Morya Federation -- Esoteric Schools of Meditation, Study and Service


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General Information

  1. Full Name: Surname, First, Middle. Male ( ), Female ( )
  2. Postal Address: City, State, Country
  3. Telephone Number(s)
  4. Email Address(s)
  5. Birth Data: Complete to the Best of your Knowledge
  6. Date of Birth
  7. Time of Birth (am or pm). Be as Exact as Possible (indicate whether the birth time you are using is from a birth certificate, family Bible, remembered by parents or relatives, a guess by yourself, a psychic impression, or a rectification, etc.)
  8. Place of Birth
  9. Time Availability: Do you have sufficient time available to perform meditation and study for a minimum of one totwo hours a day? The requirement can be achieved by apportioning seven tofourteen hours a week; however, meditation is required every day.
  10. Nationality
  11. In what country(s) are you a legal citizen?
  12. In what country(s) do you hold residency?
  13. Family of Origin
  14. Major national and ethnic lineages of your mother.
  15. Major national and ethnic lineages of your father.
  16. Marital Status, Children, Living situation
  17. Are you single, or in a long-term, committed personal relationship?
  18. Do you have children? If so, please provide their birthdates (which are useful for your chart rectification). Do they live with you?
  19. Overall, would you say your living environment is relatively stress free or crisis prone? Do you feel in control of your time and do you have private space in your home for purposes of meditation and study?
  20. State of Physical Health
  21. List any previous or existing illnesses, physical irregularities, or other challenges. Have any of these required admission to a hospital or significant recovery periods?
  22. What is the general state of your physical health? Do you experience debilitating headaches, insomnia, nausea, etc? Is there anything about your present physical condition which would prevent you from following a rigorous course of meditative and academic training with the Morya Federation?
  23. Are you currently taking any doctor-prescribed medications? If so, what are the names of these medications, how long have you been taking them, and for what diagnosis are they prescribed? (‘Birth Control’ pills need not be listed.)
  24. Do you regularly use alcohol,recreational drugs, or tobacco? (If you have an addiction, or respond “Yes” for any reason, are you willing to address this professionally or abstain for the duration of the Morya Federation Program if your use is excessive, debilitating, or you wish to quit?)
  25. State of Psychological and Mental Health
  26. Please estimate the general state of your psychological and “mental health”.Have you ever had episodes of psychological or mental instability or acute, incapacitating distress, nervous breakdowns, depression, etc.? If so, please discuss. Have any of these been associated with any medications or drugs use? Have you had any professional treatment for mental or emotional issues?
  27. In your estimation, is there anything about your present psychological or mental condition which would prevent you from following a rigorous course of meditative and academic training with the Morya Federation?
  28. Education & Computer Literacy
  29. At what age did you leave formal (state or private) schooling? Did you graduate?
  30. Have you attended advanced college, university, or post-graduate study? If so, list theinstitutions attended, location, and major areas of study. Please list all degrees held with the year of conferral.
  31. List other major workshops, classes, or training programs in which you have participated for professional or personal development.
  32. Do you enjoy reading and find you learn easily through reading?What kind of reading do you most enjoy? Are there other modalities of learning which you prefer to reading? Please explain.
  33. Do you own and use a computer regularly? If not, do you have easy access to a computer, and your own email account?
  34. List the website browser, email account, and primary programs you regularly use, e.g., Internet Explorer or Firefox, AOL or gmail or a client program like Outlook or Thunderbird, Microsoft Word or another word processing program, etc. Explain your degree of fluency with these, and your general comfort level in using computers.
  35. Morya Federation utilizes an ‘online campus program’, which will require you to become familiar with navigating a unique website to access class material, download documents, communicate with fellow students and post monthly reports to various forums. Do you anticipate that your level of computer literacy will enable you to perform this easily, or do you find learning new computer programs to be challenging or stressful?
  36. Employment and Employment History
  37. What is your present occupation or primary means of earning income or sustaining your material support? If you are retired, or not employed, please explain. Are you seeking employment, or receiving any state benefits?
  38. If employed, what do you enjoy the most about your current occupation? The least?Do you feel that your present occupation is the “work of your soul”, the “work of your personality” or some combination of the two?
  39. If not employed currently, or your current work is not fully engaging, or you have had more significant employment in the past, what has been the most and least enjoyable aspects of those jobs?
  40. Avocations, Interests and Abilities, Language Fluency
  41. List your skills, talents, interest and hobbies.
  42. What languages do you know well? Please list them in order of fluency.
  43. Writing, Speaking and Creative Productions
  44. What, in your estimation, has been your most significant achievement? Why?
  45. Please list any books or articles you have written.Please emphasize those, especially, which have touched on the life of spirituality.
  46. Please list anylectures you have given which seem important to you and/or touch on the life of spirituality. If you are lecturing frequently, what is the general natureof the lectures? Do you receive donations or professional pay for these talks? Do you enjoy public speaking? If you have received any rewards or public recognition, please explain.
  47. Please list any creative activities or productions along an artistic line: painting, sculpture, computer art or graphics, theatre, playwriting, drama, dance,instrumental or vocal performance, musical composition, etc. Have you received any awards or special recognition for the performance of your skills, talents or creative abilities?
  48. In terms of self-expression, do you believe you are most expressive through the spoken word, in writing, or through some other mode of expression? Please explain.
  49. Teaching Experience
  50. Have you ever been engaged in teaching? In what circumstances?If so, what are the principal subjects have you taught?
  51. Do you enjoy the experience of teaching? If so, in what respect and if not, why not?
  52. Religion and Pathways to Spiritual Understanding
  53. Did you grow up in a certain religious background?
  54. Do you now consider yourself a member of any religious tradition or spiritual group or pathway? If so, when did you join this tradition? How do you find it fulfilling?
  55. Are you currently observing any practices/ disciplines in this tradition? Please explain.
  56. If it is found that any such practices interfere with the esoteric meditations which you will be pursuing if accepted into the Morya Federation,do you think you would be willing to change or relinquish such practices? (It is well established that certain meditation practices may work at cross purposes, and cannot be safely or productively followed simultaneously.)
  57. Do you have any concerns about studying along the line of the Trans-Himalayan method of spiritual development (the direction followed in the Morya Federation)?
  58. Can you accept concepts as working hypotheses, even if they don't seem consistent with your previous training? Do you believe you are open or broad minded? Why?
  59. Guidance
  60. An important goal in occult meditation work is to develop spiritual discernment or discrimination. How would you distinguish this quality from lower psychism?

