factors NW Ltd in order to then pay the Receivers. All AGREED

7.ACCOUNTS Meeting 167 Date: 12 July 2016Financial Year-17

The following account 7.0 was PAID at this meeting: plus LATEA/c 7.1 as pre-approved by 163-6.3

7.0 / DD / 01.07.16 / DD-1 / Greenfingers Ltd Grass cutting during June 2016 / GRASS-17b / Direct Debit / 206.08 / 48221.89
7.1 / 411 / 12.07.16 / 167-7.1 / Bibby Factors NW ~ MCO grass invoices 619+770 / GRASS-16 / (Old MCO) / 1242.48 / 46979.41

Note:This £1242.48 to Bibby Factors NW = MCO Invoice 619 for £621.24 plus MCO Invoice 770 for £621.24

7.1Proposed by Cllr Pat Mabe seconded Cllr David Curtis that this account now be duly PAID: All AGREED

8.EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine mail and any other general information from outside the parish.

8.1Oswestry Cluster Clerk to email the following to Oswestry Town Council Clerk David Preston:

a.WFPCOswestry Cluster Reps are our LJC Reps Cllr David Curtis and Cllr Marian Hesketh. All AGREED

b.Cluster Workshop Wynnstay7.00pm Wed 20 Jul'16: Reps not available so Clerk to attend. All AGREED

8.2New Oswestry-Wem Power Line SP Event: 5.00-8.00pm Whittington Community Centre Wed 13 Jul'16.

Cllr Roger Hampson will attend this meeting then he will report back to next Meeting 168. All AGREED

Roger tabled an SP map which showed that our nearest affected parishioners live at Rednal Mill. NOTED

8.3Any Points of Interest arising from external emails which the Clerk has already forwarded to members:

a.Pensions Regulator Email 05.07.16 requests a Declaration of Compliance regarding Automatic Enrolmentfor WFPC Clerk's Pension but our Clerk Ian Hutchinson has stated that because he is only a Locum Clerk he is probably NOT eligible and in any case he does NOT want any pension from WFPC. Our Payroll Manager Diane Malley has offered to do this paperwork free of charge on the Staging Date of 1 May 2016. NOTED

9.ANY OTHER BUSINESS plus any items for future agendas may be noted at the Chairman's discretion.

9.1LATECorrespondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items from the Clerk: NONE was raised.

9.2Any Other Parish Reports plus comments and queries from Councillors going in turn around the room:

a.Cllr David Curtis asked what Members wanted to do to progress the Field Purchase Project: first of all the Clerk will ask SC Officer Leela Cottey if she can give us the owners' address. ONGOING to Meeting 168

b.Cllr John Houghton felt that beforewriting to the owners WFPC should seek formal legal advice. NOTED

c.Cllr Pat Mabe has received a complaint from Fox Lane residents: if they email the Clerk he will pursue this.

d.Cllr John Houghton has photos of overgrown verges on Holyhead Road that he will now email to the Clerk.

e.Various Members asked about WFPC's Section 106 money and if this could be used for the Playing Field

or improving the Queens Head Straight Mile Junction: see Place Plan 2015 items 16+23+24. The Clerk will check on Plan Item #24 which is for £10,000 for Highway Projects from the Abbotsmoor development.

f.Cllr Roger Hampson mentioned a concern about the state of St Michael's Churchyard which currently is undergoing a project led by "Caring for God's Acre"but this Closed Churchyard is now SC's responsibility.

g.Cllr Kay Kynaston has informed the Clerk that her son Robin has cleared the area around the pond on the playing field and it may be unsafe to put a new gate in that fence. The Clerk will email our thanks to Robin.

10.NEXT MEETING 168 to be held on Tuesday 9th August 2016 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall

MEETING 167 CLOSED 10.00 pm duration: 2½ hours.


Chairman's Signature Dated: 9 Aug 2016

Ian A. Hutchinson West Felton Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1695 words Draft-1 printed: 13 Jul'16

West Felton Parish CouncilMinute Book TenPage 1671