Cell Phone Radiation and Crickets
Walter Murray Collegiate Institute-Saskatoon, SK
Summa Cum LaudeAward - $300.00
Abstract:Radio-frequency waves come from many different sources, particularly cell phones. There are over 4 billion cell phone subscribers worldwide. Currently, there is growing concern on whether exposure to these waves can affect health negatively. In this experiment, these waves are tested on crickets for one week to see if their lifespan varies from 45 and 90 minutes of cell phone exposure daily to none
Project Number:4817 / Grades:7-9 Health/Sport
Comments:Your project was very enjoyable to read. You worked hard to account for most variables in your cricket/cell phone system. I would recommend some different font colours though – the project was a little bit difficult to read due to colour choices.

Brain Drain- Sports Helmet testing

Burning Calories
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Summa Cum LaudeAward - $300.00
Primary Fluid Systems" Best in School" Award - $50.00
Abstract:I burned different foods and captured the heat given off in a homemade calorimeter to determine which food contained the most chemical energy and calories.
Project Number:4957 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments:Great use of photographs. Maybe your header "Burning Calories" could have been a bit smaller. No live links please. Your data is well documented and the pictures clarify your project.
Caffeine and Sugar
LIFE School-Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Magna Cum LaudeAward - $50.00
Abstract:My project is mainly about the effects that sugar and caffeine have on the body and on the brain. I randomly assigned students to groups and gave each group soda, water, or coffee. I tested their heart rate, reaction time, and concentration before drinking and 3 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes after drinking.
Project Number:4675 / Grades:7-9 Biology
Comments:You made a very good-looking website, with a very well done experiment. Your background research is very informative and well-written. Your results, discussion, and conclusion are clear and well-organized. One important piece of information that is missing is the group size; this helps the reader know how convincing the results are, as the more people you test, the more accurate the results will be. Also, you didn’t state what you used for a concentration test. Overall, however, this is an excellent project.
Germ Busters
Berwick and District School-Berwick, NS
Primary Fluid Systems
Magna Cum LaudeAward - $50.00
Abstract:We plan to test 4 different hand cleaners, hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol, hand sanitizer with no alcohol, anti bacterial soap and regular soap. We want to know which cleanser will kill the most germs and keep the cold virus away.
Project Number:4788 / Grades:7-9 Earth/Energy/Environmental
The Stroop Effect
Sherwood Heights School-Mississauga, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum LaudeAward - $50.00
Abstract:In this project I will test the theory if words interfere with the process of naming shapes.9
Project Number:4520 / Grades:7-9 Physics/Astronomy/Mathematics
Comments: Nice Clear readable fonts. Nice use of colour throughout site. Good use of chart in Observations.
Tough Trusses
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
ISM Canada
Magna Cum LaudeAward - $50.00
Abstract:My project is about which truss can support the most weight. This project also investigates into the background and building of bridges.
Project Number:4964 / Grades:7-9 Physics/Astronomy/Mathematics
Comments:It is good to see that you did a project based on your interest of building. It is evident that you put a lot of effort into this project.
Freezing Substances
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
ISM Canada
Magna Cum LaudeAward - $50.00
Abstract:I will be freezing substances at room temperature and freezing the same substances at 90 degrees Celsius to determine which takes the longest to freeze.
Project Number:4956 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments:Your scientific process is well detailed and your web site is very user friendly.
Growth of Plants
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute-Saskatoon, SK
ISM Canada
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:This experiment is to prove whether or not fertilizers actually help the growth of plants.
Project Number:4838 / Grades:7-9 Biology
Comments:Good use of your photographs You did not mention that N (up, greenery), P (down, roots), K (around, bushiness of the plant) in the report - that was something I told you right from the start! It would have been useful to summarize results in a table (other than the daily log). What about the area of the leaves - what aspect of the fertilizer is that related to? Did not identify controlled, manipulating and responding variables
Bubblewrap VS. Hockey Helmet
Avonlea School-Avonlea , SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:We are going to test if bubblewrap works better than a hockey helmet.
Project Number:4697 / Grades:7-9 Health/Sport
Video Games
Avonlea School-Avonlea , SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:Do video games improve your accuracy?
Project Number:4696 / Grades:7-9 Physics/Astronomy/Mathematics
Comments:Sounds like a bit too much fun for a science project :-)
Color and Memory
LIFE School-Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Suncor Energy
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:My experiment is about memory. I did an experiment to see if whether a list of words is printed in color or black and white affects how many words a person can remember.