NB. Lower psychics (there are a plethora of these working on earth today as clairvoyants, ‘readers’, etc.) work through the solar plexus and “see” on the astral plane of delusion. They focus upon matters concerning the personality life, primarily love and financial matters. Though well-meaning, advice forthcoming does not assist the soul in its struggle to free itself from delusion, but adds to its further binding and spiritual blindness.

  1. Do you believe that you are “guided” to make certain choices and take certain actions? Please explain. In hindsight, do you believe that following such guidance has contributed to you becoming a stronger, wiser and more intelligently astute soul?
  2. Who do you believe is in charge of the choices you make in this life? Please explain.


Your Present Understanding of Essential Concepts

In Esotericism and Spiritual Occultism

  1. What reading have you done along esoteric, occult, philosophical, theosophical, spiritual, new age, trans-personal, etc., lines? Please list major authors (other than Alice A. Bailey), titles, or subject matter which most impressed you and, briefly, why.
  2. Are you familiar with the writings of Alice Bailey? Please list the titles of the Bailey Books which you have read fully or in part (indicate whether in part) and, briefly and in essence, what you derived from each of them. If it is determined that you should read additional books by AAB before entering the Morya Federation Program, are you willing to do so?
  3. Give your own definition according to your present understanding of the following terms:
  4. Ageless Wisdom
  5. Esotericism
  6. Occultism
  7. Spirituality
  8. Religion
  9. Please give your understanding of the terms:
  10. “Soul”.
  11. The esoteric or occult constitution of the human being.
  12. The “Path”. Do you believe that you are treading the Path? If so, why do you think so? Do you have a sense of the portion of the Path you may be treading?
  13. Service (whether to the planet, humanity, the lower kingdoms, etc).
  14. Do you believe in the existence of the Masters of the Wisdom and a Spiritual Hierarchy of such Masters upon our planet?How would you define the term, “Spiritual Hierarchy”? How do you understand your relationship to the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Masters (if you believe they exist)?.
  15. Give your present understanding of the Reappearance of the Christ and the Externalization of the Hierarchy. If you are familiar with the idea of these processes, do you believe in their reality? If so, does it make any difference to the way you live your life?


The Dynamics of Your Inner Life

  1. Meditation
  1. What role has prayer and/or meditation played in your past? If you are now or have meditated in the past, what is your motive for practicing meditation?
  2. If you are now meditating, how frequently, and for what average length of time?
  3. If you have had formal training in meditation, what methods have you practiced?If you are self-taught in meditation, what techniques or methods have you evolved?
  4. What if any meditational approaches or techniques do you presently practice? Do you meditate regularly? Do you find meditation easy or hard or somewhere in-between?How do you think your meditation could be improved or deepened? Please discuss.
  5. Have you had any experiences that you believe are directly a result of meditation? Why do you believe so and what techniques were used? Have you ever experienced over-stimulation due to meditation? What are the general results of your meditation?
  6. Have you ever or are you currently practicing any pranayama or breathing exercises? If so please explain.
  7. Are you willing to steadily increase the time given to meditation and to the deepening of your meditative practices?
  1. Personality, Personality Integration, Soul-Infusion, and Spirit
  1. Have you passed through any significant life crises, profound or “peak experiences” that you believe benefitted you spiritually or psychologically, and may have prepared you for pursuing the program offered by the Morya Federation? If so, please explain.
  1. To what extent do you understand Spirit? Do you feel you have a personal or practical experience or relationship with “Spirit”?
  2. If familiar to you, what is the relationship between your soul and personality? Do you believe you are focused within your personality, your soul, or somewhere in-between? Please explain.
  3. How would you describe the functioning of your personality and its three vehicles?.Are the mind, emotions, and physical-etheric vehicles balanced and in harmony, or is one more dominant than the others? Do you believe your personality can use all of its vehicles equally? Please explain.
  4. Do you have any reservations or fears in relation to this proposed five-year period of esoteric training? If so, please explain.
  1. Your Relationship to Subtle Energies
  1. Have you heard of or studied the seven rays? If so, briefly give your present understanding of what they are.
  2. If you have an opinion of your ‘ray makeup’, which rays express through your soul, personality andthree personality vehicles? Why do you think so?
  3. Have you studied astrology or esoteric astrology?If so, briefly give your understanding of
  1. Your particular Ascending-sign and its essential meaning in your life.
  2. Your particular Sun-sign and its essential meaning in your life.
  3. Your particular Moon-sign and its essential meaningin your life.
  1. Have you studied the seven major energy centers/ chakras in the human being? If so, briefly explain your understanding of the functions of the seven major chakras, and how these chakras are expressing in your life?
  1. Your Relationship to the Group and Group Life
  1. Please share your understanding of group consciousness and group work.What do they mean to you? Do you believe that the development in humanity of group consciousness and group work is desirable or undesirable? Please explain?
  2. Describe yourpresent relationship to group consciousness and group work. How, in your estimation, could this relationship be improved if you think it should be improved?
  3. Please give your understanding of the New Group of World Servers (if you are familiar with the term). Do you feel you are a member of this subjective serving group? Why or why not?
  1. Purpose and Destiny
  1. From a psycho-spiritual point of view, how do you understand the deeper purpose of your present incarnation, your true “vocation”, your “calling”, your dharma?
  2. What are you doing to fulfill and express this deeper spiritual purpose?Do you believe you are you making progress? Why or why not?
  3. What if anything, do you think, is preventing you from fulfilling yourlife purpose—considering that purpose from the spiritual angle?
  4. In brief, what do you believe to be the greatest contribution you (as a personality in process of soul-infusion) can make to your fellow human beings and to the planet?
  1. Sources of Motivation:

Please respond to the following questions, briefly discuss:

  1. Do you truly love humanity?
  2. Are you deeply interested in esoteric or spiritual teaching?
  3. Are you attempting to discipline yourself in order to achieve greater beauty of life?
  4. Are you struggling intensively to grow into the spiritual life?
  5. Are you struggling intensively to follow the way of determined orientation to the things of the Spirit, to live by the light of the soul and Spirit? If not, why not?
  6. Where did you hear about the Morya Federation? What do you believe to be your motive for seeking to enroll in the Morya Federation?


Practical Matters

  1. Are you willing and able to clear the time required to undertake the five-year program of meditation, study and service offered by the Morya Federation? Please examine carefully your motives and your life circumstances and answer truthfully and with discernment.
  2. Are you willing to undertake additional preparatory meditation, reading or study if the faculty members who evaluate your Application think such are needed?
  3. Are you willing to swear an internal ‘oath’ of your own devising to your soul, the Master and the Spiritual Hierarchy, that you will persist with your meditations and studies and servicefor the length of your involvement in Morya Federation—except in the case of true incapacity? An internal oath (a small reflection of the oath which the candidate for initiation must take in the chamber of initiation before he or she can be made initiate) is a safeguard against the almost inevitable vacillations and weaknesses of the personality. Thus, think carefully; weigh the strength of your motivation and the nature of your life circumstances, and then decide. It would be better to stand back at the beginning than to undertake a spiritual effort which you are unwilling to complete.
  4. Are you willing to help donate financially (according to your sense of the need and your ability to do so) to the sustainment of the Morya Federation Program in which you will be a full-time participant? When a school seeks to affiliate itself with the new and emerging preparatory and advanced Schools of Meditation foreseen by the Tibetan, no money can ever be ‘charged’ or expected in return for imparting the Teaching. At the same time, the student is to be somewhat self-supporting and it is an indication of realistic responsibility in the student (and, thus, of soul control) to make every effort to support the spiritual work undertaken effort (according to his or her abilities to do so). Contributions will be gratefully received by the University of the Seven Rays which is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational and charitable corporation in the State of Arizona and stands as the legal and financially sustaining entity behind the Morya Federation.

Your decision to apply to participate in this esoteric educational process can represent a significant spiritual step in your life and deserves the most careful internal consideration as well as a very realistic assessment of life practicalities.