Project Number:4673 / Grades:7-9 Biology
Comments: This is an excellent, well controlled experiment with very interesting results. Your background research, especially the information from the interview, did a good job setting up the possible ways color could affect the memorization of words. Your idea for a future experiment is very good as well. Several small errors in spelling, grammar, and capitalization were a distraction from your good work – make sure to proofread carefully and ask others to help you. Overall, an excellent project.
Ice Melters
Sherwood Heights School -Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:My project is about the speed of which an ice cube melts in different liquids. For example Diet Coke, Coca-cola, sugar water, salt water, etc. I am doing this project because we are doing something related in science class and I was curious to learn more. I will be using salt water, sugar water, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola, an iPhone( for timing the time elapse) and water( for the control of the test).
Project Number:4474 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments: Your research is well documented. A patterned background distracts from the foreground content.
Short Term Memory
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
ISM Canada
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:I tested people to see how good their short term memory is. I wanted to check if age would affect it.
Project Number:4970 / Grades:7-9 Biology
Comments:Your web site is attractive and well organized.
The Heart Of Music
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:It tells you about how music affects your heart rate? And if your heart rate will increase or decrease your heart rate.
Project Number:4992 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments: Overall your web site was well done. This was an interesting idea that can definitely be researched further.
Oil vs. Aquatic plants
Sherwood Heights School-Mississauga , ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:My purpose of this project is that I will see which oil is more effective against aquatic plants. I would get some plants from the pet store(2 plants for each species). Then I would get a jar for each plant, Then I would put the plant in, then rocks. Then I would pour in water. Then I would pour oil into each of the jars. Then I would wait and observe.
Project Number:4466 / Grades:7-9 Earth/Energy/Environmental
Comments: Presentable project. Interesting topic
Recycled Paper: Better or Worse?
Sherwood Heights School-Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:I will be testing the strength of recycled and regular paper
Project Number:4517 / Grades:7-9 Earth/Energy/Environmental
Comments: Information clearly organized. Clear and readable pages. Good consistent page format. Well organized Method.
Oil Be Gone!!
Sherwood Heights School-Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:I need to find out what material removes oil out of water the best.
Project Number:4504 / Grades:7-9 Earth/Energy/Environmental
Comments: Nice clear readable information. Nicely designed Method. Good Observations and use of chart.
Moldy Bread
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:My project is to see what types of mold will grow on different types of bread.
Project Number:4971 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments:You have a nice web site. It is bright and attractive.
On the Rebound
Clavet Composite School-Clavet , SK
ISM Canada
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:My project is about how the temperature of a golf ball affects the bounce of the ball. I wanted to do this project because I thought it was an interesting project to work on.
Project Number:4960 / Grades:7-9 Physics/Astronomy/Mathematics
Comments:Image missing on Conclusions page. This was a great idea for a science project. It would be beneficial to see more information about the way temperature might affect the bounce of a golf ball.
How Does Salt Affect Ice?
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:My project is about how salt affects ice.
Project Number:5035 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments:In your experiment, there should be a comparison of ice with salt and ice without salt. Your web site is well organized and attractive.
Battery Endurance
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:In my experiment I tested four kinds of batteries to see which would last the longest.
Project Number:4952 / Grades:7-9 Earth/Energy/Environmental
Comments:This is a basic science experiment but it is well organized and the pictures are a good feature.
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
ISM Canada
Cum LaudeAward - $20.00
Abstract:how much water can a diaper absorb
Project Number:4986 / Grades:7-9 Chemistry
Comments:This is a very good basic experiment. Your procedure is well thought out.
Frozen Liquids
Clavet Composite School-Clavet, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum HonoreAward - Merit Certificate
Abstract:This project is mainly to figure out if liquids change in quantity after they unfreeze from being frozen.
Project Number:5025 / Grades:7-9 Earth/Energy/Environmental
Comments:This is a very good idea for a science fair project. You web site is designed very well
Mouthwash vs. Bacteria
Sherwood Heights School-Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum HonoreAward - Merit Certificate
Abstract:My experiment is to test which mouthwash works the most effectively against bacteria. The mouthwashes that will be used are: Scope, Listerine, and salt with water.
Project Number:4511 / Grades:7-9 Biology
Comments: Good organization of information on pages. Good Method and Observations. Watch use of strong backgrounds with similar font colours. Good consistent page format.